Economy bout some free eggs? PA - WINNERS pg 14

I had originally posted a reply, but then remembered, I need to stop incubating for a while, vacation coming up. Good Luck to whomever receives these wonderful eggs.
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Wow! That is so generous. Thank you for giving everyone the opportunity to hatch some chicks! I would love to have some eggs from your beautiful chickens! A mix would be nice... a good assortment. I have a soft spot for Araucanas, and I'd like to try some bantams. Thanks again - for the opportunity.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

Thank you Jody for your kindness. Something really special like your eggs can change someone's life. Everyday they look at your birds at their home they will know they are loved and these were given in love. I am nominating Klf73, Krista. She is such a core member of this community. @ Three thousand posts of helping other members with her knowledge to get them where they need to be . She also followed your lead and has offered her eggs to at least two different people with the free egg threads. She is always there with a giving and generous heart. If you choose her, I know she will treasure them and work very hard on doing something special with them-knowledge she will share with everyone when she is done and keep us apprised of during the project.
I know she has wanted your eggs for a long time, but just has not had the money to buy them.

Our BYC family-Our community. Everyday we laugh, cry, grow, and learn with ours from BYC. We have friends from all over the world-we have people we have never met we would probably drop everything for. If we are really lucky sometimes we get to meet up and share the ultimate gift-our chickens. What ties our family together is the love of our birds and it is such an honor to grow and share it, share the joy. I think Krista is very deserving of your eggs for everything she has done on BYC but especially for the reasons she listed below. I want her and the kids to know
if they need us, her BYC family we are here for them. I want her and the kids to have something special to focus on when their dad is away...I want her and all of us to know that hard times happen to everyone but we can all get through it together.
and it WOULD make an awesome belated birthday present!!

Thanks again for making someone's dream come true!!
This can not be an easy decision with so many deserving members.
(**hint**Krista really really wants them!!)

klf73-"oh, I would have loved some of the lav orps for my marans project but with dh out on disability(employer lied about how much he would get ) and me having to pay for my tuition I had to rehome all of my marans . They were just food pits especially the 10 cockerals . I did decide to stick with the ameraucana and araucana lav projects. I would love to have some of your araucana project eggs. Oh, and today is my birthday . Good luck to everyone

ok, I didn't really say *why* I wanted the eggs. I have a hard time asking for anything for *free* because I feel blessed to have 6 wonderful, healthy kids and a wonderful husband. I decided to start these projects so the kids can help work on something while dad is away. He is slated to deploy to Afghanistan in January and thought the chickens would be a good distraction. We should start seeing results from these in the spring so there is a sense of accomplishing something not many have. I love the araucana breed because it is such a challenge and so unique looking.
Oh, and I did mention it was my birthday right???
they would make an awesome present "
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I love the pyncheon bantams. I am very interested in true bantams and I am especially partial to all crested chickens. Pyncheons and those with back pointing crests are some of the most unusual. I think it is important to keep breeding these birds.
Hi Jody,
I would love to have some of those gorgeous lavender orps. One simple reason... I love the color...

First of all...

Your Lavender Orpington and Araucana's are AMAZING!

I am especially in love with the Mottled Lavendar and black Orps:love:th

I would really love to add some or either to my flock. We lost all of our Buff's last year to cocci, even after moving and treating 6 different times, we still lost almost 70 chickens...there was a lot of babies that were lost too, and also my favorite little EE roo, Falcon

We plan on getting some young Buff Orpingtons soon, to kinda "start over" with them. We're in the process of putting up new fences and pens. We're also looking into starting a farm animal rescue on our property...
... We're really hopeful that everything works out for us with that.

But, like I was saying, we plan on gettign some more Buff Orps and i think it would be Ridiculously Lovely to have a flock of Lavendar and Buff Orpingtons! I wanna get some blue in the future too and i've seen the chocolate ones (
)but I'm sure that will never happen.

A girl can dream can't she?
I would totally be interested in the eggs.

My ideal would be Lt Brahma Standard, they are beautiful, stately, calm birds. They were my first and I am still in love with them.

I bought some over ebay from a lady in FL (no names) who told me that they were purebred Lt Standard, they are not. And out of the 15, I wound up with 5.

I am trying very hard to start an egg laying flock for our home use. We still have 3 kids home full time, plus a couple that rotate in & out. We go through over 5 dozen eggs a month and that is only part of the food bill. I lost my corporate job last summer so I am trying everything I can to reduce our family's food bill. The chickens will have plenty of forage and garden scraps (the garden is 7200 sq ft this year).

Even if you choose someone else for the free eggs, Could you put me in touch with someone who has Lt Brahma Standard eggs that they would be willing to ship to Southern Missouri?
I would loooove to try to hatch out some of your Araucanas. I took part in a designer egg swap and hatched out 2 chickies that have small tufts!!!!
It was a wonderful surprise. I truly never expected to hatch any chickies that had tufts. They are such pretty chickies! I would like to try to hatch out some that are pure. This fall I hope to help my daughter with her 4 H breeding program and these would be absolutely perfect.

Thank you for thinking of others!

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