September Hatch-A-Long


Six baby's this morning.

hope I'm that lucky. I ended up throwing at least 16 of my 24 guineas eggs out and 1 of my ducks eggs. Could definitely see movement in at least 3 ducks eggs. Hard to see more than dark masses in the remaining guinea eggs. Only one of the chicken eggs looked any good. But my tetra tint and golden buff hens started laying and I know the tetra has been covered by my silkie roo "Big Daddy" so I set some of their eggs in the bator to test fertility ... ;) It's possible either were covered by my CCL roos as well.

Big question for anyone. I've candled my duck eggs and have 2-3 eggs that have developing vein structures and mass however the mass is very thin and long and lies like it is draped over a mountain of egg shaped albumin inside the egg. How would you interpret that egg? I've been trying to upload a picture but it keeps saying that the picture is being embedded but the picture never shows on the screen.
Im curious of yalls intentions. Are you hatching for personal or to sell? The market for chicks around here basicly stops in early/mid october and doesnt pick up until feb/march.
Im curious of yalls intentions. Are you hatching for personal or to sell? The market for chicks around here basicly stops in early/mid october and doesnt pick up until feb/march.
I hatch for myself (and the roos I sell for meat) I leave my chickens to be natural so they get clutches of eggs (they pick the amount of eggs) and then they brood and get chicks! I have about 80 hens so i normally get about 40 chicks a month (20 hens and some get taken by falcons/hawks wich then leaves me with 5 new hens a month)
Im curious of yalls intentions. Are you hatching for personal or to sell? The market for chicks around here basicly stops in early/mid october and doesnt pick up until feb/march.

Right now I'm hatching for fun. I might sell the chicks right away or might have them grow and keep any hens while eating the roosters, we'll see.
I hatch for myself (and the roos I sell for meat) I leave my chickens to be natural so they get clutches of eggs (they pick the amount of eggs) and then they brood and get chicks! I have about 80 hens so i normally get about 40 chicks a month (20 hens and some get taken by falcons/hawks wich then leaves me with 5 new hens a month)

I kinda like this idea. How much do you interevene into there lives? Are they 100% free range? Mine free range for between 4-12 hrs/day and ive concidered turning about 20 loose into the yard and let them figure it out. Maybe a deer feeder or 2 with feed in it.
Officially on lockdown!!!! I have 6 blues and 8 blue laced red wyandottes!! A couple looked like they might be internal pipped! Time will tell. All looked good and hoping the standing in cartons works out ok. I cut some out of the bottom on the cartons like I heard some do!
Good luck to all and hoping to have some baby pics by the weekend!
We'll play.
We put 38 in the incubator 9 days ago. Buff Orpingtons, and RIR's. For the Buff flock, it's their first hatch. Third for the RIR's. This is the first hatch for our year (which starts in September due to the summer heat). We keep our incubator going 24/7 from Sept. through the end of June. Alternate between chickens and Bourbon Red turkeys. Sell what we can, and eat what is left over.

Our favorite dish is chicken/sausage gumbo, with the sausage made from our Bourbon Reds, and our Buff Orpington chickens.

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