San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread


Eggs the week of the 17th would be great! Could you tell me what lines your EO are from? Half a dozen or a dozen, whatever works for you best. Pm me the price and paypal?

I have cream legbar eggs - I can get you maybe 18 eggs in that time frame, but probably not all 24. I should also have white Legbars laying by then too.
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I have cream legbar eggs - I can get you maybe 18 eggs in that time frame, but probably not all 24. I should also have white Legbars laying by then too.

And I could do the rest...
that why i posted here
nuthin like socal cooperation! I will contact y'all as its getting closer. Salamat (thank you)

Ok lads and lasses, here is the latest working list.

Still on the list are

24 Barred Rock - heritage class deal done

24 Giant Jersey - heritage class deal done
24 Rhode Island Reds - heritage class deal done
24 Sussex - heritage class deferred till July
24 Creme Legbars -deal done

24 Ameracauna/Aracauna deal done
24 White Crested Black Polish deal done

I have enough chicken eggs already!!!

12 bourbon red turkey deal done

12 blue slate turkey deal done
12 peafowl
40 mixed guinea fowl deal done

120 Texas A&M coturnix
6-12 tolouse goose
6-12 sebastapool goose
12 Rouen Duck deferred till July
The july run will be the mutha ducka of a run
6 emu (deferred till march 2014)
and anything interesting I find on the way
including some plans for September huch as

Silver Laced Wyandottes
New Hampshire Reds
White Plymouth Rocks
Salmon Favorelles
Blue Andalusians
Light Brahma

I can take partials if I can mix n match suppliers to get a minimum of 18 large fowl and 6 bigger egg birds.

Due to the nature of the travel and time associated with it, I need eggs laid May 23-28 I fly out on May 30, arrive June 1 and eggs will be set on June 2.turkey, goose and peafowl

Ask your chickens if they want to have children living in paradise? Maybe somewhere they can retire too lol here is the photo link to their new home
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So I have 9 chicks, about 6 weeks old, just about ready to be off the heat lamp with it being warm out, That I don't really need or want. It started out as one that I saved from a shipment of 40 (my husband works at a feed store and brought them home) Their plane was late so they went about 4 days without food and water. Only one survived so I had to buy it some friends
I have 4 production reds, 3 black sex-links, a silverlaced wyndotte, and a brown leghorn. At least that's what I think it is, it's the survivor so I'm not positive what it is. I'm 99% positive that they are all pullets.
I would like to trade all of them for 2-4 laying pullets/hens (depending on age and breed). Or I would just sell them at $10 a chick or $80 if you take all nine. Let me know if You're interested.

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