San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Sorry to be a downer amidst all the cute stuff, but one of my Easter Eggers died today. She was in the nest box when I went out to give everybody watermelon in the early afternoon, but when I went out again at 5:30 she was on the coop floor. I can't believe how choked up I get with these chickens, but sheesh - I cried buckets. I buried her on the hillside with some flowers and thanked her for all her hard work.

Rest in peace, Caramel... I'll really miss you.


I'm so sorry I know how hard it is!
dfdesigns, I'm so so sorry.
Sorry to be a downer amidst all the cute stuff, but one of my Easter Eggers died today. She was in the nest box when I went out to give everybody watermelon in the early afternoon, but when I went out again at 5:30 she was on the coop floor. I can't believe how choked up I get with these chickens, but sheesh - I cried buckets. I buried her on the hillside with some flowers and thanked her for all her hard work.

Rest in peace, Caramel... I'll really miss you.


I lost two wellies.... too.

Sorry to be a downer amidst all the cute stuff, but one of my Easter Eggers died today. She was in the nest box when I went out to give everybody watermelon in the early afternoon, but when I went out again at 5:30 she was on the coop floor. I can't believe how choked up I get with these chickens, but sheesh - I cried buckets. I buried her on the hillside with some flowers and thanked her for all her hard work.

Rest in peace, Caramel... I'll really miss you.

PMed you
Since I've been on last my Lucy hatched out 6 chick. Today my Steph hatched the first of her eggs. Yesterday, we added a dove to our flock. It was at a friend's complex with a hurt wing. We are going to rehabilitate it and hopefully let it go soon. Still have the D'Anvers that need homes. My hubby made a post on Craig's List. Getting overly bird crazy here ;p
Sorry to be a downer amidst all the cute stuff, but one of my Easter Eggers died today. She was in the nest box when I went out to give everybody watermelon in the early afternoon, but when I went out again at 5:30 she was on the coop floor. I can't believe how choked up I get with these chickens, but sheesh - I cried buckets. I buried her on the hillside with some flowers and thanked her for all her hard work.

Rest in peace, Caramel... I'll really miss you.


Dana, I'm so sorry. Was it the heat?

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