September Hatch-A-Long

here's my only chick (so far
- hope the other two hatch too)

it's kind of hard to tell it's face is turned away resting on the other egg. It has kind of like a hump on its neck... not sure what that is.

there are no pips or sound coming from the other eggs.
Trying not to jinx it, but it looks like my molted java hen is thinking about going broody again! This will be her third time since March, she is a great broody, loses no weight and raises her clutch successfully... I am actually a bit excited as I was saving my EE eggs to incubate but may....may have a better incubator!!

Possibly doing the happy dance
I love them! SO tiny!!!

I have never raised them how soon before they jump the walls of the box?

About 5 days. At that point I will lay some hardware cloth on top or move them to the bigger brooder early if I have the space. I've never hatched this many at once and they are separate groups so the big group of about 50 is gonna outgrow that thing real quick.
Oh my goodness... so much has happened on here today!!

I had some wiggling eggs yesterday and was hoping/fearing something exciting would happen while I was gone today... came to look and... nothing! I thought something was up and so I thought I would candle one of my wigglers to see if it had internally pipped. I take it out only to find it has pipped externally!!... the wrong end... on the bottom side! I put him back in and I can see his tiny beak... no chirping yet... I'll give him a full day 24+ hours before I attempt to help him out.

I have yet to have a hatch without a wrong end pipper... hope this one makes it!

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