@-Shade- (Active)

First Character
Name: Eclipse
Gender: Female
Age: 16 years
Tribe: Lunarwing (with faint Solarwing ancestry)
Physical appearance: Lean and tall, very flexible and fast. Indigo-silver eyes, right eye has a very defined gold ring around the outside, like a ring of fire eclipse. She has one large gold scale on each wing shoulder. She always wears a silver neckband with diamonds embedded all the way around it and a round, black onyx set in a gold plate on the front.
Personality: Eclipse is very pessimistic and snappy to other dragons. She prefers and expresses a deep want to be left alone and avoid other dragons. She has major trust issues and expects the worst of everyone. Even the dragons she trusts, she is usually still waiting for them to eventually stab her in the back. She has low self-esteem and often switches between blaming herself and blaming others for her past experiences. She has no definitive home but travels within certain areas more than others. She has never encountered a human before but has heard many horror stories of them, so she travels only at night and sleeps in concealed places all day. She never travels over populated areas. Though she doesn't express her likes much, she has a passion for the celestials. She tracts the moon, stars, planets, and constellations year-round. Her only frequented interaction with dragons is a rouge animus Icewing, who she meets with every full and new moon.
Backstory: Eclipse hatched a month and a half early, contributing to her somewhat scrawny appearance. She never knew her father, only her mother, and older brother. Before she was a year old, they were attacked by a Nightwing hunter. Her mother was killed and she and her brother were forced to run. For years, the two of them raised each other and survived on what scraps they could find. Throughout that time, they often asked for help from other dragons, though they were met with harsh and often violent reactions. When Eclipse was 10 years old, she met a Silkwing during a hunting run, and the two eventually became best friends. Over time, Eclipse and her brother began to rely less and less on each other, spending more and more time away from each other. After knowing her friend for nearly a year and a half, Eclipse and her brother were attacked once again by a Nightwing hunter, escaping only by slipping into a rock cleft too small for the Nightwing to follow. Though her brother denied it, Eclipse was convinced it was the same Nightwing who killed their mother and she swore revenge. She trained herself as an assassin, learning to use her size and build to be quick and stealthy but strong. Months later, her brother finally spoke out and told Eclipse that it was a foolish path and that she would be wasting her time and life trying to track the hunter. The two of them fought for a while over the matter, and finally, her brother threatened to leave. Furious, Eclipse simply turned her back on him, and she hasn't seen him since. Weeks after the fight, Eclipse and her friend finally encountered the Nightwing, but not halfway through the fight, her friend abandoned her, and Eclipse barely escaped the hunter with her life. Alone and seriously injured, Eclipse was once again forced to scrounge and hide to survive only this time, without someone to help her. Healing was long and hard, but after several months she was able to finally retain the strength to fly. She set out to find her friend and her brother and eventually, she reunited with the Silkwing. Shockingly, she was met with a brutal and violent rejection from her and her new small group of friends. Still weakened from the near-death experience, Eclipse once again was forced to flee. She is still hunting for the Nightwing and she often dwells negatively on the events of her abandonment. She was left with terrifying scars down her left side, which she conceals beneath her wing in her rare encounters with strange dragons. When she was 15, during a flight over a large island after a particularly harsh storm, she noticed a pale shape among the scattered storm debris. After a cautious inspection, she discovered it to be an Icewing thrown up onto the beach by the storm. Miraculously, he was still alive...

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

(Art credit: @-Shade- )

