Of Feathers and Flames- WoF AU (Archives)

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Here’s an overview of the Tribes!​

Pyrrhian Tribes


Color: Red, orange, black, fiery.
Traits: Hot-tempered. They stick to their traditions, and can be cruel at times. They fight strongly, and enjoy a battle.
Abilities: SkyWings breathe fire, and are the fastest and most durable fliers in Pyrrhia. They’re strongly built, and one of the larger tribes.
Habitat: Mountains or open areas where they can fly.


Color: Gold, pale yellow, white.
Traits: Stubborn and crafty. They enjoy their treasure. They are accustom to very hot temperatures, and are weak in cold temperatures.
Abilities: SandWings have a barbed tail like a scorpion at the end of their tail. Only the juice of a brightsting cactus can cure SandWing venom. Their tounges and eyes are black, and they can withstand bright light. They can also breathe fire.
Habitat: They live in hot, sandy areas, and despise getting wet.


Color: Shades of brown, amber or muddy colors.
Traits: Thick, heftily built dragons, like alligators. They’re usually slow and dull. Unlike most of the Tribes, they stick with their siblings and fight, eat, and play together.
Abilities: MudWings can hold their breath for up to an hour, and are very powerful with their large muscles and thick tail. They can breathe fire only when they’re warm.
Habitat: Muddy areas or swamps. They enjoy warmth, and cool wetness. Mud helps their wounds heal.


Color: White, light blue or silvery.
Traits: Cold and calculating. They set rules and boundaries, and always follow them. They have ranking systems, and higher ranked dragons are treated with more respect. The IceWing animus’s are only allowed to used their powers once on a gift for the whole Tribe.
Abilities: They can breathe a frost breath can withstand intense cold and below zero temperatures. They have thin, sharp spikes at the ends of their tails. Their blood is blue.
Habitat: IceWings live in the snowy mountains or tundra areas with lots of ice and snow.


Colors: Black, dark blue or purple, with scattered silver scales under their wings.
Traits: Mysterious. They don’t tell the other Tribes what powers they have just to create and aura of mystery and power. They can be very deceptive.
Abilities: Rare NightWing eggs hatched under one full moon have the power of either mind-reading or future-seeing. Very rare eggs hatched under two full moons get both of these powers. Extraordinarily rare eggs that hatch under three full moons (aka: the Brightest Night, every 1,000 years) have both of these powers, but very enhanced. They have keen senses of smell, and can see well in the dark. They never stop growing as they age.
Habitat: Low areas of ground or caves, dark places. They are nocturnal.


Color: Light or dark blue, green, aquamarine. They have scales that can flash light.
Traits: Calm and peaceful. They’re a very loyal and happy Tribe. They have an above-water palace and a secret under-water pavilion.
Abilities: SeaWings can breathe underwater through their gills, and are deadly to fight in water. Above water, they are typically poor fighters. They have powerful, flat tails, curved wings, and webbed talons. They can see in the dark and swim faster than any other Tribe. They have another language called Aquatic which they use by flashing certain patterns of light on their scales.
Habitat: Underwater, in the ocean or near the beach.


Color: Mad- red, orange, black. Happy- yellow, pink. Sad- blue. Calm- light blue, purple. Scared- green. In Pain- pale green, white, grey. Curious- orange. Bashful/Embarrassed- pink. They can blend in with their surroundings and become invisible.
Traits: Happy and usually oblivious to the wars and fights between other tribes. Called ‘stupid’ and ‘lazy’ by other Tribes for having ‘sun time’ and being careless. They’re vegetarians.
Abilities: RainWings can shoot a black, acidic venom from their fangs, although they hate to shoot it at other dragons. They don’t have families, but if a RainWing is related to another, their venom cancels the other’s out- the only way to stop being burned by a RainWing’s venom.
Habitat: They live in the jungle and are accustomed to steamy heat and humidity.

Pantalian Dragons


Color: Light or dark green, light or dark brown. Yellowish and/or emerald.
Traits: Stubborn and calculating. They’re great fighters, and usually keep pouches of poisonous or venomous plants and insects around their neck to use against their enemies. They’re very clever thinkers, but hold a grudge against the HiveWings since their tribe was almost wiped out by them in the Tree Wars.
Abilities: Some LeafWings have what’s called ‘leafspeak’, which is the ability to influence a plant’s growth, and know the whereabouts of passing dragons or other plant’s whereabouts from them.
Habitat: Dense jungles and trees. They’re accustomed to steamy heat and carnivorous plants.

HiveWings -A hybrid Tribe:

Colors: Yellow or gold, with black or dark brown stripes/spots/markings. They have translucent wings.
Traits: HiveWings are usually vicious and cruel, willing to bite first and ask questions later. They used to control the SilkWings and use them for their silk. HiveWings have four wings instead of two.
Abilities: (Varies from dragon to dragon) Stingers in their wrists that can paralyze, stingers in their tails that cause extreme pain, toxin in their teeth that can make someone sick and weak. Some are able to make a noxious spray like a skunk. Some have no abilities.
Habitat: Grassy plains and the Hives (build by HiveWings and SilkWings) where they live.


Color: Any colors except black.
Traits: Calm and peaceable. They’re tame, and take orders well. Sometimes called stupid just for being so submissive. They used to live under HiveWings, and built the Hives. SilkWings don’t have wings before the age of six. When they turn seven, they go into a metamorphosis and spin a cocoon. They stay in the cocoon for three weeks while their wingbuds transform into four butterfly-shaped wings.
Abilities: They can spin a grey silk from their wrists, and rare SilkWings known as firesilks can spin five types of silk. Gold silk, which shimmers with a faint gold color. Firefly silk, which glows a little bit, but gives off no heat. Glow silk, which is a little warm and glows brighter. Blaze silk, which is very hot and can burn things. And Sun silk, which can only be made a little at a time, is hard to look at, and is able to burn through stone. It must be drowned to be put out. SilkWings have four wings like HiveWings, and can sense vibrations in the air with their antenna.
Habitat: The grassy plains and lightly wooded forests top left of Pantala.


Color: CloudWings’ colors are usually based off of real-life birds.
Traits: CloudWings are tall, feathered dragons.
Abilities: They can breath a cloudlike vapor for camouflage, and some are rumored to have unusual control over the weather.
Habitat: In clouds and in cool, high-altitude skies.


Color: SolarWings are gold and coppery, with warm chrome colors.
Traits: SolarWings are bipedal dragons. Their wings replacing and functioning as their arms. They have frills on their heads and tails.
Abilities: Their scales give off a warmth like SandWings, and the temperature corresponds with their temper. They can breath fire, and their wings joins can lock for long-distant soaring. They have razor-sharp spikes at the tips of their wings, and are rumored to have control over flames.
Habitat: They live in warm, dry climates and hate getting wet and cold.


Color: An ethereal silver color.
Traits: LunarWings are rarely seen and rumored by many to not really exist at all. Their eggs are silver, and appear like a smooth lump of metal.
Abilities: LunarWings can secrete a silver liquid that can be manipulated with their minds into thing such as weapons, called ‘warping.’ They also have glowing tendril-like appendages that get more prominent as the dragon ages.


Color: RiverWing’ colors are usually based off of real-life fish.
Traits: RiverWings don’t have back legs, but instead have fishlike fins. They have fins down their backs and webbed talons, and also armored sturgeon-like scales. They don’t have an organized society, but instead live in solitude. They also have fishlike tails. RiverWing parents typically don’t take care of their eggs or dragonets.
Abilities: RiverWings are dangerous in water, but are unwieldy on land, especially since they don’t have wings.
Habitat: Rivers and lakes in solitude.



Color: Usually white, but are also grey, black, and brownish colors.
Traits: SnowWings are flightless, furred, wolf like dragons that live in separate packs that run through the forests separate from the other dragon societies.
Abilities: SnowWings have wings, but they are small and weak, and can do no more than glide.
Habitat: Snowy, wooded forests.

Keep in mind most humans have two opinions on the dragons: “keep them away from me,” and “make money off of them.” There’s a lucrative trade with dragons, involving fighting rings and poaching. So dragons usually tend to stay out of humans way, and when they cross paths the results can be disastrous.

