San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Lindo Lake is nice. I'm not sure about the chickens but it's probably fine and there wont be that many of us. From what I've seen it isn't really well monitored like Lake Murray and they may not even get back to you over the weekend.
Either day works good for me too.
Ok lets do Sunday at 12 at Lindo Lake on the SOUTH side. There is a small parking lot on that side and some benches and stuff.

I can't do 11 because our town is having a parade and the road is closed until 11 am.
I have been eyeballing that Brinsea for some time now. That's exactly what I want but can't justify the need to hatch that many eggs....yet! Soon as I get more land I'll be buying one of those for sure. It's awesome! Good for you Phage!
It looked half the size in the pictures on the website, and is described as "counter top"

Seriously though, it is at work for WORK projects - HONEST!!!!!

I only have 6 eggs in the old bator, BUT happy too hatch for you guys

Talking of work projects.... I am still looking for fertile double yolk eggs.
This is what they look like "inside". This egg was sent to me by a good friend but as it was shipped it was not alive, so looking for local ones to incubate.
They never seem to be available when you want them.

"Will hatch for double yolkers

See 2 baby heads with eyes, back to back?

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