September Hatch-A-Long

ok I need advice I have a chick who has pipped kind of midways on egg but closer to the small end I don't know when it pipped I only noticed when my chicks rolled the egg I thought it had died inside but watched it fir awhile and saw movement around pip area. its been since yesterday evening should I give it till this evening then help it? I had to help one out yesterday its head was under its wing and it wad having trouble. It worried me cause it was all gooey but no bleeding, although its little belly was almost black from absorbing blood from vessels but it was very strong upon arrival. This morning it was up and moving around and chirping loudly :)

I'd leave it till this evening, keep talking to him to make sure all is still well and give encouragement. Lots of them hatch the wrong end successfully without any help at all. If it gets to late this evening and still no progress (no more pipping) but there is still movement, they might be stuck.

If you feel the time is right (sometimes baby cries incredibly long and loud, desperate screaming cries when they know they are stuck) -
Use a pair of sterilised tweezers to pull back a TINY piece of shell, but don't touch the membrane! They will probably starting crying more - 1. because it's colder out of the incubator (make sure you do it in a warm place and be quick opening and closing 'bator) 2. Because they are getting frustrated and recognise you are helping (I've seen videos where both mum and other chicks peck to help struggling chicks).
You must be EXTREMELY CAREFUL NOT TO TEAR ANY MEMBRANE the chick could bleed to death in seconds. It's completely up to you whether you intervene, I have intervened before and I was successful. Treat every 8th of a millimetre of shell as if it were meters to us humans.
Keep your elbow on the table and wrist leaning on a bit of towel or a dry sponge for support. Doing something this small, you will realise how much your hands shake and how big our movements are, under pressure your finger may twitch and rip or break too much....

Second hatch of the month completed - tried dry incubaton on my quail eggs this time. (Forgot to add water until the 4th day so I just went with dry method to see what would happen.) 118 eggs set, about 85 made it to lockdown, 25 hatched. Not nearly as good as my hatch on Sept. 1 (75/120).

Gotta make a correction here. Left the incubator running and a bunch of them hatched 24-48 hours late. It was either 14 more or 24 more. Something with a 4. I don't remember things well at 6am.
well out one peep that hatched early is only one who made it. we had one egg who started to zip last night. Woke up this morning the someone bumped the incubator and it went up to 116 so they were all dead. Thank goodness I did take our early hatcher out of the incubator. We have 2 silkie eggs due to hatch nest friday so hopefully he will get some friends. After that, I am setting a few more of our eggs.
I love them!!! Their mother has started to take them for adventures (but they haven't left the garage yet)I have an off day tomorrow so I can watch them the whole day!
Give them time i am at the beginning of day 24 had 3 hatch day 22 two hatch on 23 and one working on hatching with 3 more yet to pip...I was begining to worry as well but they just werent ready yet!
well out one peep that hatched early is only one who made it. we had one egg who started to zip last night. Woke up this morning the someone bumped the incubator and it went up to 116 so they were all dead. Thank goodness I did take our early hatcher out of the incubator. We have 2 silkie eggs due to hatch nest friday so hopefully he will get some friends. After that, I am setting a few more of our eggs.

Awh man I'm sorry to hear that. Good news about the Silkies though :) and this whole egg hatching thing is so addictive, I don't know why I do it to myself! I forget to eat, drink water, I pace backwards and forwards and tell all my friends (most of which sort've roll their eyes, BUT when they see them they always melt)

You know what I have noticed, I'm very sensitive to high pitch noises now, even the slightest high pitch squeak of a spring in a bed, or a sparrow half a mile away....I love making the babies!

Good luck with the rest, what have you called your early hatcher?
I just hatched my first egg but the rest aren't hatching what should i do plz help

Just relax, they will come when their ready. One of mine hatched at 8:30 this morning, he's all alone in my little brooder peeping away and pecking at his own foot..and whilst the others are a lot slower, only in the last 2 hours have I had a few pips from more eggs. A good -6 hours after my silkie would have started.

Have you seen the eggs wobbling?
Have you heard crying?
When was the last time yo candles them? (Don't attempt to candle them now though)

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