(Art credit belongs to @-Kiwi- except for the second SnowWing ref; art credit goes to @Blue Raptor for that one)

@-Kiwi- (RP Creator, Active)

First Character
Name: Corvus
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Tribe: CloudWing
Physical appearance: Glossy black feathers like a raven or crow that are iridescent in sunlight, jade green eyes. He's thin and a little scrawny, but very quick and agile in a fight. He has a jagged scar across his snout from his grandfather. A warning.
Personality: Corvus is an intelligent, sensitive dragon who cares deeply for others. He would do anything for the dragons he loves, and it tends to be his fatal flaw. His emotions sometimes get in the way of common sense and he can be reckless, sometimes in a violent manner. He's a fierce fighter when need be, and he wont hesitate to defend himself.
Backstory: Corvus's egg was stolen (liberated) from a SandWing slave trade situation by a loner CloudWing named Jay. Jay became his adoptive mother and mentor, teaching him how to fight and survive. His real mother was a rebel assassin, the rebellion's leader's daughter, Raven. Raven couldn't support a dragonet and his egg was lost to her, though not on purpose. Corvus has a sister named Owl.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Second Character
Name: Phoenix
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Tribe: Cloud/SolarWing hybrid (calls herself a CloudWing for simplicity's sake.)
Physical appearance: Fiery, coppery gold feathers with electric blue accents. She has bright blue eyes that almost seem to give off their own light. She tends to give off a faint golden glow in the dark. She has two long "tassle" feathers extending from her tail plume, with a peacock-like blue spot on the end of each. She's small compared to the average CloudWing.
Personality: Phoenix is painfully shy, but longs companionship. She's afraid of messing things up, so in the past she's stayed mostly a loner, for safety's sake. She does have a fiercer side to her, a side she's mostly repressed. She fears her own emotions, because they are dangerous to others. She's basically just a feathery, fluffy ball of anxiety.
Abilities: Phoenix's most notable ability is "flamefeathers" which is basically the fiery temperature fluctuations SolarWings have translated onto feathers. She has little control over this ability, probably because she's not full SolarWing, so it is largely dictated by her emotions. When calm, she is a temperature you can safely touch like any other dragon, but when she's upset, she sets alight with flames. When she's *very* upset, her feathers are a blinding white-hot color and her eyes glow. She also has very strong firebreath, but it hurts her throat if used often due to her CloudWing ancestry.
Backstory: Most of Phoenix's childhood was dictated by her mother, a SolarWing named Flare. Flare was a deeply unhappy dragon and she tended to take it out on her daughter and husband. She was constantly frustrated at Phoenix's lack of control over abilities, and it eventually ended in a fight that ended up with Flare chasing Phoenix away. Phoenix's father was the opposite though, a gentle dragon who loved Phoenix more than anything. He just never stood up to Flare.
Phoenix left and spent a long time on her own, eventually finding Corvus. Corvus ended up catching feelings for her, feelings that weren't reciprocated. Corvus was hurt, but he eventually gave her space. They remain good friends though.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

(Art credit: @lilmillefleur )

Third Character
Name: Sunspot
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Tribe: SolarWing
Physical appearance: Gold/copper scales, with bright magenta accents on her extremeties (wingtips, along the back, edge of crests) she has black blotches resembling sunspots scattered across her scales and brightly glowing wing and crest veins.
Personality: Sunspot has a fierce and fiery personality, like most SolarWings. She has a temper, but overall she's a kind dragon. She can be wildly impulsive at times, and is very spontaneous.
Backstory: Sunspot is a loner that soars the Sand Kingdom area, hunting and occasionally running off gangs of rogue SandWings. She keeps to herself for the most part, and none of her connections tend to last long. She is coveted by dragon hunters and is thus always on the run, moving from place to place. She's had a couple of close calls, but her wily attitude and quick mind have never failed her. Having powerful firebreath helps too. She sometimes gives the Scorpion Den a flyby, and she says its because she likes teasing the humans that live there, but its partially because she knows what happens there and part of her wants to help. Or fly down there and torch the place. Sunspot is a very skilled flier, practicing in sandstone canyons. Complete with epic flames.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

(Art credit: @Blue Raptor )

Fourth Character
Name: Cochineal
Tribe: Hive/Sand
Description: Tall, long and thin, with goldenrod colored scales splashed with black. He has four wings like a HiveWing, and a numbered tattoo on the right one. He has scars on his snout, neck and talons from old chains. He wears glasses, and likes to wear lots of jewlery.
Personality: Cochineal is a reserved dragon who tends to keep to himself. He will make polite conversation with strangers but he gets easily uncomfortable. He tends to stick with his human most of the time, helping her with rebellion duties as well as typical Scorpion Den duties. He’s fluent in both Human and Dragon.
Backstory: N/A

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Fifth Character
Name: Aelia
Tribe: SolarWing
Gender: Female
Description: deep, bright orange scales shot through with electric teal stripes and veins. She bright blue “eyeliner” markings around her eyes. Her crest, wings and frills have rows of dark maroon dots on them, and her wing-blades have glowing circular spots. She wears a lot of lapis lazuli jewlery to set off her contrasting orange scales.
Personality: a very collected, logical dragon. Shes very in control of her emotions, and isn’t as “fiery” personality wise as most SolarWings.
Backstory: Aelia is the younger sister of Sol and last surviving daughter of Helios and Aurea. Her elder sister was killed when she was only a dragonet.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

@Harmonylight (Inactive)

First Character
Name: Neoma
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Tribe: Lunarwing
Physical appearance: Smaller than the average Lunarwing, and wiry. Eyes are a deep periwinkle. The dots on the side of her neck are white and seem to glow slightly in the dark.
Personality: Outgoing and friendly, but also extremely suspicious of most others at first until they can prove their true colors are as they claim. Quick to get annoyed, and likes to sometimes start either play fighting or really fighting when there's not enough going on. Loves to practice fighting in free time. Skilled with her warping. Very defensive of the dragons she's close to. Not a huge fan of taking orders from authority, but if she chooses to be loyal to someone, she would die for them. Can be very sneaky. Some of her more notable flaws; sometimes she can be too suspicious of someone or can get too irritated. Also tends to get in a silly mood and let her guard down too much, she doesn't have a huge in between. Can get rather moody or have traumatic flashbacks that cause her to shut down for a bit, either wanting to be alone or only with one other dragon of her choosing. She often goes into a bit of a zoned-out state, and can need to be snapped out of it. But don't let any of this fool you, she can be the most fun and loving dragon ever if she trusts someone!
Backstory: She was raised in a group with about five other Lunarwings. Her parents, two siblings, and a strange one that joined them when she was an egg. Her parents raised her with the old stories of the old dragons, and spoke tales of how the Lunarwings had been unfairly treated and had finally chosen to leave. Believing that story all her life has caused Neoma to have a bit of resentment for other dragons until they prove their loyalty. She's not totally sure if it's true, but it's the only truth she knows and the only reasoning she has for having been alone for so long. Her parents died when she was roughly half-age due to starvation and exhaustion, they had given most of their lives to feeding and protecting their young. Neoma's oldest sibling Milza attacked Neoma and her now-dead sibling Kyler, killing Kyler and almost killing Neoma before flying away with Darltrax, the stranger. Neoma doesn't know why she was left alive but she wants to find Milza and Darltrax and kill him, believing that Darltrax convinced her to do it.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Second Character
Name: Blackout
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Tribe: Nightwing
Physical appearance: almost completely black. the only reason he's not is because he has some very dark purple-blue scales down around his talons and around the base of his horns. He's a bit larger than Neoma, around the normal Nightwing size.
Personality: Soft-hearted, slightly soft-spoken and can seem shy sometimes. brainwashed to be a fighter for the SD crew when he was hatched from an egg there. A very good fighter, due to having been properly trained for so long. has a sensitivity to others and the pain they feel, making it harder for him to actually use some of the talents he has. Has a little bit of survivors guilt, because one of the things that the SD crew raised him with was the idea that if you didn't die in battle, why? did you really fight enough? funny, but also can be serious at any moment. kinda good at hiding, but also is clumsy and gets himself found really easy.
Backstory: Raised in the SD from an egg, having been bred specifically for the 'Dark Army' (the NightWings). obviously didn't grow with parents bc they were just breeder dragons. He never loved the idea of killing, but never saw a real way out. after his latest fight he was sickened by the idea that killing was so mandatory for survival. when he encountered neoma, it all snapped that she had to kill the other nightwing to save herself. he realized that the nightwings had just attacked because their prey had escaped, and if they hadn't been trying to keep scavengers and dragons in captivity none of this would've happened. he realized in all the chaos he could get away, and so he fled.
Anything else: to be rped

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Third Character
Name: Apple
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Tribe: Rainwing
Physical Appearance: Average size, pinkish-red over most of her body but with swirls of yellow-green and deep maroon. (Look up a picture of a pink lady apple for clarification if needed, that's where I got those colors lol) She's blind, so she has milky-white eyes. Has a white sloth pet always clinging to her, whose name is Ivory. Apple's claws are a strange yellow-green shade, like Bamboo's colors.
Personality: Smart and sensible. Soft-spoken and rather shy. Well-spoken in both Human and Dragon. Gets along with almost everyone she meets, due to her kind and thoughtful nature. Thinks of a way past nearly every obstacle she comes across. Has a huge heart and hates knowing someone is hurt, which has led her to practice some healing arts. She is heavily relied on by both her family and any tribe-members that need healing. She has a beautiful singing voice, and loves nature. She balances out with Bamboo, reminding him to be serious and careful. She takes his jokes and stuff well, having a calm but firm handle on things. She loves her silly brother with everything, and though she talks about how stupid he is, knows he can be very smart when it comes to it and would rather see the world end than him leave her.
Backstory: Bamboo and Apple were hatched from the same egg, and the tribe was thrilled with healthy twins. They've grown up happy and healthy in their group of Rainwings. They love life in the tribe, but Bamboo had always read of the old adventures. He would read them aloud to Apple, and she could hear the longing in his voice to go on an adventure of his own. She knows that he'll jump at the chance to go on an adventure, and silently, she's made up her mind that she'll go with him to the ends of the earth.
Their motto reflects their mindset; Born together, live together, laugh and cry together. Go together, arrive together, Die together.
Other: Bamboo plays the harp, and Apple loves to sing with it. Sometimes he will join in with harmony, and they will sing old tales together. They often finish each others sentences, thinking along the same lines.
Apple is a serious, softspoken, laid-back dragon, but she has a silly side that Bamboo knows well and she lets out sometimes when she feels like it. Similarly, Bamboo has a serious and wise side that he presents in the correct situations. They aren't good at fighting, especially Apple. Apple knows Braille (the dragon version.... I can't remember what Tamarin called it) and reads what things she can that are written in it.

