September Hatch-A-Long

I believe they do talk to their eggs when they pip internally... are they close to hatching?? 

When I cheep at my eggs they seem to try harder to hatch... they like the encouragement :)

They should hatch the 10th, I don't have a roo old enough for my n.h.hens so I put 10 duck eggs under her. She kicked one out the third day and another one about a week ago.
I have a chick! It pipped yesterday afternoon and hatched sometime around 4am. None of the other eggs are pipped yet though. Fingers crossed we don't end up with just one hatched.
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I'm in the same boat with you!

My first chick surprised me by popping out from under my Broody Hen this morning on Day 20.

So far, no other eggs have pipped.

I am hoping for a little friend for Peepers.

Good luck with your hatch!

- Krista
I am also on day 7. I tried to candle them today. Since I never done it before it was pretty interesting. I have 6 brahma eggs under a broody. 5 of them were developing. You could see movement, maybe it just from me turning the egg :confused:. One I'm not sure of, the yolk area was bigger, but you couldn't see much else. I'm not sure if it is a younger egg or maybe a quitter. I put it back under her. I figured time will tell. Will the hen know if any are bad?
he mama broody will kick the egg out if it goes bad
Congrats to those of you who have eggs hatching!

My incubator is all warmed up and ready to go!
I will be going to pick up eggs this afternoon, and set them as soon as I get home.
I saw a couple people post that they set eggs yesterday, so I guess I won't be totally alone here at the end of September.
Heading into day 14 here... Candled and removed an early quitter and another one is questionable but 35 going strong with great movement!! Eggs are filling nicely and the air cells look great, My room Humidity this time around is a bit lower, hovering at around 45% but their cells are on track so I am not worried to much.... Lock down on Thursday!!
Thanks! Just wanted to say I did what you were talking about with the Cornish X's. I kept them inside in a box for 2 weeks, then outside pen for another 3, then I let them out, 95% free range and only fed them one scoop of food a day. They are still thriving and I haven't lost one(2 we did eat) but they are healthy, huge but thriving and producing more eggs, double yolkers too, then my RIR and buff Orpingtons! They are now 6 months old and those pics are their babies.

my chick (the lone survivor) looks very much like your chicks, what are they? I'm a little confused.

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