September Hatch-A-Long

Help!!! I have a smelly egg. This is my first hatch. I candled them on day 13 and all was well but I opened the bator this morning(day 17) to turn the eggs and one smells.:sick
Also do I lock down the morning of the 18th day or the evening?
Take out the smelly egg NOW!

If you don't you may risk an egg explosion which will contaminate all other eggs and your incubator.

Smelly egg = dead egg + bacterial growth

Lockdown on the evening of your 18th day.
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Thank you! I found the smelly egg and got it out.
I have 16 that I can see moving. I have 3 that are dark green and can only see the air bubble. Can't wait to for them to hatch!!!
Sense it is my first hatch, I'm sure there will be lots of pics. I hope the rest of them make it. :fl
I'm so nervous and praying that I'm doing everything right. I keep reading everything over and over just to make sure and then ask just to make sure again. My husband thinks I'm crazy. All I do is read about chicks and chickens. Lol I'm already addicted!!
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Day 20: The first one hatched early and .... It's a GIRL!!!!!

AND it's the lone Easter Egger (CCL x RIR) egg.

I popped in this afternoon to do a humidity check and saw that a CCL egg had pipped and was making noise. I had to go run some errands and when I got back (about 3 hours later) the CCL egg was still pipped, but there was this chipmunky one banging about the incubator. (over-achiever hadn't even pipped when I left)

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I have a questions about keeping the humidity up during lockdown. I know the humidity needs to be between 60% & 70%. I will be trying for 65%.
I see some use a sponge to help bring the humidity up and I've noticed that I've had to keep adding water a lot over the past few weeks. So what does everyone do to add water during lockdown?

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