(Art credit: @Harmonylight )

Fourth Character
Name: Bamboo
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Tribe: RainWing
Physical Appearance: Average size. His body is soft green with shading of the same yellow shade as Apple. His eyes are light pinkish red, like Apple's scales. Claws are black.
Personality: He's a ditz. He can be really dumb sometimes, and can get in the way if he's not careful. Loves to fight, but is awful at it, because he has no training. He could be good at it because he's quick to learn, but doesn't have the focus to concentrate on something for long. Smiles a lot, and loves to lounge in the sun. He's a goof and will do whatever it takes to cheer someone up. He helps Apple lighten up when she's sad. Also a bit of a practical joker. Though he wouldn't say it to her face, he would die without hesitation for Apple. He loves her so much, even though he's always teasing her and doing stupid stuff and getting in her way.
Backstory: Bamboo and Apple were hatched from the same egg, and the tribe was thrilled with healthy twins. They've grown up happy and healthy in their group of Rainwings. They love life in the tribe, but Bamboo had always read of the old adventures. He would read them aloud to Apple, and she could hear the longing in his voice to go on an adventure of his own. She knows that he'll jump at the chance to go on an adventure, and silently, she's made up her mind that she'll go with him to the ends of the earth.
Their motto reflects their mindset; Born together, live together, laugh and cry together. Go together, arrive together, Die together.
Other: Bamboo plays the harp, and Apple loves to sing with it. Sometimes he will join in with harmony, and they will sing old tales together. They often finish each others sentences, thinking along the same lines.
Apple is a serious, softspoken, laid-back dragon, but she has a silly side that Bamboo knows well and she lets out sometimes when she feels like it. Similarly, Bamboo has a serious and wise side that he presents in the correct situations. They aren't good at fighting, especially Apple. Apple knows Braille (the dragon version.... I can't remember what Tamarin called it) and reads what things she can that are written in it.

(Art credit: @Harmonylight )

@Crestcrazy2 (Active)

First Character
Name: King
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Tribe: CloudWing
Physical appearance: Deep blue feathers on his back that fade into a rusted red color on his belly. Dark green eyes. White stripes running from just under his ears and spiraling along his wings to splay out on his wing feathers. Huge glistening black talons and black beak and horns. He wears a ruby and gold anklet around his right hind leg.
Personality: to be rped!
Backstory: King was raised in a human city with others of all different types and species. He learned how to communicate with the humans out of a necessity to live, eventually gaining his freedom by befriending a young boy named Zander. They escaped and fled the city, but one night a group of hunters took Zander and almost killed King, he was badly wounded and fought to the edge of a canyon, the humans shot him with a paralyzing dart and he managed to get himself over the cliff edge, it was be free or die to him. he found himself washed ashore a few days later barely clinging to life. That’s when the tribe, his tribe, found him. Now he works as an agent, bringing teams in and rescuing others like him before he was found.
Other: he’s based off of a blue eared kingfisher.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Second Character
Name: Helios
Gender: Male
Age: 59
Tribe: Solarwing
Physical appearance: Tall and Handsome. A dark red with starbursts of orange and yellow fading in his wings. He has several scars along his sides and is missing a talon along with a part of his tail sail.
Personality: Brave and loyal, a bit mysterious. Cheerful and loving, but a fierce warrior. He loves his citizens but there aren’t a lot of them because the tribe is divided. (There is a Queen right? And she has a mate…which can be him?)
Backstory: He’s been through a lot, seeing his tribe slowly deteriorate and be taken captive even more then usual by the greedy humans. His daughter was killed and his son has been captured, he’s trying to find a way to get them back and has been traveling the continent trying to gather more members of his own tribe to come back, so they can be as strong a tribe as possible.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Third Character
Name: Knight (King will probably usually call him Bud or Buddy.)
Gender: Male
Age: Still an egg. Will be a hatchling soon!
Tribe: Lunarwing with faint Nightwing ancestry.
Physical appearance: A mostly normal Lunarwing dragonet, but with black scales down the neck instead of silver and a few patches of black scales, like paint splattered onto his scales. For instance, around the base of his two largest horns and on the end of his tail. One random patch of black scales on his left front talon shaped like an oval. Green eyes.
A few odd scars and his left ear is slightly misshapen due to Kings talons crushing the egg when he snatched it from the compound.
Personality: (will be) A bubbly, bouncy ball of joy. Loves biting older dragons tails and playing hide & seek with the other hatchlings. Loves King a lot, but will bond with a mother figure, most likely chickadee or someone like that. Or Neoma if/when she finds him.
Backstory: Not known yet! All he remembers is the sounds of machinery and humans, a feeling of being pressed in on and jostled around before he hatched. This has caused some amount of claustrophobia.

(Art credit: @Nicole Taber )

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Fourth Character
Name: Dredbog (Dred for short)
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Tribe: Mudwing
Physical appearance: Large and muscular, would have been the Bigwings of his troop if he had been raised like any other Mudwing. Has ashy grey/brown scales like that of an alligator. Blue eyes and several tattoos all over his body.
Personality: Blunt and brutally honest, loyal and funny. He can get very angry sometimes and it’s best to steer clear of him when that happens.
Backstory: His nest was raided right after he hatched by a bunch of traders and hunters, he of course couldn’t save his siblings and was taken to a raising facility, then after he was old enough he was taken to the SD to be a fighter due to his larger size and good genetics.
His owner has so many other dragons that he’s just one of many money makers to him.

Fifth Character
Name: Wither Rose Freeborn (Rose is what her friends call her and Freeborn could maybe be the last name of her family since she is a completely free dragon in the SD? It would help with legal stuff)
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Tribe: Leaf/NightWing
Physical appearance: A very dark polished brown color mixed with lighter tan highlights, making her appear as if she was carved from a huge dark tree. Deep almost black green wing membrane and purple eyes like her Nightwing parent. Black claws and horns and a forked black tongue. Her talons are burned in several spots and have many different colors splashed across them from all her experiments and meddling with acids.
Personality: Friendly and kind, a wonderful dragon to be around……if you’re part of the Rebellion.
She is nice enough if you’re not, she lives in the SD after all. But secretly she’s been working on drugs, potions and and metal corroding acids to help in the escape of the captive SD dragons. She’s strong willed, passionate and maybe a bit stubborn. The hoomans hate her and she doesn’t care, infact it helps her in her choices to stick with the rebellion. She can be rude and disgusted when the thoughts of the dragons trapped in the Maze come to mind, but she pushes them away, knowing she’s doing all she can to help them.
Backstory: Her parents fell in love after gaining their own freedom. Ashheart, a brave and noble Nightwing who fought his way to freedom met Rosethorn after several months, the two of them falling in love and deciding to start a family. Wither Rose was hatched a year later under the two moons, though she never gained the fabled nightwing powers. Ashhearts lab and Rosethorns adjoined greenhouse was the perfect place to grow up, probably the only nice place to grow up in the SD. One night when she was younger a group of (Anti-Free Dragon) humans came and blew up their apartment while they slept, killing Ashheart and Rosethorn. That’s when Wither Rose added Freeborn to her name, claiming it as her family name in defiance of the humans, who were never even arrested for their crimes. She’s taken to plant science, discovering that even though she didn’t gain moon blessed powers, she had incredibly good Leafspeak. her lab/greenhouse looks more like a jungle then anything, with jars filled with strange bugs and carnivorous plants. She has many pouches filled with insects that could do quite a lot of damage if she used them right. Her techniques of splicing plants together to create new ones along with her Leafspeak are known throughout the SD. She’s dangerous, but not evil.

