What treat did your chickies get today?

Jeronica, I think everyone on here spoils their ladies....so you are in good company.. Raisins are the favorite for my 4 girls ! They like those more than the cracked corn! I don't give them a lot because I want it to remain a "real treat"!!! I love to spoil mine!!

I had never given them raisins before, so I "borrowed" some from the bakery where I work! Didn't want to go out and spend money on raisins when no one else in the house will eat them- I have picky boys
But the chickens liked it so much I know it's worth it to buy some now. Raisins are definitely in their top 3 favorite treats: Raisins, dried mealworms, and raw zucchini ends. They got nuts!
Oh boy were they spoiled today...... warm oatmeal mixed with scratch, scoop of cooked corn, turkey Krackett dust, starter mash, rabbit pellets, and buttermilk. Later, they were surprised with chicken muffins....and they only returned 4 eggs, then they knocked a pan out of my hand....which caused one egg to fall and break which they ate!!!!!!

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