JANUARY 2015 Hatch-A-Long

Happy birthday! I hope it was great! Rocky goings here. 24 hours elapsed since first candling the internal pip, and the one egg had been peeping for several hours, so I decided it was time to help. Following the assisted hatching guide, I've made an artificial pip. Made a pretty big one and couldn't find the beak, but the baby is alive! I had to stop when I accidentally pulled too hard and caused a little bleeding. Come midnight, I'm going to try looking for the beak in the other direction when I go to wet the membrane. They are resting, but I hear a peep now and then. Listening to the other eggs, I hear the sounds of life inside, but no other peepers. Lets hope early bird is the only one to have trouble.
good luck, I hope chickie makes its way out soon.
I always say and I have hatched a bunch-... 24 hrs after internal pip they will make the outer pip. then wait another 24 hrs after external pip before helping. the first external pip doesn't mean they are ready for help, they just needed air. they still have the blood because the yolk is not fully absorbed in the egg. I am wishing you the best for your babies.
Happy Birthday, MM!

Eggs in lockdown for Saturday's hatch. Need a friend for my one chick, Solo.

Day 4 for my Trader Joe's eggs and just for yuks candled a few.... LOTS of veins! OMG... I have, like, 35 eggs. It'll be like popcorn when they hatch. Well, first things first.... C'mon Blue Marans!

Happy New Year to everyone!
I had to toss all 7 Pencil Rocks. All clears. Booo! This is second time I have had all clears in a set of shipped eggs. I wonder if they froze during shipping. Maybe no more winter eggs for me. However, on the happy side, all 4 cemani still look good! :fl
Trader Joe eggs?????
Happy Birthday, MM! Eggs in lockdown for Saturday's hatch. Need a friend for my one chick, Solo. Day 4 for my Trader Joe's eggs and just for yuks candled a few.... LOTS of veins! OMG... I have, like, 35 eggs. It'll be like popcorn when they hatch. Well, first things first.... C'mon Blue Marans! Happy New Year to everyone!
I always say and I have hatched a bunch-... 24 hrs after internal pip they will make the outer pip. then wait another 24 hrs after external pip before helping. the first external pip doesn't mean they are ready for help, they just needed air. they still have the blood because the yolk is not fully absorbed in the egg. I am wishing you the best for your babies.

Don't worry, I understand hatching and did not act without research and reason! There were no external pips, in fact this little one is the early bird. More than 24 hours had elapsed from finding the internal pip without external pip, and the peeping was not sounding as good. They needed the help. When moistening the membrane about 45 mins ago, I went a little further and found the beak, and can see enough of the chick to understand how they're sitting. They are malpositioned with their feet over their head and wouldn't have been able to pip externally. I'm glad I helped now instead of waiting 'til morning. Not too surprising a position since they started at day 19 (it is a Serama so that wasn't too alarming on its own.) Now I'm just waiting until all of the blood recedes to help them zip, since they're not going to be able to twist themselves to do it. I'm aware that probably won't be until sometime tomorrow (day 21) though I'm hoping everyone else decides to stay at home until this one is out so I won't have to open the 'bator with other pips.

The other eggs should all be fine. They're alive and I'm waiting patiently for them to do their thing. One has a bad saddle shaped air cell, I won't be surprised if I have to help them too, but as far as I could tell during candling the others should be fine. Here's hoping no one else has a surprise!

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