Trapped a Neighbor's Dog on My Deck....Got an Earful

OMG Cetawin!!!!!!!!!!! Jeez, girl, that was a hair rising moment and I would have been crapping in my pants! If they ever threaten my DD, sure, I would not hestitate to shoot first and ask questions later.
I'm not saying that I blame anyone if they kill a dog to save their chickens, but, honestly, I could never kill one of my neighbors' dogs for killing ALL of my chickens because I have WONDERFUL neighbors. None have ever complained about my roosters even when I had one last year that was driving me bonkers with his constant crowing. They bring their children and grandchildren to see my chicks, silkies, and bbs Orpington hens and roosters. My two Welsh corgis get out of the yard sometimes, and within an hour some neighbor calls and tells me that they have them. I have had some of their dogs get out and come over here at least once a month; luckily none went after my chickens, but if they did, I'd bite the bullet.
With that said, I will say that I've had neighbors before that it'd be a tossup whether I wanted to shoot the dog or them if their dog killed even one chicken. I'd've definitely not given the dog a chance to ever return.
Everybody has to decide how they want to handle it. Since I am allowed roosters here in my rural county, then I will have them. They're allowed dogs and ATVs and guns and they have them. Those make noise, my roosters make noise. I have three adult roosters at the moment and don't plan to get more, but they crow. Can't stop them, can't train them not to and there are roosters all around us in every direction. So, my rooster's noise isn't an issue in this case, even if they tried to make it one. Everyone exercises the right to enjoy their own property within the bounds of the law (and sometimes outside those bounds, it seems). The law says I can have chickens, including roosters. The law says their dog cannot roam or kill/harass livestock or poultry. It also says they can't make threats then follow through with taking a loaded gun onto my property to do violence to me or my animals. Seems pretty simple in this case. I do have nice neighbors, most of whom say they love hearing my roosters crow, including the kid's very elderly grandmother.

Found out that the kid has a job near here... at a chicken processing plant. May skew how he feels about my birds, considering he inspects FrankenChickens all day long. Guess he's here for the time being. Oh, joy.
Now I have chickens that free range, my neighbor has chickens that free between us theres probably about 60 or so chickens running around + 12 ducks + 13 guineas...then I have 2 dogs that are confined to my yard by chain if i'm not here or by invisible fence when i am...2 houses, one behind me and one beside me, 3 men (father lives behind me, and his 2 sons live beside me - one of those sons is the drug dealer whom i have issues with *see post farther up*) they have somewhere around 25 hunting dogs between the 3 of them and then Mr. Henry (the father) has 3 dogs that are pets and the brothers have 1 dog whos a pet and the pets are tied out while the hunting dogs are caged in a 8' fence behind each house...i'm good about if one of their dogs gets loose If they are friendly I will catch them and put them back in Mr. Henry's pen or just tie them up on the property line to the DrDlrs house. BUT I have now gotten tired of 2 particular dogs of one of the brothers (not sure which one they belong to) - that keep getting loose and running amock at night. thankfully my chickens are all locked up at night, but a few weeks ago I saw scratch marks on the side of the coop, seen the dogs out in my yard...then they got into my trash another night, turned my can over and had it ALL OVER THE PLACE...Then another night last week they got into a scuffle with one of my dogs one evening, popped him in the butt with a BB...told Mr. Henry to let the brother's know that I'm done being nice about the dogs, they keep trying to get my chickens, they are a NUISANCE and as much as I like Mr. Henry and Toni (the older - good brother - lol) that whoever's dog I see out in my yard that isn't just passing through, AT NIGHT - gets a bullet. If its during the day I will give them a chance to get the dogs, unless they go after my chickens or dogs - this equal death.

My neighbor told me (Mr. Henry god I love him <3 ) the other day "Jessy you go right on and put them miserable curs down if they get after your chickens I don't blame you, I just shot one of myself that I caught with a chicken in his mouth. Told them boys to keep them dogs up." Heh. So around here - its essentially you let him run amock then you may never see 'em again, thats how it is out here anyway
everyone here knows my dogs and knows that they have only gotten loose 1 time in 8 months, so they'd give me a holler if mine got loose because I don't allow mine a way loose like the brother next door do.
You can't make this stuff up. Please, please take this little monster's threat very seriously. If he hates his job and the hapless birds with which he deals, he could very well take that frustration out on your birds.

Not trying to frighten you, but please do not underestimate this unstable individual.

CYN - exactly. I your property and as long as you are following the law and not being a pain in the neighborhood's rear you can do what you please on your property, just like everyone else. Don't take lip from no one, and this kid is probably more bully and mouth than action and backbone.

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