Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Oh, I aspire to be like you all losing track of how many you have!!!
I'm working on it. I swear!

Here's the dumbest thing anyone's ever said about my chickens... "It's just a chicken."
No it is NOT! It's my chicky-doodle baby that I raised from an itty bitty ball of fluff! Each has it's own personality different from the others... and I could go on and on.
getting back on topic..... as this is a useless circle we would be here all day debating and for no reason, it's obvious that even though talking about school sounds fun I'm pretty sure they aren't saying silly things about our chickens

I had a lady walk down our road yesterday afternoon, I was planting some flowers by our stone wall and this is our conversation

her "hello, are those your chickens"
me "why yes they are"
her "oh...... (10 seconds of silence) don't they poop a lot?"
me "well they do poop.... it's good fertilizer"
her "do you use the fertilizer for plants that you eat?"
me "yeah it helps the plants grow once composted"
her as she turns to walk away "that is disgusting I would never be able to eat stuff that had chicken poop in it"
me "uh-huh... have a great day.... you know manure is used in most of the food you eat right?"
she just keeps walking at a brisk pace

END scene

I can't even explain the bewilderment on this person's face... it was pretty amazing lol

This looks like a classic example of why a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing when given to a person with limited reasoning powers. Can't eat food with poop in it, huh? What about what farmed fish swim in; or the water she drinks from her tap that runs from the land into the lakes/resevoirs it's taken from; or the grass that cows eat that becomes the meat/dairy products she consumes? Does she think the cows politely excuse themselves to use the bovine ladies room so that the grass they eat won't first be contaminated by that "disgusting" cow's waste? Or, maybe she sticks to the meat and dairy products that are raised on concentrated feed operations (CFOs) so it's not contaminated by "nature"? How about those "diet" salads she surely eats to keep her girlish figure, made from all sorts of green leafy veggies? Does she assume a worm or bird has never pooped on those greens? And, if they're so sanitary, why does she wash them before using them, anyway? Oh, and how about those muddy piggies from whom we get bacon or her Easter ham, or does she keep kosher? Then, of course, there are the grapes and other fruits shipped up from 2nd and 3rd world countries so that she can have them year round - does she think the field hands working for $5 per day are driven to a rest stop every time they hear the call of nature? And, lastly, how about the processed "sterile" foods produced in factories that were sprayed with Round-Up while growing in the corporate fields, and allowed a certain percentage of rat/mouse hairs and droppings in the final product by the USDA and FDA? OH, wait! I forgot all the restaurants she eats in that fail inspection shortly after she patronized it with the rats outside their kitchen doors and roaches roaming the darkened kitchens all night. Poor thing. What must she go through to obtain good, clean, food?

The woman's a narrow-minded fool who doesn't think it through before condemning something because of some foolish, preconceived notion she developed based on emotions and warped mental scenarios, instead of logic. Imagine her mental state if she ever finds out what's living in her gut.

Personally, I'll take your poopy veggies over her government inspected *sterile* and *safe* "edible food-like substances" (Michael Pollan) any day of the week. Bet I'll live longer, too. In the meantime, I'll continue to root for Darwin's team. Hopefully, she'll be coming up to bat, soon.
I mean, what about the looks on people's faces when I say I have 33 chickens? 

Or when you say that you've got so many, you've lost count. I know how many layers I have, and how many are in the brooder, but I can't remember how many are between 16 and 6 weeks old.

I don't know without doing some tallying. I think I have 66.
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The guys at the feed store asked me this morning about how many I had right now. 45, I think. Maybe it's 50?
The rabbits are easy. 5 adults and 15 kits.
Just counted ALL my chickens. 46. Planning on selling at least 14 in the next week or two. And I've got two broody hens sitting on eggs.
The guys at the feed store asked me this morning about how many I had right now. 45, I think. Maybe it's 50? 
The rabbits are easy. 5 adults and 15 kits.
Just counted ALL my chickens. 46. Planning on selling at least 14 in the next week or two. And I've got two broody hens sitting on eggs.

You people are nuts. Seriously, why so many? And, to think my friends and neighbors think I'm out of my mind because I currently have 5 mature hens (about 3 y.o.?) and just got 8 more babies. Gotta adjust for declining egg production rates going forward. Of course, it is just myself, so l'm going to have eggs coming out of my ears this fall but, hey, I never was any good at chicken math. The MS principal has 3 hens for a family of 4. We're wayyyy out in the country, so why be so skimpy?
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You people are nuts. Seriously, why so many?
I need as many as I do for eggs. I use up enough that even with as many hens as I have I rarely have too many eggs. Any extras get sold to try and cover some feed costs. Actually, if I had more hens, I could easily pay for feed with egg sales cos there's enough of a market.

I just don't have room for more.
I have a lot of partridge silkies. Breeding for standard. Well aside from the giant silkie experiment that I'm running with the mutant gaint rooster.

There are still 20 large fowl hens since I used to sell eggs, but the youngest is 2 years old now. Most of them are 5 to 6. Age and reproductive issues have been reducing the hatchery girl numbers.

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