San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Congratulations, Deb! I hope you hatch lots more... pictures, please!

Gail - the little Campine is doing well. I stuck her in with my three week old Marans & Ameraucanas, and she's hardly bigger. She figured out that mealworms are tasty in very short order, and she's snuggled right in with everyone. Thank you so much for her! (Blue Am & Ex Leg are doing well, too, but I expected that. I was semi-worried about how the older Campine would acclimate.)

Throwing this out there: I need a (dark) laying Marans like yesterday... my FBCM has decided to go broody. She's my only super-dark layer, and out of the four Marans I just hatched from shipped eggs, it looks like THREE are boys. Sigh. If you've got a black, blue, black copper, blue copper who is laying now (or will be any moment), 5 or higher on the color chart, I'd love to talk to you.

Chickens, chickens, chickens. I think I am officially addicted!
Chickens, chickens, chickens. I think I am officially addicted!
The first step on the road to recovery.
Congratulations, Deb! I hope you hatch lots more... pictures, please!

Gail - the little Campine is doing well. I stuck her in with my three week old Marans & Ameraucanas, and she's hardly bigger. She figured out that mealworms are tasty in very short order, and she's snuggled right in with everyone. Thank you so much for her! (Blue Am & Ex Leg are doing well, too, but I expected that. I was semi-worried about how the older Campine would acclimate.)

Throwing this out there: I need a (dark) laying Marans like yesterday... my FBCM has decided to go broody. She's my only super-dark layer, and out of the four Marans I just hatched from shipped eggs, it looks like THREE are boys. Sigh. If you've got a black, blue, black copper, blue copper who is laying now (or will be any moment), 5 or higher on the color chart, I'd love to talk to you.

Chickens, chickens, chickens. I think I am officially addicted!

I have Wheaten Marans for sale, but not FBC, and the Wheatens eggs aren't quite as dark...
Congratulations, Deb! I hope you hatch lots more... pictures, please!

Gail - the little Campine is doing well. I stuck her in with my three week old Marans & Ameraucanas, and she's hardly bigger. She figured out that mealworms are tasty in very short order, and she's snuggled right in with everyone. Thank you so much for her! (Blue Am & Ex Leg are doing well, too, but I expected that. I was semi-worried about how the older Campine would acclimate.)

Throwing this out there: I need a (dark) laying Marans like yesterday... my FBCM has decided to go broody. She's my only super-dark layer, and out of the four Marans I just hatched from shipped eggs, it looks like THREE are boys. Sigh. If you've got a black, blue, black copper, blue copper who is laying now (or will be any moment), 5 or higher on the color chart, I'd love to talk to you.

Chickens, chickens, chickens. I think I am officially addicted!
Here is a Craigslist posting for some lots of layers. Some Marans. I am trying to restrain myself from going and getting a few.....
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the runner ducks here are mine.they are so flighty that Im selling them.The ones we are raising in the bathtub are so sweet that they follow you like a puppy.I think the chocolates are so pretty but dont expect to touch these ones.
so anyone want them????
Hey, I can't afford them, but someone in Lakeside is selling Chocolate Runner Drakes for $60 and someone in Ramona has Chocolate Runner Hens for $60. Maybe the prices could be talked down and someone here can raise chocolate runners!!!!!!
Congratulations, Deb! I hope you hatch lots more... pictures, please!

Gail - the little Campine is doing well. I stuck her in with my three week old Marans & Ameraucanas, and she's hardly bigger. She figured out that mealworms are tasty in very short order, and she's snuggled right in with everyone. Thank you so much for her! (Blue Am & Ex Leg are doing well, too, but I expected that. I was semi-worried about how the older Campine would acclimate.)

Throwing this out there: I need a (dark) laying Marans like yesterday... my FBCM has decided to go broody. She's my only super-dark layer, and out of the four Marans I just hatched from shipped eggs, it looks like THREE are boys. Sigh. If you've got a black, blue, black copper, blue copper who is laying now (or will be any moment), 5 or higher on the color chart, I'd love to talk to you.

Chickens, chickens, chickens. I think I am officially addicted!

Dana, PM me if you still need a dark layer.

the runner ducks here are mine.they are so flighty that Im selling them.The ones we are raising in the bathtub are so sweet that they follow you like a puppy.I think the chocolates are so pretty but dont expect to touch these ones.
so anyone want them????
The guy with the drakes is willing to negotiate or swap hens, so if anyone wants them you should probably email him and make an offer. ;)
Nancy - thank you! I just came home with two new hens... I got a beautiful, stunning Blue Copper Marans, and her (not quite as gorgeous but still really nice nonetheless) Splash Copper sister. They were kind enough to lay me an egg on the way home, and it's about a six - I'm thrilled! They are in semi-isolation now until I make sure all is well. Pictures soon!

They had a LOT of chickens up there: Marans, Easter Eggers (and they actually called them EEs instead of "Americanas" - I was happy about that), Silkies, turkeys and more. There were a lot of blue and lavender birds in there, too, plus a whole pen of juvies I didn't even check out. It's a bit of a hike up there, but the price sure was right for some nice birds. I told the owner I'd spread the word to our SD Chicken Club.

Side note: how long do you think it will take when transitioning over to my feed for the eggs to be considered organic? Hmmm.

Second side note: all three of my horse stalls are now filled with chickens. Sigh.
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