Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Once my "city slicker" cousins came down for a visit, when I went to show them my mother hen with her chicke I said "Careful, don't get to close or she'll peck you." So when we got to the coop my roo ran up asking for a treat..both of my cousins scooted back quickly backwards asking "Is that the mom???"

My roo is a 9 pound Black Langshan!!
A friend of the family came to visit and brought his two girls, ages 5 and 8. After taking the kids around feeding the chickens, collecting the eggs etc. We came in the house where all the doorknobs are oval, not round. One girl said to the other, "Look, even the doorknobs are eggs!" Haha!
and you are being "Judgmental" yourself.....
Maybe. I'll tell you why I said what I did though. Once I was on the fair circuit for several months showing dairy goats. I got so tired of the dumb (to me) questions. Like, "Do they eat tin cans?" (Wish they did because tin cans are a lot cheaper than alfalfa), "Why did you cut their ears off?" ( this in reference to the LaMancha that is born without ears, and there was a sign right there explaining that), and a bunch of other questions that I have now forgotten. Anyway, I took a break from the goat barn and ambled over to the flower exhibit. I was standing there admiring the flowers and I said something like, "My, what beautiful mums!!", when I heard this icy (very icy) voice behind me say, " THOSE are dahlias". Oops. They looked liked mums to me. But that encounter taught me something. Nobody, including me, knows everything, and that I, just like the visitors to the goat barn, was capable of making dumb comments. I have been a lot more patient with people and their dumb questions since.

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