@Little Baby Bean (Active)

First Character
Name: Calla
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Tribe: Leafwing/Mudwing Hybrid
Physical appearance: Glossy, dark green scales. Her underbelly is a muddy brown color. Her wings are lighter, a mix of green and brown. She has a bigger body type but not as big as a pure Mudwing. She can still get around fine. Her vision is blurry in her left eye thanks to the giant scar running across the left side of her face. She is able to blow fire when she is warm.
Personality: To start, sassy. Smart as well. Very sarcastic most of the time. She usually acts like she is a lot better than everyone else. She is stubborn. This is mostly because of what happened to her when she was younger. But underneath all those sneers and sarcasm, Calla can be very sweet and loving. She just prefers not be unless she finds someone that she truly loves.
Backstory: When Calla was just a little egg, her parents were killed. A dragon hunter stole her and took her to the Scorpion Den. She hatched soon after, not expecting to be stuck inside of a tiny cage with no space. The same hunter who stole her would come in to feed her. Calla was a very sweet baby and wanted attention but she didn’t get any. The only attention she got was training. She was raised to be a vicious fighter. When she was thrown into the fighting ring for the first time at 12 years old, she did not know what to expect. She looked over to the crowds and saw the same dragon hunter that had raised her. She wanted to make him proud. Perhaps then he would love her and take care of her better. Calla fought against the giant Mudwing in the ring. This is when she discovered she could blow fire. She lost, obviously. The Mudwing scraped the left side of her face, giving her a giant scar. Calla was put back into her tiny cage. She felt furious and she changed from a sweet dragon to a horrible one. She never saw the dragon hunter again. When the rebellion happened, she was freed from her small cage. After stretching her wings, she piled into the last truck.

(Art credit: @Blue Raptor )

Second Character
Name: Ajax
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Tribe: SkyWing/ HiveWing
Physical appearance: His scales are a mellow orange color with a sloppy line of black running down his back. He has spots of black all over. Black claws with dark orange feet. He has four transparent wings that are outlined by orange. Black horns. He is a decently sized dragon, being a bit skinnier from his HiveWing parent. He is not the best at flying thanks to having four wings. The only power he has is a deadly, painful venom in his teeth that spreads whenever he bites someone. He doesn’t know about it yet though.
Personality: Very stubborn as well as cruel. Has a very quick temper. Violence is his first answer. If someone tries to fight him, act like they’re better than him, or even argue with him, he will attack either verbally or physically. He chooses to make enemies rather than friends. The reason he acts so bitter is to hide how weak he truly is. If you dig down really deep and get past his giant ego, you will find a gentle, weak dragon.
Backstory: Ajax had cruel, evil parents that were living in the SD. His dad, a SkyWing, was trained to be a war machine. His mom, a HiveWing, was only kept in the Scorpion Den to create vicious dragonets. Once she laid the eggs, humans would take them and try to hatch them. Since Ajax’s mother was kept horribly and was underfed, the humans only got one to hatch. Ajax was just what they wanted. He was horribly ruthless from the beginning. They trained him to become a a ferocious, violent soldier. So once the rebellion began, the humans threw him, as well as many other soldiers, to try to end it.

(Art credit: @Blue Raptor )