Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Haha! What kind of snake is that in your avatar?

Ahhhh....I think it's. a Barred

Sorry...I just changed my everyone thinks you're crazy....but I swear it was coincidental....That was a full grown wild Texas rat snake that I caught a couple of weeks ago....I've had it take naps in my lap....but it's also bit the crap out of me on the side of my head.....

It's also taken a swipe at my nose....(but it didn't connect) ....these are very mean snakes....but I have hopes of taming it down...

If you can see me play with it....(the lighting sucks)..... but listen closely as I take it out....and you can hear it rattle it's tail...which is why I say it's upset....then....right around the two minute can see it strike at my nose....followed by me saying: "Hey booooyyyy.... settle down...."

Its on YouTube....'Grumpy Felix'.....
OK....Muscovy here's my Muscovy story....(maybe I can find some old pics...then I'll really get fun.....

Soooo...I was tube fishing in a lake....and a mama duck was leading 4 or 5 babies down a shoreline.....I made a super long cast with a slab spoon...(look it up children)....reeled up and snagged a baby duck....and reeled it in.....

Now....first was a pretty lucky thing to even connect the duck and lure...much less what I found next....I expected the little duck to be hooked..but figured it wouldn't be serious. and I could remove the hook....

Well....the little ducks neck was caught in the bend of the hook....(think the old hook pulling the bad act offstage).... the little duck was totally unharmed!!!!

So we decided to go get another one from a breeder....and...I honestly don't know...but IIRC....he thought the one I caught might be a Muscovy.... near as I remember...that's what we bought...and as a was light brown ..with some dark brown....and we named it 'Peanut Butter'.....

I don't know what the duck was I caught....but I'll never forget Peanut Butter....

People who would walk right in a backyard with a pit bull...were deathly afraid of Peanut Butter....he would raise that mohawk....start going haarr haarrhaar...and head towards them and they would run.....

Then.....SWEET LITTLE PEANUT could just pet him....he would wag his tail like a dog....close his eyes in ecstasy....then turn around and bite the living crap out of you!!!!!

Also...IDKY...but it was like that duck was allergic to water....he would get so nasty...we had to wrestle him down to give him a bath.....might has well been bathing a cat....he fought us tooth and nail.....

Nope....I'll never forget my first Muscovy...
Trying to post pics from my phone, not going so well. I have a clutch hatching today, under a duck. My first hatch using the bator was a disaster. We saw pips, and waited and waited, and NOTHING! Started checking them out, most were dead in shell, after pipping. Found two alive, both piped at wrong end. Helped them a little, and they hatched and fluffed, but both died the next day. three were also some mules in the bator, 8 made it to hatch day, but only 4 hatched, only two without help.
Decided incubating was too heatbreaking, had another momma go broody, and I stuck her in a rabbt hutch with her eggs. Ended up with 13 babies. Keeping one, but what color is she?

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