September Hatch-A-Long

I guess you've got a hot mamma!
Oh my gosh!

I have been so busy NOT going near my broody hen (as opposed to last time when I was looking and touching all the time, and only one out of eleven eggs hatched) that I just realised today is Day 17!

I only have four days to go until hatch time! How exciting!

Actually, today as I was cleaning the coop I looked sideways over at Broody and she was sort of hovering above her eggs with her head between her legs. I think maybe she can hear the chickies inside now.

Wow - how am I going to hold it together for another 4 days?

And then there were eleven.....

Did a candling at lockdown last night on my dozen remaining eggs and one of the Wheaten Marans eggs did not look right. Whereas all the other eggs were looking nice and solid and twitchy as they ride into lockdown, this one had decidedly a great amount of light apparent under the yolk and a nonmoving blob. Uh-oh....a quitter. Eggtopsy showed just that. Now down to just 2 Marans eggs.


Sure hope the pendulum swings the other way at hatch time for ratios.... Need pullets, need lots of chicks.
Will know this weekend!

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