Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

i always give them reality lessons, tell them stories of bucks in the woods... especially in breeding season.. Not to mention if it weren't for hunters more peoples car would be messed up due to over-population
wish i had some stories to add..

I guess chicken breast is articially grown in petri dishes in a lab. Pumped with all kinds of good nutritents to make it tastier and "clean" as compared to chicken on the bone.
i always give them reality lessons, tell them stories of bucks in the woods... especially in breeding season.. Not to mention if it weren't for hunters more peoples car would be messed up due to over-population
wish i had some stories to add..

I guess chicken breast is articially grown in petri dishes in a lab. Pumped with all kinds of good nutritents to make it tastier and "clean" as compared to chicken on the bone.

We're closer than you think!
Well, let's see...when I take my Polish out for company to see and people ask,
"Oh my gosh, is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine, haven't you ever seen a chicken with an afro, before?"

Or when my birds free-range and I take my mom's best friend's daughter, Westchester (sp?) raised, who is just a few years younger than me (she's 13) outside. I give my 12 hens and rooster a big "Hey, everybody, I'm home!" And I'm formally greeted by 12 chickens FLYING to the nearest tree and landing on branches surrounding me. Before you know i we are literally being stared at by two-dozen eyes. 13 year old girl gives me the oh-my-gosh-they-all-need-serious-help look.
Then she calmly walks away asking, "Is that normal?"
"No. Not really."

Ahh...and to think, 3 years ago we used to be them...
I had a guy here at work ask me about egg colors. He really did not know that they were chickens that laid different egg colors. He thought they got darker as they got older.

We had a long lesson about different chickens, the colors/sizes they laid, and why some are meat or egg producers. He was very interested and amazed.

Oh yeah and another girl said she ate store bought eggs because they did not have babies in them. That farm eggs had babies inside of them. So we had the talk. She felt really stupid after that.
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when we first got chickens and we scrambled our first egg, my younger brother just looked at it and said in an innocent voice "are you going to eat that!?"

-"why wouldn't we?"

-"well, it came from real chickens"

-"the fake chickens just stopped laying!!"
I'm a newbie here on the board. Really glad I found a place like this..people think I am crazy about my birds...I had a guy from Vermont tell me that he used to turn the lights out every few hours and make his coup dark and his hens would lay several times a day...I am from West Virginia.....but not that
My 26 yo DD told me the same thing. When I ask where the store eggs came from she said not from a chicken butt they come from the green foam carton, She brings her own eggs when they come stay. She wiil not eat anything baked cuz there may be chicken butt eggs in it

I had many discussions about how the eggs get fertilized. My co-workers-my sister and just yesterday someone bought some of my chicks, and they all asked me if the rooster does the deed or just fertilizes the egg once it is laid! My co-workers wanted a video!!

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