San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Looking for super fresh double yolker eggs to buy for a project.
Please contact me if you have any.
I just need a few more to develop and I will be able to write the paper. All contributors of eggs will be acknowledged on the paper

I have a double yolker for you, laid yesterday.
Hi, I will be closing on a house in IB next week. I can't wait to acquire the 3 hens the city allows! Any suggestions on where to get used materials to get me started? I found 3 pullets and a coop on CL that I hope will still be available when we move in but If you know of any good deals on those I'm open as well. I'm also trying to find information on the local ins and outs of raising chickens in this area; like specific climate and predator issues. I've only lived here 8 months so I want to make sure all my bases are covered and I'm giving the best care possible to my new babies ;-) I'm sure all of this has been asked before but there are 392 pages to look through lol so even just a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated :)
I'm in North County & as far as predators go our biggest problem is raccoons. Those suckers are smart & have opposable thumbs which makes them capable of opening just about anything. I wont get into detail, but they are vicious & have done terrible things to my neighbors chickens. Also opossums, coyotes, hawks, neighborhood dogs, mice, rats, snakes & skunks can be a local problem.

We don't have to worry about keeping the girls warm here, the problem we have is they get too hot. August & September gets hot enough to kill them. Lots of shade, ventilation in the coop, water for drinking & for putting their feet into all helps. Watermelon is a GREAT summertime snack for them.

On a side note; Chickens poop A LOT. Poop brings flies which piss suburban neighbors off. The more you pick up the poop (or cover it with DE) the less flies you'll have. We invested in a doggy pooper scooper, which is totally not necessary, but we find it helpful.

Welcome & happy chicken raising!
Hi, I will be closing on a house in IB next week. I can't wait to acquire the 3 hens the city allows! Any suggestions on where to get used materials to get me started? I found 3 pullets and a coop on CL that I hope will still be available when we move in but If you know of any good deals on those I'm open as well. I'm also trying to find information on the local ins and outs of raising chickens in this area; like specific climate and predator issues. I've only lived here 8 months so I want to make sure all my bases are covered and I'm giving the best care possible to my new babies ;-) I'm sure all of this has been asked before but there are 392 pages to look through lol so even just a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated :)

I grew up with chickens in Chula Vista, heat was never a problem, but possums definately were, make sure your girls have a completely secure roof as well as hardware cloth walls, possums will invade over the walls and racoons will reach thru chicken wire, so only use chicken wire on the roof if at all. Make sure all latches are lockable, as racoons can unlatch hooks. IB doesn't have coyote problems, nor snakes, so you're lucky there. Just be sure to collect eggs before dark and only feed enough for the hens to eat everything before dark and you should have no trouble. Don't forget grit, diatomaceous earth bowl to bathe in and oyster shell, you will likely have year round eggs in IB. Good luck! (I feed racoons dry cat food separate from the chicken yard, so they never get hungry for my hens or eggs, since there's no way to get rid of the many huge racoons in my area. Plus we have alot of skunks which eat mice, so I tried to turn the predator problem into a plus as far away from my hens as possible)
Hello fine chicken folks in San Diego. We are going to start our little backyard flock tomorrow. Picking up a few sexlinked chicks to guarantee eggs, but we are thinking about getting a variety of chix for a variety of egg colors and looks.

Looking to get some Easter Eggers to get some blue/green eggs. Anybody got a source?

I see eastcountyzoo selling them for $20, but I'm not willing to roll the dice on hen/rooster at $20.

Hello fine chicken folks in San Diego. We are going to start our little backyard flock tomorrow. Picking up a few sexlinked chicks to guarantee eggs, but we are thinking about getting a variety of chix for a variety of egg colors and looks.

Looking to get some Easter Eggers to get some blue/green eggs. Anybody got a source?

I see eastcountyzoo selling them for $20, but I'm not willing to roll the dice on hen/rooster at $20.


Hit all the feed stores some will have easter eggers that are sexed. You wont get anything sexed from local breeders... Or it will be rare. If you want blue eggs you can go with Creme Legbars. you can check the sex of the chicks because they have different markings. You will pay more for females with them.

Where are you located in a general sense. Oh and Welcome to the list and to BYC
from East East East county
Hit all the feed stores some will have easter eggers that are sexed. You wont get anything sexed from local breeders... Or it will be rare. If you want blue eggs you can go with Creme Legbars. you can check the sex of the chicks because they have different markings. You will pay more for females with them.

Where are you located in a general sense. Oh and Welcome to the list and to BYC
from East East East county

Thanks for the info. Any suggestions on what feed store would have a CreamyLegbar? Sounds like a candy bar... yummy...

I'm out in Santee. We were looking at hitting up Hawthorne in Escondido and Carters in Lakeside/Santee tomorrow. 2 of these.. 2 of those... Ending up with about 8-10 with the expectation that a few are going to be craigslisted to a better home when they turn out to be defective - as in not Hens! :)
I am in Escondido and have Legbar chicks that hatched on the 23rd, if you're interested. They've been vaccinated for Marek's. They are autosexing, so you know what sex they are when they hatch. I also know a lady in Temecula that has a trio of 6 week olds, if you want older.
I am in Santee as well right now. Check out Double S up in blossom valley as well. I got my last EEs from East county feed right on mission gorge near the underpass to woodside.

Call first its easier than doing a run by. Sometimes Double S has Silkeys too. But unfortunatly Sillkies dont come sexed. cute little buggers.

My first chickens I had off of Prospect near Prospect school.


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