Sewandgrow's Third Annual "Friends of A Feather" Poultry Party, Turlock CA, May 3rd, 2015 (Chat Thre

Hello there just an update on me... The party eggs all go into lockdown tonight,tomorrow and Saturday morning. And I pick up my chicks that hatched from cacklejoys pretty blue eggs tommorow with only two left to hatch and they were set for tomorrow night =)
Hello there just an update on me... The party eggs all go into lockdown tonight,tomorrow and Saturday morning. And I pick up my chicks that hatched from cacklejoys pretty blue eggs tommorow with only two left to hatch and they were set for tomorrow night =)
I didn't get mine in until a few days later. I had to dig out & set up another incubator so I have a few days more than you to wait. I willl ;et debi know about the Pita Pinta when the time comes though.
I didn't get mine in until a few days later. I had to dig out & set up another incubator so I have a few days more than you to wait. I willl ;et debi know about the Pita Pinta when the time comes though.
Thank you for responding! I am hoping that all of you who took Pita Pinta eggs get some to hatch for you! Fertility in my 2 pens has been interesting. I switched out cockerels at the end of March because I didn't like how the one cockerel was developing and he also was not doing his job. The 2nd one was younger and it took him a while but he seems to be doing what he is supposed to do now if the hens would just lay more eggs! They have had mites and getting rid of them has been a process. Zorro is in a pen with 8 of his daughters. They are laying eggs like crazy but not all of them are fertile. Maybe 8 is too many for him or he just doesn't like some of them. I'm thinking about winding down on my Pita Pinta breeding for the year and switch to my Langshan. Only having 3 breeding pens is the pits!
Hello there just an update on me... The party eggs all go into lockdown tonight,tomorrow and Saturday morning. And I pick up my chicks that hatched from cacklejoys pretty blue eggs tommorow with only two left to hatch and they were set for tomorrow night =)
Please post how your hatch goes! I just put my swap eggs from the party into lockdown this morning. They are due to hatch Monday-Tuesday.
I put my eggs in lock down last night here is what I found
Juls eggs EE 2 unfertile 1 early quitter out of 6
Pita pinta eggs 6 unfertile 2 questionable 8 hatchable
batams eggs motins all 6 unfertile
marans I dont know. ducks 6 egg 2 unfertile 4 are iffy
that how I am sitting until hatching
My chicken party hatch has begun! I can hardly wait to wake up Monet and tell her that she is a chickie mommy! We have 4 Mottled Cochin eggs from Dyann in the Brinsea and 1 has hatched! I hope that it is a girl! There are also 5 Maran eggs from Shantih and 1 has pipped. Go, chickies, go! This is the first hatch this year that I don't have any Pita Pinta hatching. It is strange to look in there and not see white/yellow and black fluff balls!
My chicken party hatch has begun! I can hardly wait to wake up Monet and tell her that she is a chickie mommy! We have 4 Mottled Cochin eggs from Dyann in the Brinsea and 1 has hatched! I hope that it is a girl! There are also 5 Maran eggs from Shantih and 1 has pipped. Go, chickies, go! This is the first hatch this year that I don't have any Pita Pinta hatching. It is strange to look in there and not see white/yellow and black fluff balls!
I didnt get everything in the incubator right away and I think my temps are a bit low so mine may be a bit later but everything in there now was developing. I have 7 CLB eggs 1 Barred Holland and from Neal 3 RIR and 8 Delaware. So everyone should be easily identifiable.
Please post how your hatch goes!  I just put my swap eggs from the party into lockdown this morning.  They are due to hatch Monday-Tuesday.

In the incubator at my friends I have five brahmas hatching and a pp, already have three brahmas, Five showgirls, Four Serama's, And two pp So total 20 that hatched alive, four didnt thrive, and four more eggs to go. so out of 28 eggs only four left to wait on and 20 live babies :) And the hatching has just started at my house with a silky chick and a Wyandotte pip :) I think all of the Pita pinta eggs made lockdown... But I couldn't tell you what was on the shells of these.
I put my eggs in lock down last night here is what I found
Juls eggs EE 2 unfertile 1 early quitter out of 6
Pita pinta eggs 6 unfertile 2 questionable 8 hatchable
batams eggs motins all 6 unfertile
marans I dont know. ducks 6 egg 2 unfertile 4 are iffy
that how I am sitting until hatching

I have one hatched out. Think it is one of Jules, PS ducks aren't ready to hatch week....
Chrysolinsbird was any of your bantam fertile from the swap?
Quails from Shantih hatched last night so we have a few more days for the chicken eggs. I think I got 9 quail out. Somw are really dark chipmunch looking. Quails chicks always make me want to giggle. They are so tiny & so fast......LOL

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