October - Christmas Fabrics Block Swap - CLOSED

I sent all my blocks out a long time ago but I haven't heard if Oklahoma Lightning or willowcol received theirs.
I am supposed to receive 2 blocks Oklahoma Lightning myself. I still have not gotten them yet. Nor have I received the 2 blocks from Willowcol yet either. And I'm still waiting for Amyquilt to send one as well as SarahBeth to send one and The Hobbit House to send one. I know Zoo is working on mine right now.

now it's a waiting game.
I agree, please post when you receive a block folks, it's just plain good manners. Those names mentioned are mostly new folks, I hope they follow through, they only have until tomorrow to mail them out.....

MAIL OCTOBER BLOCKS BY THE 31st folks............................................

btw...I think I remember Amy saying they were in a motel.....didn't she post that? I might would just hold hers until she posts again, I think her world has been turned upside down economically, might save hers until it rights itself, she will follow through when she can I'm sure. The others I just don't even know to be able to speak for.
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Didn't hear about Amy, sorry to hear that. I will be getting mine mailed on Friday. Still fighting the flu but will be getting them out Friday no matter what.

Scrambled got my block from you yesterday and I love it. Thanks so much
I got mine from goldy last week and I must say it's very pretty. Willowcol was down with the flu for a week so I just got her address. I grabbed my envelopes to go to the post office and found that my hubby raided the change. So this afternoon I'm going to the market (gotta get some puppy chow) and get a couple of bucks then to the post office. They are next door to each other. On the upside the pup has gotten old enough to spend his time outside with the big dogs and he's sleeping on the patio till we get his house built this weekend. So now I'm not chained to puppy duty anymore. He is a cute little stinker.

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