September Hatch-A-Long

Hi Guys! Well I've got 7 little perfect chicks running around the last hatched early yesterday. I have one little egg left I can here it and it's moving around but no external pip. The mama isnt sitting on the egg anymore and I'm not sure what to do. Do I just let the egg be? Or sit on it myself?

If mama has truly abandoned the nest, then go ahead and incubate it. What? No incubator? The old country way is to tuck it into your bra.... of course, it depends on how much you like chickens.
Day 20 I see one pip that I can see so far.:weee
I see lots of movement. I can't stay away from the bator. I keep looking every few minutes.
I'm ready for some fuzzy little chicks.
Well, This has been my worst hatch in 13 years.
I started out with 9 eggs. 7 were duds or very early quitters.
2 made it to lock down, although the one seemed like to was growing too slow.
Today while I was at work one hatched. It was day 22.
I just candled the other one, and it looks dead. I could see it moving last evening, but it isn't moving anymore...

So I have one chick from 9 eggs. Not good. I'm leaving the unhatched egg in there until tomorrow, just in case I am wrong.
redhen, I'm with you. I have 5 eggs in the bator that I haven't totally given up hope on yet. I'll give it until tomorrow night, though, before any judgment.

So sorry your numbers were so low.

Peep show, I feel bad for the chick all alone in there... I may have to buy her a friend or two. The local Agway has some chicks!;)
My incubated Eggs never did hatch waited till day 28 to toss them ( yes these were chooks)

on a happier note : my broody hen who decided to go broody while I was attempting to incubate just hatched her first chick today!!!!!
We have one fluffy butt!
She still has eight eggs in the nest. I hadnt candled them i wasn't when sure when to expect her to hatch them because I just lost track! Fretting over the incubator! Hoping to get a picture in the morning if she will allow it!
My second one has pipped but at the wrong end. Is there anything I should do for this chick?

I had a chick who piped below the air cell. I chipped teh shell away at the pip and made sure the beak was sticking out so it could breathe. Not sure if there is anything different you need to do for them if they pip the entirely wrong end though.

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