September Hatch-A-Long

I'm hatching for personal use.....and one of these days I hope to have more than I can use and maybe take the surplus to a swap.

Good luck on the wyandottes!
I have HUGE news!

We are on Day 20, and there has been no chirping, no movement of the eggs, nothing.... I was 110% convinced all my eggs were dead, especially since there is a death-like smell in the nest, and we had two rotten eggs explode over EVERYTHING on Day 14, including the other eggs and my Broody Hen.

Anyway, I went into the coop this morning and it was dead quiet.   I fed everyone and watered them, and then decided (against all my better judgement) to just have a quick look under Broody and see if anything was happening......

As I lifted her front end up gently, I was met with the beautiful face of a little baby chickie!   :weee

I have no idea if 'he' is a boy or a girl, but 'he' was obviously born overnight because 'he' has had time to dry off and fluff up.  I am going to call 'him' Peepers, for now! 

'He' is just so darn cute I want to eat him up!     :love

So, for anyone who thinks no movement and no chirping = no chicks - have hope.    Peepers is a miracle chickie.  There are 6 other eggs under my Broody so I will watch and keep my fingers crossed he/she gets someone to play with too.

I am so happy, especially for my dear Broody who has worked so hard.

- Krista

I had a really similar hatch last month. Kip is now 3 weeks old and momma Georgie is doting on her every moment. They're both the most docile chickens in the coop right now and Georgie even brings Kip up onto my lap.
I am hatching for personal use. I was going to wait until spring, but changed my mind.

Actually I should have set more eggs because someone at work told me that she'd be interested in any extra chicks I hatched.
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I am hatching because Ethel thought the end of August was a good time to go broody....

I have no idea what I will do with any babies. It gets cold here soon and I am skeptical they will survive the winter hatching now...

Stupid Turkey!!!!
Yesterday I set 9 eggs in my homemade incubator,
Today the automatic egg turner arrived, I just put it in the incubator. :) 20 days to go!
Hi everyone! I am going to join in here.... even tho I am not due for hatching until early October :)

I have 3 incubators going!

1 with a dozen chicken eggs, 1 with a dozen Indian Runner Duck eggs and 1 with 1 1/2 dozen quail eggs.

Super excited!
hope I'm that lucky. I ended up throwing at least 16 of my 24 guineas eggs out and 1 of my ducks eggs. Could definitely see movement in at least 3 ducks eggs. Hard to see more than dark masses in the remaining guinea eggs. Only one of the chicken eggs looked any good. But my tetra tint and golden buff hens started laying and I know the tetra has been covered by my silkie roo "Big Daddy" so I set some of their eggs in the bator to test fertility ... ;) It's possible either were covered by my CCL roos as well.

Big question for anyone. I've candled my duck eggs and have 2-3 eggs that have developing vein structures and mass however the mass is very thin and long and lies like it is draped over a mountain of egg shaped albumin inside the egg. How would you interpret that egg? I've been trying to upload a picture but it keeps saying that the picture is being embedded but the picture never shows on the screen.

Sorry for your losses, also sorry I don't know the answer to your question.
So my second batch of eggs due this month have been taken out of the egg turner and laid down in the incubator. The air cells are tiny on them so I am fighting to lower the humidity which is sky high from hatching the 13 bantam chicks.
The chicks are now under the broody hen that started my whole hatching adventure. We put some shavings in a tote, grabbed the straw from her nest and dropped it on top then put her down and threw a chick into the middle of the nest. She sat down on it and started purring and clucking so we threw in the rest until all thirteen were in there and she tucked them all under herself then started oiling and preening herself while clicking to the chicks.
@lauraschicks If you have veins I would expect development to be coming along normally... I think they are kind of long and skinny at some point and could be in any number of positions but definitely around the yolk. Here is a photo of one of my duck eggs... can't remember what day it was on though.


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