Please Help Me! Glendale AZ

I can't tell from this thread if you go this all straightened out or not. The city staff can't make up their own rules as they go along. It has to be prohibited in the ordinance. The general rule is that you can do anything you want with your property unless there is a valid ordinance prohibiting it, or it is determined by a court to be a nuisance in a suit brought for that purpose.

I am an attorney and former planning commissioner in Illinois. I am not licensed in AZ. You should invest a bit for a consultation with a local attorney, preferably someone who does zoning work before the Glendale city council. If you just go in yourself you will get your clock cleaned.
well im going to do some serious law looking over to make sure this is all for real .... i will not give up my chickies
This is very sound advice, forearmed if forewarned, or is it the other way around . . .but you need to talk to someone who helped with the zoning in your area, and take them with you to the meeting. . .because they will make an example out of you if you don't have someone to back you up. Good luck, and keep us posted on the outcome!!!
See the problem is the laws arnt very specific and you have to look throughout the whole book to find one thing then it refrences to another etc etc .. like for my zone it doesnt even say anything about raising poultry but it other zones it gives all these specifics
See the problem is the laws arnt very specific and you have to look throughout the whole book to find one thing then it refrences to another etc etc .. like for my zone it doesnt even say anything about raising poultry but it other zones it gives all these specifics

I hate to say this, but this was the same problem that the original poster of this thread had - she lives in Glendale, right across from sunburst farms (where they are zoned for chickens), but the zone she lived in was silent about poultry. She discovered that if keeping poultry isn't mentioned, it isn't allowed.

If you have nice neighbors you may be able to keep your chickens anyway (I kept 3 ducks once in a place that wasn't zoned for them), but don't count on keeping the chickens a secret from your neighbors - the hens do like to make a racket when they lay their eggs. The OP had to give them up and it was heartbreaking for her - you might want to talk to your neighbors about keeping just a few for pets and then if it goes well and they're not too noisy, you can try adding a few more. Let your neighbors know that you will be keeping their coop clean - some fear flys, germs, etc.
well i think they need to change their laws !!! But i have talked to most of the neighbors about them and they said they thought it was kool and asked if their kids could come over occasionally and i told them that if i was home they could ask me to go see the chickens and if they found some eggs the kids could take them ... im hoping that helps with it but i bet it wont entirely ... ugh .. but something i noticed was the chickens poop doesnt even stink.. i think it must be because the dry air dries the poops out and then not very much smell .. have any of you guys noticed that too .. and the flies and kept under control with our fly traps ..
i dont want to lose my girls !!
There is a planning commission meeting for the City of Glendale on April 18th. Normally they are on the first Thursday of the month but I guess they've added another one this month. It starts at 7pm. The gentleman I spoke with said I could get there a little early to fill out a speaker card and when they open it to "Other business from the floor" the question can be addressed. He said the topic of chickens as pets hadn't been brought up in about 18 months and they tried to do a follow up with the individual and they didn't show. I figure with as many threads as I see about people wanting their chickens, as long as we show up, we might stand a chance. If you are interested in joining me on the 18th let me know and perhaps we could discuss the best way to go about this prior to the meeting.
I hope you'll join me.

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