@-Shade- (Active)

First Character
Name: Eclipse
Gender: Female
Age: 16 years
Tribe: Lunarwing (with faint Solarwing ancestry)
Physical appearance: Lean and tall, very flexible and fast. Indigo-silver eyes, right eye has a very defined gold ring around the outside, like a ring of fire eclipse. She has one large gold scale on each wing shoulder. She always wears a silver neckband with diamonds embedded all the way around it and a round, black onyx set in a gold plate on the front.
Personality: Eclipse is very pessimistic and snappy to other dragons. She prefers and expresses a deep want to be left alone and avoid other dragons. She has major trust issues and expects the worst of everyone. Even the dragons she trusts, she is usually still waiting for them to eventually stab her in the back. She has low self-esteem and often switches between blaming herself and blaming others for her past experiences. She has no definitive home but travels within certain areas more than others. She has never encountered a human before but has heard many horror stories of them, so she travels only at night and sleeps in concealed places all day. She never travels over populated areas. Though she doesn't express her likes much, she has a passion for the celestials. She tracts the moon, stars, planets, and constellations year-round. Her only frequented interaction with dragons is a rouge animus Icewing, who she meets with every full and new moon.
Backstory: Eclipse hatched a month and a half early, contributing to her somewhat scrawny appearance. She never knew her father, only her mother, and older brother. Before she was a year old, they were attacked by a Nightwing hunter. Her mother was killed and she and her brother were forced to run. For years, the two of them raised each other and survived on what scraps they could find. Throughout that time, they often asked for help from other dragons, though they were met with harsh and often violent reactions. When Eclipse was 10 years old, she met a Silkwing during a hunting run, and the two eventually became best friends. Over time, Eclipse and her brother began to rely less and less on each other, spending more and more time away from each other. After knowing her friend for nearly a year and a half, Eclipse and her brother were attacked once again by a Nightwing hunter, escaping only by slipping into a rock cleft too small for the Nightwing to follow. Though her brother denied it, Eclipse was convinced it was the same Nightwing who killed their mother and she swore revenge. She trained herself as an assassin, learning to use her size and build to be quick and stealthy but strong. Months later, her brother finally spoke out and told Eclipse that it was a foolish path and that she would be wasting her time and life trying to track the hunter. The two of them fought for a while over the matter, and finally, her brother threatened to leave. Furious, Eclipse simply turned her back on him, and she hasn't seen him since. Weeks after the fight, Eclipse and her friend finally encountered the Nightwing, but not halfway through the fight, her friend abandoned her, and Eclipse barely escaped the hunter with her life. Alone and seriously injured, Eclipse was once again forced to scrounge and hide to survive only this time, without someone to help her. Healing was long and hard, but after several months she was able to finally retain the strength to fly. She set out to find her friend and her brother and eventually, she reunited with the Silkwing. Shockingly, she was met with a brutal and violent rejection from her and her new small group of friends. Still weakened from the near-death experience, Eclipse once again was forced to flee. She is still hunting for the Nightwing and she often dwells negatively on the events of her abandonment. She was left with terrifying scars down her left side, which she conceals beneath her wing in her rare encounters with strange dragons. When she was 15, during a flight over a large island after a particularly harsh storm, she noticed a pale shape among the scattered storm debris. After a cautious inspection, she discovered it to be an Icewing thrown up onto the beach by the storm. Miraculously, he was still alive...

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

(Art credit: @-Shade- )

Second Character
Name: Whitestar
Gender: Male
Age: 14 years
Tribe: Icewing
Physical appearance: Tealish white. The spikes on the tip of his tail are a richer teal. Unusually pale eyes--most dragons mistakenly assume him blind during first meetings. Average sized and somewhat wiry, though he is unnaturally strong due to an unintentional animus enchantment.
Personality: Though he is quiet, Whitestar is not shy. He thinks deeply about himself and the world around him. He is well practiced in completely containing his emotions, and he often comes across to others as intimidating, impenetrable, and emotionless. However, he is deeply conflicted about his past, especially the death of his brother. Though he is good at containing his temper, he is quite sarcastic towards dragons he finds particularly annoying. He prefers to be alone and meditates deeply on himself and the world around him to avoid the well-known "animus loss of soul". His favorite form of meditation is star gazing.
Backstory: Whitestar was hatched and raised among his tribe. His earlier life was mostly uneventful aside from predictable dragonet mischief. His mother died several months before he hatched, and his father was mostly not present in his life. He hatched from the same egg as his twin brother Bluestar, and the only visible difference between them was Bluestars eyes were deep azure, while Whitestars were pale silver almost white. Whitestar was often picked on by older Icewing dragonets for having strange eyes, and it occasionally escalated to fights. He avoided other Icewings more and more as he got older, keeping his company to himself, Bluestar, and the dragon he loved, Frostbite. During a festival in the Ice Kingdom when Whitestar was 13, he was confronted by another Icewing who he had a history of getting into fights with. While the Icewing had a small band of troublemakers with him, at the time, Whitestar was alone. Though he tried to avoid a skiff with the group, the fight proved to be inevitable, and with the odds so turned against him, Whitestar was eventually pinned. At that moment, he thought fiercely of the wish to be stronger. Stronger than any dragon ever was or ever could be. His wish was unexpectedly granted by animus power, which had gone unknown until that moment. The Icewing was thrown against a nearby wall which such force, that it killed him. Shocked and terrified, Whitestar fled but was brought down and arrested by the queen's soldiers. While in the queen's dungeon, he contemplated the strange event and after some hesitation, he experimentally demanded a nearby ice rock to melt. The crystal immediately shrunk into a liquidated puddle. Terrified but desperate to survive, Whitestar used his newfound power to escape, and after reuniting with Bluestar and Frostbite, the trio fled the ice kingdom. They followed the beach toward the kingdom of sand, traveling only at night, and keeping a distance from the shore to avoid human interaction. Days after escaping, however, Whitestar was awoken alone near sunset to the sound of many wingbeats. Bluestar and Frostbite had sought out an Icewing patrol and betrayed Whitestar to the Icewing queen. Unskilled in fighting, Whitestar struggled to fend off the soldiers, though his unnatural strength helped greatly. In the fight, however, Bluestar attacked his brother head on and the two of them tussled for a long time before Whitestar unintentionally thrust Bluestar into a nearby cliff, breaking his wing. Whitestar tried to catch him as he fell but Frostbite interfered, unaware of Bluestars injury, and he was killed in the rocky water below. Crushed, Whitestar fled out to sea. With night falling, and a storm building, the Icewings halted their pursuit and returned to the Ice Kingdom, but Whitestar kept flying. Despite his animus-gifted strength, the wind from the collecting storm and his exhaustion from flying was enough to drive him into the sea, where he lost consciousness, certain he was at his end. He was shocked to wake up on a large remote island far out to sea, where he met the Lunarwing Eclipse. Up till that point, he had believed they were only a myth. Though she had intended to leave as soon as he woke up, he insisted she stay, and after much hesitation, she agreed to help him recover from his injuries (likely under the reminiscence of being forced to recover from a similar situation alone). Though the two mostly avoided conversation and as much interaction as possible, they eventually formed a small connection over their shared love of the night sky. Once Whitestar recovered, Eclipse intended once again to leave. However, Whitestar convinced her again not to simply up and disappear, and they agreed to meet as friends, once every new moon. Although over several months the two of them secretly began to bond even more deeply, and this time, Eclipse was the one to request they meet more often. Every new and full moon, the two would come together on the island to stargaze and after over a year, Whitestar confessed his love for her, which Eclipse shyly showed her return for. Whitestar became the only dragon Eclipse could find reason to trust fully. The only time she ever saw him use his power, was to enchant a stone to transform and shape into the silver neckband she always wears. Eclipse doesn't want children and Whitestar contently agrees. Eclipse helped train Whitestar to fight, and he still lives on the island where they met, exiled from the Ice Kingdom.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Third Character
Name: Kapok
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Tribe: Leafwing
Physical appearance: Rather large for a Leafwing; He is very strong. Light brown scales with a few scattered green scales around his horns and the ridge on his spine. He only carries 2 or 3 resource pouches. One of his horns was recently broken during a fight.
Personality: Kapok has a very calm and slow demeanor. He is not very bright and is mostly oblivious to insults or criticism. He follows orders well and has trouble thinking for himself. He is a fierce fighter though and is willing to defend his friends violently when necessary. He doesn't really have a temper, but when he is mad he is terrifying. He is also mute but doesn't try to communicate through gestures. The only way to understand his reactions to things is through his facial expressions, which are very vague anyway.
Backstory: Kapok was mostly just a wander as long as he was able to be out on his own. When he found Phyrria, he was trapped by Nightwing hunters very soon after. He has been at the Scorpion Den for about 2 years, used for fighting due to his burley structure.

Fourth Character
Name: Alicanto
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Tribe: Cloud/Lunarwing hybrid
Physical appearance: Tall and very skinny, looks mostly like a normal Cloudwing. His feathers are silver and look like they are made of metal. His snout is pearly white and polished like glass. Black claws. He has several large feathers in his crest that are edged with white which glows dimly. Pearly white horns. Flecks of white feathers around his eyes that also trail up to his horns. Unlike a Cloudwing, he does have spike's down his spine and the feathers on his ridge are also large, with more of the glowing white tips, almost hiding his spikes. Azure, bright blue eyes.
Personality: Very cold and reserved from other dragons. He is pessimistic and rude to other dragons and finds optimists annoying. He keeps a very rough exterior to hide how soft he actually is deep inside. Quiet, but when he speaks, he is worth listening to. Extremely smart and cunning. Doesn't like to work with other dragons at all, but is a born leader, sometimes falls into a habit of directing and commanding others. Doesn't like to kill, but isn't afraid to. Very brave, but not reckless.
Backstory: Doesn't remember his life before the SD. His memory was wiped in the laboratory and the humans gave him the name he has now, named after the mythical bird, the Alicanto, for his metallic-looking feathers. He was trained to be a dragon hunter like the Nightwings, but he isn't large enough to carry soldiers well in a fight, so he is used more as an unpaid mercenary than a riding hunter. The only payment he gets for his missions is minimum freedom in the Den. He isn't owned by a specific dragon hunter, but can be "hired" by any hunter with permission from the small organization that runs the laboratory, even though they don't technically have custody of him. He knows the Scorpion Den is wrong, but since he can't remember anything else, he avoids thinking about the corruption and focuses on just doing his "job", possibly out of a hidden fear of what escape or deserting would risk for him, since he isn't quite as broken as the other dragons. He has been in the Den for almost 8 years, and was still a dragonet when he was first brought there, even though he doesn't remember how.

