Muscovy keepers share your pics!

I'll get heck for this, but that was where I found Cloud and Dainty today >.<

I just can't bring myself to trimming their wings!

That is why I clip. I have had them on the roof of their coop and had to use the. Hose on high speed to get them down before dark. Thankfully the roof of our house is steep.
I also worry about them flying out of their fencing right into the woods.
So far our feed store is still getting in the feed I buy I just hope it continues. How many ducks do you have @Quatie and chickens or geese in the mix?I love your Muscovy such a great breed.
I am currently up to 31 ducks. I don't have any chickens yet, just ducks.

How many do you have? I know you have runners, Muscovy and geese. I am guessing chickens too.
takes out breeding plan sheets

23 Muscovy, 11 various breed. With the possibility of five more Welshies if these eggs hatch! So, 34 - 39.

Had you asked last week, it would have been 28 Muscovy!
I have been wondering how many you had worked up to. I kept seeing posts of you acquiring more.

We had to cull of two khaki drakes and then immediately got those three new Muscovy females for my muscovy drakes.

I have plans to finally build a coop for just my muscovy and breed them. I haven't had Muscovy ducklings yet, so looking forward to that.
I have been wondering how many you had worked up to. I kept seeing posts of you acquiring more.

We had to cull of two khaki drakes and then immediately got those three new Muscovy females for my muscovy drakes.

I have plans to finally build a coop for just my muscovy and breed them. I haven't had Muscovy ducklings yet, so looking forward to that.
Considering I started the year with four Muscovy... And three Cayuga and three Magpie. Lost four of the latters, though.

This is it for the year. No more. Nada. Absolutely not getting any more. Until I find some nice ones again...

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