The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

Still time to enter these contest, last day to enter the flapper contest is today!

Contest #4: Natural Egg Photo Contest
To enter, go here:—natural-egg-photography-contest.1226257/

Contest #5: Flapper Contest
To enter, go here:

Contest #6: Other Fowl Contest
To enter, go here:

Contest #7: Cutest Baby Fowl Contest
To enter, go here:

Contest #8 Broodies and their Babies Contest
To enter, go here:

Contest #9: Hatching chick photography contest
To enter, go here:—hatching-chick-photography-contest.1228917/

Contest #10: Farthest Shipped Egg Contest
To enter, go here:
I just threw out the last of my duck eggs. :hit They had all stopped developing. I think I'm done with shipped eggs from now on. :(

I still have some local eggs set that are about 2 weeks in. But I'm worried since I've lost so many already. What do you all suggest I should have the humidity and temp at?
Read on this website to get a spray bottle of water and mist your duck eggs. (Not sure how often). Someone shipped me two dirty duck eggs and they hatched. You could probably get some eggs from someone on this website!
11/13 y'all! 5/5 of the whole foods and 6/8 of the saddled shipped eggs!


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I was getting ready to toss out those duck eggs that didn’t hatch so that I could get ready for the next hatch. I wanted to candle them first, though. Just to see what went wrong. Seven of them are still alive! A couple aren’t even fully developed yet and some are there, but haven’t pipped internally yet. Air cells look good. I don’t want to do anything to the humidity because if it spikes too high they can drown, right? There’s enough water in there so that temp and humidity should get back to normal soon. Did I screw things up? Put them in danger of shrink wrapping? Move them around too much (some rolled around when I put them back in), omg. I’m so confused. This the weirdest hatch ever!
The thing with dry incubation is you don't have to worry as much about the chicks drowning, probably more of a concern for shrink wrapping if the humidity isn't high enough at lockdown. I only do dry incubation sometimes my humidity will drop very low. But average 20-40% and then i try to up it to 65 but usually it gets moch higher. Sometimes around 75. With this hatch it got up to 80 and i had to do some adjusting with paper towels inside. Then of cpurse when they begin hatching humidity goes WAY UP so just watch that they are drying out well after hatch...

I put 8 eggs into lockdown last night. I've been trying the dry hatch method for the first time so my humidity has been around 28-30% average for the duration (very dry climate). I added water last night and this morning humidity was at 60%. I know for lockdown you want to try to increase by 15%. Is a 30% increase too much?

My problem in the past was drowning chicks so I want to make sure I don't do them harm in the last 3 days. Their weight loss for day 18 ranged from 11%-19%. My guess is that since their weight loss is above "normal" they should be okay.

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