Fifth Character
Name: Shard
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Tribe: IceWing
Physical appearance: Solid white scales like snow with faintly outlined triangular silver patches on her neck and sides above her wings. Dark, arctic ocean blue eyes that seem almost iridescent in direct sunlight. Very slender and lean.
Personality: Shard has a very fast-moving mind and she likes to ask lots of questions but is usually too shy to. She tends to want to hide in heated situations and is clingy to dragons that act as parental figures or good friends. She is very quiet when she first meets dragons but has a tendency to talk a little too much when she starts getting comfortable around them and forgets her nervousness.
Backstory: Shard was hatched in the Ice Kingdom, but when she was nearly two years old, the Queen's laws and security began to grow to a concern due to a supposed "mutiny" and her parents decided to leave, remaining around the borders or in territory where SnowWing packs usually lived. About 2 weeks before the breakout, the three of them were attacked by humans. Her father was killed and her mother tried to flee with Shard, but was shot and later grounded. Hours later the humans returned and Shard's mother fought them, but with little strength, and she was killed as well.
Shard was brought to the Scorpion Den after some handling in a small coastal city and she was moved back and forth from the truck yard and some lots in the Den a few times. She was in the truck yard during the rebellion breakout.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

@Chikyboy (Inactive)

First Character
Name: Robin
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Tribe: CloudWing
Physical appearance: Grey on the top with an orange underbelly
Personality: Generally nice, but can be set off like a bomb. Sarcastic.
Backstory: Lives in woods right by park. Lives in midwest.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Second Character
Name: Hawkmoth
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Tribe: SilkWing/CloudWing
Physical appearance: Feathers are blackish brown, Orange on tips of wings. Antennae, four wings.
Personality: To be RPed out.
Backstory: None

@Yukiko (Active)

First Character
Name: Alyssia Evaw
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Tribe: Human
Physical Appearance: Tall and slim. Fairly agile and athletic. She has a fair white skin with a tan altering it. Long black hair lays down her back in waves. Usually, she has it pulled back in a braid that reaches her waist. Longer face with bright blue eyes like the sea. Usually wears a short sleeve t-shirt with jeans. However, she also wears her swimsuit often because they often swim in the ocean nearby.
Personality: Very outgoing and fun. Living in the paradise of her island, she has been very sheltered for her whole life, so she can be a little…blonde… at times. A very extreme personality that can serve her well or cause problems. When she has an emotion, she feels it strongly. Happy: all bubbly and everyone knows. Sad: tends to cry. Angry: ready to kill someone. Protective: willing to die for them. etc. Tries to be optimistic and doesn’t like to be sad. Another downfall. She tries everything in her power to keep herself and others happy and upbeat. Sometimes to her downfall. She’s very adventurous and loves to explore. Also loves dragons, but doesn’t know about the dragons and humans hating each other throughout the rest of the world.
Backstory: Alyssia lives on the islands of the Sea Kingdom. She lives as an only child because her brother disappeared when she was little. Too young to even remember. Her parents never told her much about what happened, just that he disappeared while out at sea. Because she never heard any details, she would always push the hole in her heart out of her mind. She tried to ignore the pain she always feels when thinking about what her life would’ve been like if her brother was alive. But, determined to stay optimistic, she led a normal girl’s life. School, friends, fun. But, also swimming and hanging out at the ocean. Also, she knows about the SeaWings but hasn’t seen any other dragons. Also oblivious to the fact that dragons and humans hate each other. So, basic normal life in paradise. Though, she does know of a couple of skirmishes on the borders of the Sea Kingdom that have caused a little turmoil at times, and she’s heard rumors about the NightWings but she has never encountered them. Has never had a bad encounter with a SeaWing except for one instant where she was almost killed by one as she was swimming farther out in the sea. She was yanked off of her surf board and was met by a SeaWing in the water. He charged her about to kill her for some reason, but instead he stopped and they looked at each other for a second. Pain filled this dragon's eyes. She began to lose consciousness from lack of oxygen and raced for the surface. She blacked out and the last thing she remembers is the feeling of scaly claws grabbing her. She remembers the face of this dark blue SeaWing as well. His aqua blue eyes glowing and burned into her mind. She woke up in the hospital on her island and hasn’t seen the dragon since. Since then, she has wanted to adventure farther out into the world and explore. And, hopefully, find this dragon again and find out why he looked at her the way he did.

Second Character
Name: Crest
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Tribe: Seawing
Physical appearance: Dark blue scales cover his back and aqua blue lines run down his back. The aqua seems to glow. The lighter blue underbelly matches the looser skin for the wings. Aqua designs swirl their way throughout his wings giving them a glow of their own. Black claws. Long face with aqua colors tracing their way up his neck and ending at his eyes. His eyes are the same glowing aqua green/blue color and it looks as if the aqua swirls feed the glow of his eyes. Large pearly white teeth.
Personality: Very reserved. An experienced soldier kind of personality. Quiet but authoritative. Speaks when necessary. Serious and doesn’t joke around much. Will fight for those he cares about. However, he tries not to get close to people because of reasons going to be explained in his backstory. When you do get to know him and he trusts you, he is very older brother-like. Taking care of you. He has little patience with disobedience. A very skilled fighter and leader.
Backstory: When he was a young dragon, he and his sister would always play. His younger sister, Minami, was his closest friend and he loved to watch her eager eyes discover something new. However, one day as they were swimming and playing, Minami was curious to explore a part of land further out of the kingdom. Crest told her that it wasn’t a good idea, but her sense of eagerness drove her to go anyway. He tried to follow her and protect her. As they left the kingdom, they were attacked. Crest tried to fight them off, but he wasn’t an experienced fighter. He was knocked unconscious and ended up falling into a sea cave. His last image being the terror in Minami's eyes as she realized what was happening. He didn’t even get a look at his attackers. All he remembers is that he woke up in the cave and Minami was gone. He raced out of the cave and yelled for her. He searched for hours for her, but eventually had to give up and go back to the kingdom. He told his parents and they sent out a search party for her, but there was no dragon to be found. Crest blamed himself for not being able to protect his sister and vowed from that moment on to learn to fight. He was going to be the best warrior and protector the SeaWings had ever seen. He trained tirelessly and became more and more reserved as he continued to blame himself for what happened to Minami. This is why he doesn’t get close to people. He doesn’t want to get close and then not be able to protect them.
Now he is a kind of high ranking soldier in the sea kingdom. He would have the title Captain.

Third Character
Name: Austin Arlington
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Tribe: Human
Physical Appearance: About 6'2". He his muscular, but toned. Blonde short hair coming down slightly down the neck. Tanned/golden skin and beautiful hazel eyes. Wears a black tunic with gold-colored shoulder pad designs and gold-colored fingerless gloves. Two katana-like swords on his back and usually has some guns strapped to him. Deep purple straps hold the swords onto him and a purple belt completes the outfit. The same deep purple is used for his pants underneath his black tunic as well. The tunic as a hood on it also. Hard eyes and eyebrows and a strong jawline give him an intimidating look about him.
Personality: Comes off as cocky and snobbish to other people. Hard-headed. He is a good fighter and knows he's good. Confident, but that can get him into trouble. Pretty mean usually. Makes jokes and sly comments, usually mean ones when around people, especially other riders or dragons he doesn't like. No one has ever really seen his softer side. He is tough around people, but when you have him open up, he's very awkward and can actually be funny and make jokes. He does have a sweet side, but it's been buried for so long, it's hard to bring it out.
Backstory: Austin was born in a city near the Cloudwing kingdom. It was a pretty small settlement and close to the border. He lived in a large family with 5 kids where he was the oldest. He grew up like a normal boy until he was about 12. Then, the attack came. On there smaller town, dragons descended - pure white ones. They raided and took many people, flying back with them. Austin had been at his friends house and was riding home on his bike when they attacked. He hid in his favorite hiding place - a small grove of trees beside his house. He couldn't make it inside before the dragons had gone in, so he just hid. Cried and hid. He heard gunshots and roaring and screaming. Finally, the dragons left and he got out of his hiding place. The silent town was foreboding and tears continued down his cheeks. Entering his house, he found some of his family members lying there....gone. He couldn't find others and assumed that they were taken along with other humans in the town. He went back outside and watched the dragons flying away. He could make out little figures in cages or being held by the dragons. He screamed into the sky after them and made a vow then and there: dragons were evil and he would never treat any dragon well...ever. If he found one, he would have to hold back from trying to kill it right there. With the rescue teams from the larger cities coming to look for survivors, he was rescued and taken to a larger city where was put into an orphanage. He began learning how to use weapons and becoming a master fighter. The tutor that the orphanage had gotten for him to help him learn how to fight worked part time in the Scorpion Den and told him all about it. He told his teacher that he would like to go to the Scorpion Den with him and they both went. Austin quickly made a home and a reputation there with his talent with weapons and his ruthlessness to the dragons. Now he is one of the higher ranking riders and is usually one of the guards hired for the rich people coming to buy dragons or watch fights. He is a professional nightwing rider, but he does not have his nightwing currently.

