Frizzle Red, Black, White, Splash, Buff, Blue Created by shay20 Breed Information, Comments, and Experience with breed: The Frizzle is a breed that carries a gene that makes their feathers curl outward and up, It looks as if they are in the wind storm. The first Frizzle that i have heard off is the Cochin Frizzle, But now they recognize different breeds of Frizzles. I have the Cochin Bantam Frizzle and the Polish Standard Frizzle. I did have a Frizzle Silkie, she was sooo sweet. Frizzles feathers are so soft. A full frizzled bird should have all feathers frizzling out except a few on the wing feathers. To get the right texture and right amount of frizzling, They should be bred as follows- Frizzled to a non frizzled. The hatch rate is 50 50. You will get some chicks that frizzle and some that don't. And if you bred a frizzle with a frizzle som of the chicks will end up with cracked feathering, And they wont be as smooth. |