September Hatch-A-Long

I'm going at it again. I think I'll still be in the running for a September hatch.
I'm getting some silkies and frizzles.
But I need to figure out what went wrong with my last 2 eggs. They pipped internally and died. I wish I had tried to help sooner!
. Yesterday no pipping no zipping just chirping from the eggs. This morning one is out and two have pipped. So exciting.
One week from today I can start looking for Ethel to re-emerge with 21 baby Turkeys for me!!

I am getting excited. I sure hope she is okay and the eggs are fine....... I am really fighting the urge to go find her nest and check her eggs!
. Yesterday no pipping no zipping just chirping from the eggs. This morning one is out and two have pipped. So exciting.

Congrats!!! sometimes it has been my experience that once the first one is out they go like popcorn, they need that first one to hurry the others along... Good luck with your hatch!!
Thank You! There are two out now. The other two look like they're just pipping still. Its hard to tell cause mommas doing an awesome job of pushing the wiggly chicks and eggs back under her every time I look. lol Gonna leave her and check back in a few hours. It looks like both chicks I did get peak at our girls though. I'll be able to better verify later, but I saw what looked chipmunk stripes and Cleopatra eyes. Woot!
Almost lost a chick, our alpha hen was upset cause my broody wouldn't let her get into the nesting box. So alpha attack broody (shes never attacking another hen before) and then grabbed a chick and threw it. Thank the stars I was standing right there. I picked up the poor bleeding chick and put it in my sweatshirt pocket then grabbed the mean hen the tossed her out of the coop. This only made her more made as she ran around the coop clucking and trying to get back in. I was planning to wait till all the chicks were hatch before moving them into the dog house turned nursery but made a quick choice and moved broody the two already hatched chicks and the two zipping into the nursery now. Afterward I let the alpha hen back in the coop wheres shes now in the nesting box and as happy as can be. Broody seems to be fine even though i moved her. She back on the chicks. The chick looks like she'll be ok a little blood and a scratch but doesn't look deep. To much drama! My heart can't take it.
I hear a chick in another egg, but nothing for hours no pip. My hatched chick wont make it. She had both eyes open and then one eye closed and now both eyes closed. She's lethargic, it's not looking good.
Almost lost a chick, our alpha hen was upset cause my broody wouldn't let her get into the nesting box. So alpha attack broody (shes never attacking another hen before) and then grabbed a chick and threw it. Thank the stars I was standing right there. I picked up the poor bleeding chick and put it in my sweatshirt pocket then grabbed the mean hen the tossed her out of the coop. This only made her more made as she ran around the coop clucking and trying to get back in. I was planning to wait till all the chicks were hatch before moving them into the dog house turned nursery but made a quick choice and moved broody the two already hatched chicks and the two zipping into the nursery now. Afterward I let the alpha hen back in the coop wheres shes now in the nesting box and as happy as can be. Broody seems to be fine even though i moved her. She back on the chicks. The chick looks like she'll be ok a little blood and a scratch but doesn't look deep. To much drama! My heart can't take it.

Did alpha chicken fried rice ever cross your mind during this?
I hear a chick in another egg, but nothing for hours no pip. My hatched chick wont make it. She had both eyes open and then one eye closed and now both eyes closed. She's lethargic, it's not looking good.

I give weak chiks a mixture of yogurt/mashed yolk/vitamin water/brewers yeast in a runny consistency and it perks them right up... hope your chick makes it!
I'm going at it again. I think I'll still be in the running for a September hatch.
I'm getting some silkies and frizzles.
But I need to figure out what went wrong with my last 2 eggs. They pipped internally and died. I wish I had tried to help sooner!

What was your humidity like? In my first hatch, my humidity was too high and they grew too big to hatch... now I do dry incubating around 25 to 30% humidity and hatches have gone great!

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