My Chickens
I am working on getting a flock that lays a wide variety of different colored eggs. Due to a dog attack I am down to mostly white egg layers. (Not that it matters right now- everyone is moulting and no one is laying.)
Standard Breeds
I am working on getting a flock that lays a wide variety of different colored eggs. Due to a dog attack I am down to mostly white egg layers. (Not that it matters right now- everyone is moulting and no one is laying.)
Standard Breeds

Bertha is an Easter Egger. She lays pretty green eggs. When she was laying she layed almost every day.

Thelma is a Golden Polish. She lays tiny white eggs. She can't see to well because of her afro. It makes her act a little confused sometimes, and she is easy to sneak up on.

These are my 2 Sumatra roos, Ugly & Uglier. They have actually become a little prettier since they were named.
Bantam Breeds
This is my white bantam cochin pullet, Fluffy. She is a new addition. She came with her friend Drumstick, a bantam cornish hen
This is Peewee, a Old English Game Bantam. She is sweet, and likes to be held.
Here are pics of my Silkie babies. They are 6 weeks old here. Names are subject to change.

This is Peewee, a Old English Game Bantam. She is sweet, and likes to be held.
Here are pics of my Silkie babies. They are 6 weeks old here. Names are subject to change.