Fourth Character
Name: Sage
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Tribe: Dragon/Human Mutation
Physical Appearance: Human-like form. Stands like a humanoid and walks similarly, but also hunches over slightly when walking, however he can stand upright if he wants. It’s more natural for him to walk slightly hunched though. Black scales cover his whole body. Legs are shaped like a dragon’s back legs. Feet are talons of a dragon and large black claws extend from them. He usually wears brown trousers with a black belt at the top. A black-colored metal chest plate kind of top covers his broad build. Large shoulders make there way to muscular arms. However, he’s not huge kind of muscular. Very lean and muscular. An ideal soldier. His hands resemble claws, but still work with the same versatility as hands, and they are much bigger than normal human hands. Smaller claws at the end of his fingers glint in the light. A muscular neck makes way to a human-shaped head. He has jagged teeth like that of a dragon and a snake-like tongue. His blue eyes are human, but the pupils are snake-like. Straight, black hair falls down to his shoulders and is slightly unkempt when he’s casual. His large, black wings connect to him at about the shoulder blades on the back. Dragon horns sprout from his head and aren’t overly huge but still very noticeable.
Personality: Dark and keeps to himself. Follows orders from Vulture and doesn’t think he has any other purpose in life than to serve the cloudwing rebellion cause. He’s been broken by the cloudwings and so is very quiet and reserved. Secretive and will only talk to you if necessary. Sometimes goes on a crazy animal instinct mode if prompted to do so. Also very smart and calculating.
Backstory: Taken as a young boy, Sage was brought to the Scorpion Den when he was only 8. He was taken from the Scorpion Den along with other humans and dragons alike and brought to the cloudwing rebellion camp. He was raised and trained around the others who were taken with him. They were taught everything that the cloudwings knew. Eventually, humans came in to teach them as well and they were constantly learning. They were also trained ruthlessly to be fit and perfectly healthy. He made some friends, but they were encouraged and taught to never have friends. That everyone could betray you. They were also taught that Queen Cirrus was evil and that she should be overthrown. Teachers taught them that Vulture had the abilities and even the right to be on the throne and they began believing it. If the students went against what the teachers said or they weren’t doing well, they were punished…severely. Broken, Sage eventually went with what they were telling him to do. Memories of his previous life slowly fading to the back of his mind. When he was 18, he was taken down into the scientist’s lab that he had been into many times before to be checked and analyzed with his progress. During this trip, however, he was restrained and sedated. Several horridly painful experiments were done and he almost died several times. However, eventually, they hit the answer and Sage woke up one morning in pain, but he was covered in scales and had wings and claws. Unable to deal with the monster he’d become, he turned inward and never looked outward again. He was hideous, but soon he saw others like him. He had been the key. They’d stumbled upon the answer with his experiment. Before long, he was surrounded by creatures just like himself and they were being trained everyday how to deal with their new abilities. Now a renowned member of the army, he is sent out to do Vulture’s bidding.

(Art credit: @Yukiko )

@Shabby Chic-Hens (Inactive)

First Character
Name: Sunrise
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Tribe: CloudWing
Physical appearance: Light pale pink, with pastel peach feathers that fade to brown tips on her wings. Wears a silver hoop earring with two grey pebbles, on her left ear. She has two long scars on her back, towards her right leg, where she came in contact with a very blunt knife.
Personality: competitive, never backs down from a fight.
Backstory: Sunrise’s mother left her at the edge of the kingdom when she was six. Sunrise has grown up alone ever since. When her former queen kicked out all of the not white dragons, she gave Sunrise the two long scars. Now she always wears a sword, two daggers, and four chakrams, even while sleeping.

@_-Captain BRM-_ (Active)

First Character
Name: Sol
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Tribe: SolarWings
Physical appearance: Deep red, yellow eyes;
Personality: Cocky, confident. He has an arrogant demeanor, but no one has really seen his true self, due to his years spent in the Scorpion Den.
Backstory: Was captured four years ago by NightWing hunters. He has been fighting in the Scorpion Den, 'owned' by a famous Dragon Fighting enthusiast.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Second Character
Name: Tobias
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Tribe: Human
Physical Appearance: Frosted tips- he has piercings and tattoos, but still dresses quiet business-like. Brown eyes, wears rings and other jewelry.
Personality: Chill, kind, lives for the party. He's a shrewd business man, but you have to be if your involved in the SD.
Backstory: His father was a dragon hunter, and due to unknown reasons, he was quiet abusive, causing Tobias to get out of dragon hunting. Tobias had always been intrigued by the Scorpion Den, but his father would not let him leave. When he was 17, Tobias  did leave, albeit illegally, working for a popular dragon hunter, who was quite involved with the Scorpion Den. He worked his way up, eventually buying Sol on a whim. It was the best decision of his life.

Third Character
Name: Roe Gongll
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Tribe: Human
Physical Appearance: Thick, wavy, light brown hair, with braids scattered throughout, dyed the ends purple and red; Light brown eyes;
Personality: Carefree and sarcastic, but has a serious, caring side to her. To be RPed.
Backstory: Was raised in the suburbs of the Scorpion Den, eventually buying a lot in the Den and beginning to breed purebred RainWings, bred specifically for fighting. She is good friends with August.
She loves her dragons and has a fantastic clientele since she handles her dragonets daily, teaching them to speak English- which is a full-time job. Most of her breeding stock has been born in the SD.

Fourth Character
Name: Gen
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Tribe: Sand/Rain/HiveWing Mutation
Physical appearance: Slimmer build, RainWing scales, typically black;
Personality/Backstory: Gen is a mindless tool. Raised in the Scorpion Den, he knows nothing other than what he was created for- unless he gains his memory, which happens occasionally. That was a mistake. Genetically, he is a wonderful creation having gained every weaponry trait from his ancestors- but due to hyperactive brain activity, they are unable to erase parts of his mind, even after several failed attempts. On the rare occasion that Gen does regain his memory, something usually triggers it. He doesn't remember much from his past, except for a tall, red SolarWing, who endured each test beside him as the humans developed brain wash tech. They were some of the first test subjects, and Gen fed off of the SolarWing's rebellious spirit. But eventually they broke him. After months. And Gen isn't exactly certain the SolarWing even existed.. But every time his memory snaps back into his mind, the red dragon is always there.. always there.

Fifth Character
Name: Leuria Harper
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Tribe: Human
Physical Appearance: A natural shade of red dyed hair, one blue eye, one brown... funked up tats; Very dark brown skin, very tall. Thick 'Russian' accent.
Personality: To be RPed.
Backstory: Mostly to be RPed, but she's in Of Heart and Sol, so we'll know more as we go.

@Blue Raptor (Archive Admin, Active)

First Character
Name: Shrike
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Tribe: CloudWing
Physical appearance: Dark brown feathers with black tips and black feathers on his face; so yes, of course, he was rejected by his tribe. Shrike has long canines, and hazel-brown eyes. He’s scrawny and short for a CloudWing, but fights like a dragon (almost) twice his size.
Personality: Teases and jokes at everyone to hide the pain of being rejected and captured. He’s unadmittedly afraid of having dragons close to him in case they get hurt, so tends to push everyone away with his words.
Backstory: Shrike father was killed by the CloudWings, though he doesn’t know what happened to his mother; he assumes her dead. He’s been living in the Kingdom of Sand with ragtag bands until he was accidentally captured by NightWings and their riders a year ago (they were going for a larger SandWing).
His owner hates him because he can’t sell him, and he’s mostly useless in fights though he puts Shrike in the ring anyway; it just results in further humiliation for him.

