On May 6, 2009 I got 6 two day old chicks from TSC in Columbia City, Indiana. I had chickens on and off all of my life but never paid any attention to what kind they were. I now know that they were leghorns and road island reds and perhaps black stars that I always had. Which are all good egg layers. Had some geaneas too which have very tasty eggs.
So I am not very educated on which chicken breeds are good egg layers. I had heard a lot about cornish rocks chickens but did not know much about them. So when I saw that it was cornish rocks being sold at TSC I misstakinly thought they were one of the good egg layer because my kids and I have been studying chicken breeds.
I get home and internet research them and found out they are the good meat breeds NOT the good egg layer breeds. Me and my forgetful mind got it all mixed up. I found out that cornish rocks are purposly bred to grow fat fast so they can be murdered and eaten right away. As a result of growing fat so fast their legs get weak and often times cant support them, they get congestive heart failure, heart attacks and strokes and suffer. They dont live long because of all that so people start killing them at about ages 6-8 weeks old to eat them. If their diet is limited they may live to be a year old or a little longer.
I find the fact that cornish rocks chickens are purposly bred to be fat and suffer to be cruel because of the way they suffer so much. It is sick and evil for people to worry about making lots of money by genitically messing with them to make big meat birds that suffer all for the almighty dollar. Im suprised the animal rights people dont try and put a stop to animal cruelity such as this. Why cant chicken-meat growers use breds that dont need to be hybrid for meat and breds that dont suffer while getting fat?
We are getting back into getting chickens again for the enjoyment of it, for the eggs and as pets. I can not and will not butcher my own pets. I cant feed, water, clean up after and care for something and then turn around and kill and eat it. It just seems to awful to me. The chickens learn to trust me so how could I kill them?
I can eat chickens from the store because I did not see or take care of the chicken but once I take care of a chicken it becomes my pet and I just cant murder it. So our meat-bird cornish rocks will NOT be butchered. We will love them and try to limit their food so they dont get to fat to fast. Once they are a few weeks older I will put them outside in their chicken 20 foot by 20 foot pen so they can get more exersize. I know they wont live long and they wont be good egg layers but at least we can make their lives happy before they die. I also can not stand to see an animal suffer terribly so if they get to the point of suffering awfully then my husband will put them out of their misery but I cant eat a pet so we will just have to have funerals for them for the kids.
It angers me that humans have done that hybrid junk to those poor chickens and other animals knowing how they suffer so much. If they did not suffer so much it might not be so bad.
My kids hold them and love on them all the time. I am currently looking for some good egg layers under a year old. It is hard finding people who sell them around here. It is to costly to buy them online due to the shipping charges.
I have had people give me fits because I wont murder my pet chickens. They simply dont understand why I cant kill a pet and eat it. And I dont understand how they can kill and eat a pet. Even tho it was not my intentions to do so I guess you could say my cause for the summer is a cornish rock chicken rescuer and care taker.
They are about a week old right now and not growing to fast, just average so far. They are suppossed to be fully grown and giant by 6-8 weeks.
So as time goes on I will update the info on the cornish rock pets.