San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Quote: The only way you can grow a garden in MY neck of the woods is 100 percent containment. Hardware cloth under the grow bed and complete cover of chicken wire in a cage or coop looking arrangement. thats why I am not gardening. And if I do it will be inside or in containers with full protection.

You trap one vole or squirrel and another takes its place and fills the void.

Quarterhorse. And yes lots of great mulch for the garden :)

Speaking of which.... the squirrels and moles around here are killing my farmer dreams :( we fenced, but the squirrels climb over and the moles dig under.... suggestions????

We had a huge squirrel problem. Then we got the squirrenator. Bait it with chicken feed. We trapped something like 90 squirrels last year. They are much more manageable this year.
Haha...I had not considered making stew. Maybe I should go into business at the farmers range, locally raised, wild caught (cough)squirrel stew. Oh, the possibilities.
I'd say get a good hunting dog, but then you'd have to watch our for the chickens. My ridgeback is NUTS for squirrels. Our big problem is the mice, as my cats are old and failing to take care of business.

One of the funnier mistakes ever ever made - taking my 95 lb ridgeback jogging on a hands-free leash (ties around the waist) along the Carlsbad Blvd /101. He sees the squirrels, and takes off. I cannot stop him, and am dragged forward at a terrifying speed until the leash breaks. I'm relieved it broke, or I'd have been sand-skiing head first.
I think I may have gotten in over my head here, but what else is new?

Anyway, we went horseback riding on vacation and my son has been talking about it ever since. So I was thinking about sending him to some sort of equine camp this summer, as I know nothing about horses. Does anyone know of a camp or lesson program they would recommend? I do want him to get a sense of the entire process of riding a horse. A program that has an emphasis on scooping poop would be ideal....

Alternately - anyone who has a horse want a poop scooper for the summer? Hehehe...poor kid, he has no idea how much horses poop.
Check out boarding stables in your area. When I was 14 I worked at Palos Verdes stables as a pooper scooper and groomer then slowly graduated up to paid trail guide. Did that for all my years in high school then taught summer camp. Needless to say my horse love is still active and I ended up breeding and raising my own baby he's 15 now a 1/2 Andalusian 1/2 Appaloosa by Bravio. My daughter was born 2 months after he was this is them a couple years ago
I think the best part was the reviews on that recipe.

My mom's brothers used to hunt, and she still talks about the time my grandmother made creamed dove on toast.
The labor involved makes it a dish not worth bothering about if you have a choice. 2 parents and 6 kids ... that's a lot of dove to process.
I have some free hatching eggs if you want them.

These were shipped to me in error.

They are buff orpington hens covered by a black ameraucana roo. They should
produce chickens that lay blue eggs. They were laid over the weekend so they
should go in the bator by saturday.

There are 10 of them. pm me if you can pick up in anaheim by Sat 10am

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