(Art credit: @Blue Raptor )

Second Character
Name: Raptor
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Tribe: Sand/IceWing hybrid
Physical appearance: Raptor looks like your typical SandWing, except she has two wavy, icy blue stripes running from her face to her tail. Her barb is straighter and more like a curved spike, but still slightly venomous. Her claws are slightly longer and more curved, and her wing membranes are more of a pale sandy color. The whites of her eyes are black like a normal SandWing’s, and her irises are fiery yellow-orange.
Though she looks mostly like a SandWing on the outside, she has a blue tongue and blood and can breath frostbreath like an IceWing. She wears a gold earring on her left ear with with a teal blue gemstone on it, and a silver ring with three frosty-colored beads on her right talon; the former from her SandWing mother and the latter from her IceWing father.
Personality: Literally me, irl. Introverted, but talks happily with her friends. Though she likes meeting with them, she likes being alone most of the time. She hates to inconvenience people, even if that means giving her truly honest opinion, saying no, or accepting an offering. Doing something she regrets usually leads to a bit of a depression episode, and she hates it when she’s out of control of a situation.
Backstory: Raptor grew up in Possibility with her mother and father, who met there. Unfortunately, because they’re polar opposite dragons—with her mother favoring the desert and her father favoriting the arctic—they kept falling out.
When Raptor was fifteen, she left home after a particularly nasty argument the day of, and snuck out after night without telling them where she was going. A few months later, she told them she’d moved far outside the city but wouldn’t be coming back to live with them.
She visits them every once in a while, but when they both moved to different houses she began visiting less. A secret bunker under a house in Possibility is used as a checkpoint for escaping dragons from the Scorpion Den, and she’s managed not to be found out—yet. She does shop and work in Possibility and manages to keep away from hunters, but she loves to fish and learn English.

(Art credit: @Blue Raptor )

Third Character
Name: Cassius (likes to be called Cas)
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Tribe: SkyWing
Physical appearance: A bright, deep red color with paler, slightly bronze scales on his belly. His horns, claws, and the spikes down his back are black; his eyes are blue, an odd color for SkyWings. He’s wiry, and not as toughened and battle-ready as most SkyWings. He always wears a faded, slightly ripped, army green bandana around his neck because fashion? Obviously.
Personality: Loves hanging out with friends and being in the spotlight. He jokes alot, and doesn’t take (most) serious situations very seriously. He’s polite enough with strangers, but he’s not afraid to put on a spectacle for a joke or dare. Very arrogant and extroverted, and will laugh at things he randomly finds funny. (Narcissist much?)
When people don’t find him funny or ignore him, he’ll get upset and sulk.
Backstory: Cas left home to explore and find friends, but actually hadn’t had much luck. He was caught too close to the Scorpion Den and taken in by the Humans. Fortunately for him, he was a lousy fighter. He was mostly ignored for two whole weeks (which he found annoying), and managed to slip away from his owner when he spotted a couple dragons getting on a transport, and managed to get in with the last of them.

(Art credit: @Blue Raptor )

Fourth Character
Name: Winter
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Tribe: SnowWing
Physical Appearance: White fur, dark grey horns, and slate blue eyes. His left wing hangs awkwardly, though it’s mostly unnoticeable unless he tries flapping his wings.
Personality: Winter is very easygoing and fun, he enjoys chatting and joking with friends. He’ll get angry if someone tries verbally or physically attacking either him or one of his friends; if he fights, he fights hard—though not very tactically. If he’s asked about his family or past, he’ll get distant and sad without explaining (unless it’s a friend).
Backstory: Winter used to live on the fringes of the Ice Kingdom with his SnowWing family pack, and would wrestle and hunt with his brothers all of the time. One day he ended up dislocating his left wing in a particularly rough wrestling match, and it didn’t get fixed for a whole year and a half until the pain grew too unbearable. It still hurts him, especially when jostled, and it’s dislocated twice since fixed, but there’s nothing more that could be done.
Several of his brother began leaving so he attempted to do the same. He ended up in Possibility helping run Raptor’s checkpoint, and only attempted to go back to his family once. He didn’t try very hard to find them, and didn’t end up succeeding anyway, so he went back.
He rents an apartment in an urban part of the city of Possibility.

@Mary Poopins Love (Inactive)

First Character
Name: Bloodmoon
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, youngish though
Tribe: NightWing
Physical appearance: Black and dark red in color. Many scars and torn wings (just the edges so he can still fly) Muscular
Personality: Dark, Mysterious, Aggresive, Doesn't like/understand jokes and humor. Very observent and doesn't talk to strangers unless he has something very important to say.
Backstory: He is a fighter and a hunter dragon, he was caught on the night of his hatch, an eclipse, when his adoptive parents (Lunarwings) were both killed by human hunters for their hides. Since then he has been known for hunting the last large group of Lunarwings left. He has been called Blood by other dragons because he has killed hundreds of dragons in the fighting ring. Nobody messes with Blood.

(Art credit @-Kiwi- )

Second Character
Name: Jabez
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Tribe: Rain/LeafWing hybrid
Physical appearance: Read backstory first, good? Okay. Pale green, the rainwing color for in pain. The right side of his body is scarred black from his twin being in close proximity. He is also deaf. His acid is like vinager. He can fly
Personality: Sweet, shy, friendly, helping, and loving when you get to know him. Can't talk.
Backstory: Was a twin, but was overpowered by the other one. He would have died but something happened. A metorite chunk fell into their nest. He was saved! He hides out near where eclipse and the others are and sometimes will try to help dragons escape.

Third Character
Gender: Female
Age: 6
Tribe: Sky/Icewing
Physical description: Light blue topside with an orange underside. Wing membrane is orange and wing bone is pale blue. Spikes on back/neck and tail are also orange. She wears She has a scar on her left eye, which is cloudy and blind. She is very nimble. Can't handle 80+ degree (F) heat well. She breathes frostbreath and fire, although she prefers to use frost. Smaller than a normal icewing and skywing. Can fly VERY well, mostly because flying is her life. loves being in the lab. She also is very good at using her Animus powers to hack into human tech
Attitude: Can be very testy. She will test your patience and make fun of you if you're a stranger. She'll protect her friends at any cost and will do anything for her best friends. She can be aggressive and will fight to the death if any dragon hurts her friends. Basiclly, feircly loyal, sassy, mean.
Backstory: Her parents were the protectors of the last group of Nightwings. On her 5th birthday, Nightwing hunters attacked their camp. She hide in an ice crevice. A red Nightwing found her and she jumped out of the crevice. They slowly fought their way over to a cliff. Her Animus powers would have won if he hadn't clawed her eye and knocked her uncouncious. She fell down the cliff and would have died if the Nightwing hadn't flown down and caught her. She woke up and found a strange green dragon staring at her. He was deaf. All her memories were gone except her parents, the battle, and the red Nightwing. The dragon gave her a name when he pointed to the rising sun. Dawn. He took care of her until one night when he never came back. Before he left, he gave her this: A Sonora Sunrise diamond shaped rock with a gold band.

@Bella the Chicken Lover (Inactive)

First Character
Name: Citrus
Gender: Male
Tribe: RainWing
Personality: To be RP'd
Backstory: To be RP'd

@Little Baby Bean (Active)

First Character
Name: Calla
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Tribe: Leafwing/Mudwing Hybrid
Physical appearance: Glossy, dark green scales. Her underbelly is a muddy brown color. Her wings are lighter, a mix of green and brown. She has a bigger body type but not as big as a pure Mudwing. She can still get around fine. Her vision is blurry in her left eye thanks to the giant scar running across the left side of her face. She is able to blow fire when she is warm.
Personality: To start, sassy. Smart as well. Very sarcastic most of the time. She usually acts like she is a lot better than everyone else. She is stubborn. This is mostly because of what happened to her when she was younger. But underneath all those sneers and sarcasm, Calla can be very sweet and loving. She just prefers not be unless she finds someone that she truly loves.
Backstory: When Calla was just a little egg, her parents were killed. A dragon hunter stole her and took her to the Scorpion Den. She hatched soon after, not expecting to be stuck inside of a tiny cage with no space. The same hunter who stole her would come in to feed her. Calla was a very sweet baby and wanted attention but she didn’t get any. The only attention she got was training. She was raised to be a vicious fighter. When she was thrown into the fighting ring for the first time at 12 years old, she did not know what to expect. She looked over to the crowds and saw the same dragon hunter that had raised her. She wanted to make him proud. Perhaps then he would love her and take care of her better. Calla fought against the giant Mudwing in the ring. This is when she discovered she could blow fire. She lost, obviously. The Mudwing scraped the left side of her face, giving her a giant scar. Calla was put back into her tiny cage. She felt furious and she changed from a sweet dragon to a horrible one. She never saw the dragon hunter again. When the rebellion happened, she was freed from her small cage. After stretching her wings, she piled into the last truck.

(Art credit: @Blue Raptor )

Second Character
Name: Ajax
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Tribe: SkyWing/ HiveWing
Physical appearance: His scales are a mellow orange color with a sloppy line of black running down his back. He has spots of black all over. Black claws with dark orange feet. He has four transparent wings that are outlined by orange. Black horns. He is a decently sized dragon, being a bit skinnier from his HiveWing parent. He is not the best at flying thanks to having four wings. The only power he has is a deadly, painful venom in his teeth that spreads whenever he bites someone. He doesn’t know about it yet though.
Personality: Very stubborn as well as cruel. Has a very quick temper. Violence is his first answer. If someone tries to fight him, act like they’re better than him, or even argue with him, he will attack either verbally or physically. He chooses to make enemies rather than friends. The reason he acts so bitter is to hide how weak he truly is. If you dig down really deep and get past his giant ego, you will find a gentle, weak dragon.
Backstory: Ajax had cruel, evil parents that were living in the SD. His dad, a SkyWing, was trained to be a war machine. His mom, a HiveWing, was only kept in the Scorpion Den to create vicious dragonets. Once she laid the eggs, humans would take them and try to hatch them. Since Ajax’s mother was kept horribly and was underfed, the humans only got one to hatch. Ajax was just what they wanted. He was horribly ruthless from the beginning. They trained him to become a a ferocious, violent soldier. So once the rebellion began, the humans threw him, as well as many other soldiers, to try to end it.

