San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

I teach poultry processing classes also.
yes i do them off and on.since cari does it too you have two locations to choose from.
Renee (All-American-Chick) just had a great class at her farm in Ramona... maybe you can sweet talk her into having another one?

Kristin, can you PM me your address, too? Let me know how I can help! I did just find the big roll of raffle tickets if you still need them. I'll bring some sort of prize to donate.
I'm planning to come to the meet up.

I definitely have some Cream Legbar chicks I could bring, mostly boys, but I still have one girl. I know our hostess (ryeranch) has CL's for sale also (having swaped with her), so if anyone wants to get unrelated birds from two different flocks, there should be at least two sources of CL's available. I also have some CL x Delaware boys available that should be decent meat birds or could be raised for green egg laying single comb breeding projects ( if bred to white or brown egg laying hens 50% of their female offspring should lay green eggs). (Of course you could buy a CL roo and get 100% blue/green egg laying offspring when bred to any hen).

I also have a lot of six-packs of winter veggies I could bring for sale/trade (lots of kale varieties and chard, plus a few other things).

Also I have a friend interested in a few silkie chicks or hatching eggs, if anyone want to bring some to the meetup.

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