September Hatch-A-Long

good morning! I'm new to hatching eggs and thankful for a source of advice and encouragement. (now if i can just get the hang of the computer part) I got the idea of the days easily enough but can you tell me what "piping" is ?
Tonight at midnight is the start of day 17. Humidity has rising 10% by itself and nothign has changed. Humidity in my other incubator hasn't changed at also I know its not just the environment. What would cause this? early hatch maybe?
good morning! I'm new to hatching eggs and thankful for a source of advice and encouragement. (now if i can just get the hang of the computer part) I got the idea of the days easily enough but can you tell me what "piping" is ?

Pipping is where the chick pushes his eggtooth/beak through first the inner membrane separating the chick from the air pocket, then through the outer membrane/eggshell. The first is internal pipping and the latter is external pipping.
The internal pipping lets the chick begin breathing, i.e. learn to breathe, in preparation for outside life. Then the external pipping lets him continue to breathe during the high energy requiments of exiting the shell.
Funny you should say that... It was stuck for a bit on a piece of loose masking tape which was in the bator just as a stopgap measure as the pin that holds the fan fell out and I stuck the tape over it to hold it up...I thought it was up high enough but some chick -- ahem -- bumbled into it and was held by fuzz in one position until rescue. I'd be grumpy, too, if I had to stand in one place in the corner.
These just hatched over the weekend in the incubator

Hi Guys! Well I've got 7 little perfect chicks running around the last hatched early yesterday. I have one little egg left I can here it and it's moving around but no external pip. The mama isnt sitting on the egg anymore and I'm not sure what to do. Do I just let the egg be? Or sit on it myself?
Funny you should say that... It was stuck for a bit on a piece of loose masking tape which was in the bator just as a stopgap measure as the pin that holds the fan fell out and I stuck the tape over it to hold it up...I thought it was up high enough but some chick -- ahem -- bumbled into it and was held by fuzz in one position until rescue. I'd be grumpy, too, if I had to stand in one place in the corner.

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