(Art credit: @Blue Raptor )

@Commander Gree (Inactive)

First Character
Name: Ace
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Tribe: SnowWing
Physical appearance: Dark grey fur with white from chin to underbelly and on the webbing of his wings, also with a white paintbrush on his tail. black tuffs on the ears and at the tip of the tail. Black horns, black claws. Icy, sterling blue eyes.
Personality: Hyperactive and highly dependent on reflexes, Thinks as fast as he reacts and is not easily frightened. Is very strong-willed but is quick to listen to others' opinions and thoughts. Does not take things too seriously and tends to be hard to daunt and sarcastic. He Is kind and quick to make peace and enjoys aiding friends and foes, but despite this, he is ready and willing to fight and intends to win.
Backstory: Unknown

@RoosterWhisperer (Inactive)

First Character
Name: Utah (aka Talla)
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Tribe: CloudWings
Physical appearance: Dark Brown with red shoulders. Tail has white band. (Look up harris hawk)
Personality: Smart and agile. A good hunter who believes in teamwork above all. She’s friendly and shakes her tail as a greeting to other cloudwings. She’s fast too.
Backstory: To be RPed

@SarcasticDrag0n (Active)

First Character
Name: Hibiscus
Gender: Female.
Age: 9
Tribe: LeafWing.
Physical appearance: Dominantly dark pine green with lighter green underbelly and wing membranes/back spikes, scattered light pine green scales, and rich brown freckles over her snout and forelegs that are almost red in color.
Personality: Tough, ruthless, and strategic in bad situations, she has a good off switch for daily life when not fighting. She craves company and hates being alone but functions well on her own if need be. She's quick to trust (maybe too quick) and makes friends easily with anyone she meets.
Backstory: Her egg was abandoned by her mother but a group of RainWings found her just as she was about to hatch and took her in. She was raised by RainWings and didn't know anything differently. At a young age her family was killed by humans (scavengers) and they kidnapped her, forcing her to fight in arena battles. She became battle-hardened and an excellent fighter, but what she had to do to survive haunts her to this day.

@Misfits Farm 92 (Inactive)

First Character
Name: Lori (like a lorikeet)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Tribe: Rain/CloudWing hybrid
Physical appearance: She shimmers brightly with colors that correspond to her emotions, much like a normal rainwing. Her feathers do take a lot longer to change color than a rainwing's scales though. She can spit venom that stings pretty badly, but it's not strong enough to kill. She can't turn invisible, but in certain environments (like dense leaves or dark shadows) she match the background well enough to be close to undetectable.
Personality: Lori is adventurous and impulsive. She is also extremely curious about the world around her. She has the tendency to think she's always right and think that she's a bit more skilled at things than she is,but she doesn't show it much around dragons she isn't familar with. She's an awkward extravert who wants to make friends but isn't talking to dragons. She can have trouble staying in one place for too long, but she tries her best out of loyalty to the people she meets there.
Backstory: Lori's father was a cloudwing drifter who found his way into the jungle, but he didn't stick around long after his daughter hatched though. She was raised in the traditional rainwing way, by the tribe rather than by her mother alone. She always wanted to explore the world. She also secretly hoped that one day, if she made it out of the jungle, she'd just maybe meet her father. When she was sixteen, she discovered the portal/tunnel that leads to the desert. After that, she ventured further into the desert each day, but still returned to her home in the evening to tell the other dragonets of her adventures. That was until she was caught in a sandstorm and the entrance to the tunnel was covered up. She managed to collapse in a desert oasis when it was over. From there, she started her grand adventure of exploring the world, going from oasis to oasis hoping to get out of the desert. Eventually she did make it to one of the mountain ranges at the edge of the desert, but her time to admire it's beauty was cut short by hunters who noticed her unusually colorful feathers (which were bright pink and yellow at that time.) She was captured and taken to the scorpion den. Her owner never succeeded in selling her for very high prices because she stubbornly remained a dull brown color. Now she is at checkpoint one with other dragons escaped from the scorpion den.

@TheWasp (Active)

First Character
Name: Lotus
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Tribe: SilkWing
Physical appearance: A small dragon, smaller than most. The colors of a Madagascar Sunset Moth, with light yellow eyes. Long elegant horns.
Personality: Quiet and reserved, watchful. Only helps for something in return.
Backstory: Unknown so far.

(Art credit: @TheWasp )

(Art credit: @TheWasp )

@Bakbuk (Active)

First Character
Name: Marcus
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Tribe: RiverWing
Physical appearance: Majorly slate-blue with some greenish accents mixed in. Average size for his age, but plenty of potential to get much larger as he grows. Normal overall build as well, sharp claws and teeth.
Personality: In a word, simple. Reclusive, but friendly and cordial when interacting with other dragons, although it is an uncommon occurrence. Doesn't take life too seriously. Appreciates good humor and does his best to reciprocate it, however laughable the attempts may be. Always energized, and likes to be of service, although he's very naïve and clueless about the outside world (especially the dragon-human conflict). *oBvIoUsLy* enjoys exploring the waterways, swimming, diving, and fishing.
Backstory: Not much to tell. Hatched from a swirly-patterned brown-green egg loosely fastened to some reeds. Never met his parents. Lives in one of the mountain rivers near the Sky Kingdom not too far from Possibility.

@RDChicken99 (Active)

First Character
Name: Sundog
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Tribe: Solarwing hybrid (parentage unknown)
Physical appearance: Rich russet scales, with electric blue freckles. His markings are simpler than most Solarwing’s.The lights on his crest glow a pale milky white. Not being a purebred Solarwing, he has forelegs. Metallic devices have been implanted in his skin along his neck and spine.
Personality: To be RPed
The hallway’s fluorescent lights were situated in such a way that Sundog could crouch, hidden, in the metal rafters. His tail twitched lazily, the alarm still had several minutes before it was triggered, he had been sure to give himself some extra time, he’d made that mistake before, the scar had just begun to heal. The rafters were large enough he could nestle the bulk of his body comfortably, he shifted his haunches so he could jump down quickly when the time came. He checked the human device on his wrist, he had plenty of time before the humans were tearing down the hall to check their alarm. These waiting moments he always used to reflect.

He had come so far. Fighting in the Scorpion Den had brought him much attention and his owner great wealth, humans now sought out his owner seeking to hire Sundog to finish up business and run errands. He thought this was a rather decent arrangement he was in, he would go out and ‘run errands’, his owner would get paid a large sum, and Sundog received free lodging and food. Albeit his room was a little cramped, he could picture it now, clean tiled floors with overhead lights and white walls, he had a small cot in the corner.

He had company too, an old dragoness lived in the room beside him, he talked with her through the boxy window between their spaces. She never told him her name, he doubted she could remember it anymore. She had taught him the Draconic he knew now, he was deeply grateful for it. In the spare time he spent sitting in his room he would run through the words she had taught him through his mind, frightened he might forget them.

The only downsides Sundog could think of were the dreams… Oh, the dreams! They grew more and more vivid each night, stealing away hours of sleep he would need the coming morning. Some nights, a human would quietly sneak into his room, and before he could ask it what it was doing or break its meager spine it would inject a milky substance into his muscles and consciousness would be gone in a snap. The worst part was waking up, Sundog shuddered just thinking about it. As soon as he started to wake up and whatever the humans had injected wore off, a great crushing fear would wash over him, so strong it made his muscles scream in protest. Often a new alloy was implanted into his skin, and less frequently the alloys in his neck were replaced. He’d long since stopped trying to dig them out, it caused more pain than it was worth.

The device on his wrist beeped, bingo.

Just as he’d practiced, he exhaled slowly, breathing gasses into the air. He couldn’t see them, but he’d done this so many times he knew they were there, swirling in the hallway. His ears pricked, human footsteps were approaching rapidly, he could see them rounding the corner into his range. Sundog counted six of them, none armed as far as he could see, “perfect, this’ll be taken care of quickly” he thought. Just as the humans came into view he released small sparks of fire-breath, he could feel the heat as the gasses immediately caught fire, burning invisible flames. The unsuspecting humans ran straight into the cloaked flames that filled the hall. Sundog slid down from the rafters with catlike grace, unbothered by the heat from the flames licking his scales, and the remaining shrieking humans were silenced. Sundog made quick work of them with his dagger and the keen edges of his wings.

It was a simple mission, really. The intent was to intimidate, so he didn’t bother with extinguishing the hydrogen flames in the hallway and disposing of the charred bodies, the humans could deal with the cleanup. His master would get payed greatly for this, and Sundog thought he’d done a rather neat job of it.

He winged his way back to the Scorpion Den, ready for a night filled with dreams.

(Art credit: @RDchicken99 )
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Blue Raptor
Hello! I’m Blue Raptor (aka: Matty)
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