September Hatch-A-Long

I set 15 only nine made it to lockdown..two hatched two pipped and five nothing so far and its day 22..I made a homemade incubator everything worked well but had a couple of nights where my temps fell to hoping that didn't hurt the other 5.
I set 15 only nine made it to lockdown..two hatched two pipped and five nothing so far and its day 22..I made a homemade incubator everything worked well but had a couple of nights where my temps fell to hoping that didn't hurt the other 5.

I don't think the temps hurt,lower it better than higher in most cases. But could be why they are late. You could just end up with later hatched from the 97* but I woke up with some morning it being 95. day 20 and had 1 hatch it just depends. Give them some time :)
And then there were 12......

Did a candling and pulled 3 clear (Marans) and one Day 12 quitter (Marans). So now I just have 12 eggs (all alive and kicking) at Day 16 on their way to hatching on the 27th:

5 Crested Cream Legbars
3 Wheaten Marans
3 Trader Joe's eggs
1 sex-link EE (CCL x RIR) (better be a girl!)


Praying to the hatching gods that they all make it and at least half are pullets!
That's soo awesome. I can't get that clear of a picture. I'm on day 13 and can't wait to candle them again. I set 25 eggs but 3 were clear, 1 blood ring and 1 quitter. I have enjoyed reading everyone's experience and seeing all of the pictures. I'm excited and ready for day 21.
My September chickies! (not all though, some more coming)

Their mommy! Mrs Frizzle, an EE!

There are 6 chicks, 3 pipping eggs, and 2 eggs doing nothing!

My favourite chicks so far!

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