Second Character
Name: Whitestar
Gender: Male
Age: 14 years
Tribe: Icewing
Physical appearance: Tealish white. The spikes on the tip of his tail are a richer teal. Unusually pale eyes--most dragons mistakenly assume him blind during first meetings. Average sized and somewhat wiry, though he is unnaturally strong due to an unintentional animus enchantment.
Personality: Though he is quiet, Whitestar is not shy. He thinks deeply about himself and the world around him. He is well practiced in completely containing his emotions, and he often comes across to others as intimidating, impenetrable, and emotionless. However, he is deeply conflicted about his past, especially the death of his brother. Though he is good at containing his temper, he is quite sarcastic towards dragons he finds particularly annoying. He prefers to be alone and meditates deeply on himself and the world around him to avoid the well-known "animus loss of soul". His favorite form of meditation is star gazing.
Backstory: Whitestar was hatched and raised among his tribe. His earlier life was mostly uneventful aside from predictable dragonet mischief. His mother died several months before he hatched, and his father was mostly not present in his life. He hatched from the same egg as his twin brother Bluestar, and the only visible difference between them was Bluestars eyes were deep azure, while Whitestars were pale silver almost white. Whitestar was often picked on by older Icewing dragonets for having strange eyes, and it occasionally escalated to fights. He avoided other Icewings more and more as he got older, keeping his company to himself, Bluestar, and the dragon he loved, Frostbite. During a festival in the Ice Kingdom when Whitestar was 13, he was confronted by another Icewing who he had a history of getting into fights with. While the Icewing had a small band of troublemakers with him, at the time, Whitestar was alone. Though he tried to avoid a skiff with the group, the fight proved to be inevitable, and with the odds so turned against him, Whitestar was eventually pinned. At that moment, he thought fiercely of the wish to be stronger. Stronger than any dragon ever was or ever could be. His wish was unexpectedly granted by animus power, which had gone unknown until that moment. The Icewing was thrown against a nearby wall which such force, that it killed him. Shocked and terrified, Whitestar fled but was brought down and arrested by the queen's soldiers. While in the queen's dungeon, he contemplated the strange event and after some hesitation, he experimentally demanded a nearby ice rock to melt. The crystal immediately shrunk into a liquidated puddle. Terrified but desperate to survive, Whitestar used his newfound power to escape, and after reuniting with Bluestar and Frostbite, the trio fled the ice kingdom. They followed the beach toward the kingdom of sand, traveling only at night, and keeping a distance from the shore to avoid human interaction. Days after escaping, however, Whitestar was awoken alone near sunset to the sound of many wingbeats. Bluestar and Frostbite had sought out an Icewing patrol and betrayed Whitestar to the Icewing queen. Unskilled in fighting, Whitestar struggled to fend off the soldiers, though his unnatural strength helped greatly. In the fight, however, Bluestar attacked his brother head on and the two of them tussled for a long time before Whitestar unintentionally thrust Bluestar into a nearby cliff, breaking his wing. Whitestar tried to catch him as he fell but Frostbite interfered, unaware of Bluestars injury, and he was killed in the rocky water below. Crushed, Whitestar fled out to sea. With night falling, and a storm building, the Icewings halted their pursuit and returned to the Ice Kingdom, but Whitestar kept flying. Despite his animus-gifted strength, the wind from the collecting storm and his exhaustion from flying was enough to drive him into the sea, where he lost consciousness, certain he was at his end. He was shocked to wake up on a large remote island far out to sea, where he met the Lunarwing Eclipse. Up till that point, he had believed they were only a myth. Though she had intended to leave as soon as he woke up, he insisted she stay, and after much hesitation, she agreed to help him recover from his injuries (likely under the reminiscence of being forced to recover from a similar situation alone). Though the two mostly avoided conversation and as much interaction as possible, they eventually formed a small connection over their shared love of the night sky. Once Whitestar recovered, Eclipse intended once again to leave. However, Whitestar convinced her again not to simply up and disappear, and they agreed to meet as friends, once every new moon. Although over several months the two of them secretly began to bond even more deeply, and this time, Eclipse was the one to request they meet more often. Every new and full moon, the two would come together on the island to stargaze and after over a year, Whitestar confessed his love for her, which Eclipse shyly showed her return for. Whitestar became the only dragon Eclipse could find reason to trust fully. The only time she ever saw him use his power, was to enchant a stone to transform and shape into the silver neckband she always wears. Eclipse doesn't want children and Whitestar contently agrees. Eclipse helped train Whitestar to fight, and he still lives on the island where they met, exiled from the Ice Kingdom.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )

Third Character
Name: Kapok
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Tribe: Leafwing
Physical appearance: Rather large for a Leafwing; He is very strong. Light brown scales with a few scattered green scales around his horns and the ridge on his spine. He only carries 2 or 3 resource pouches. One of his horns was recently broken during a fight.
Personality: Kapok has a very calm and slow demeanor. He is not very bright and is mostly oblivious to insults or criticism. He follows orders well and has trouble thinking for himself. He is a fierce fighter though and is willing to defend his friends violently when necessary. He doesn't really have a temper, but when he is mad he is terrifying. He is also mute but doesn't try to communicate through gestures. The only way to understand his reactions to things is through his facial expressions, which are very vague anyway.
Backstory: Kapok was mostly just a wander as long as he was able to be out on his own. When he found Phyrria, he was trapped by Nightwing hunters very soon after. He has been at the Scorpion Den for about 2 years, used for fighting due to his burley structure.

Fourth Character
Name: Alicanto
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Tribe: Cloud/Lunarwing hybrid
Physical appearance: Tall and very skinny, looks mostly like a normal Cloudwing. His feathers are silver and look like they are made of metal. His snout is pearly white and polished like glass. Black claws. He has several large feathers in his crest that are edged with white which glows dimly. Pearly white horns. Flecks of white feathers around his eyes that also trail up to his horns. Unlike a Cloudwing, he does have spike's down his spine and the feathers on his ridge are also large, with more of the glowing white tips, almost hiding his spikes. Azure, bright blue eyes.
Personality: Very cold and reserved from other dragons. He is pessimistic and rude to other dragons and finds optimists annoying. He keeps a very rough exterior to hide how soft he actually is deep inside. Quiet, but when he speaks, he is worth listening to. Extremely smart and cunning. Doesn't like to work with other dragons at all, but is a born leader, sometimes falls into a habit of directing and commanding others. Doesn't like to kill, but isn't afraid to. Very brave, but not reckless.
Backstory: Doesn't remember his life before the SD. His memory was wiped in the laboratory and the humans gave him the name he has now, named after the mythical bird, the Alicanto, for his metallic-looking feathers. He was trained to be a dragon hunter like the Nightwings, but he isn't large enough to carry soldiers well in a fight, so he is used more as an unpaid mercenary than a riding hunter. The only payment he gets for his missions is minimum freedom in the Den. He isn't owned by a specific dragon hunter, but can be "hired" by any hunter with permission from the small organization that runs the laboratory, even though they don't technically have custody of him. He knows the Scorpion Den is wrong, but since he can't remember anything else, he avoids thinking about the corruption and focuses on just doing his "job", possibly out of a hidden fear of what escape or deserting would risk for him, since he isn't quite as broken as the other dragons. He has been in the Den for almost 8 years, and was still a dragonet when he was first brought there, even though he doesn't remember how.

Fifth Character
Name: Shard
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Tribe: IceWing
Physical appearance: Solid white scales like snow with faintly outlined triangular silver patches on her neck and sides above her wings. Dark, arctic ocean blue eyes that seem almost iridescent in direct sunlight. Very slender and lean.
Personality: Shard has a very fast-moving mind and she likes to ask lots of questions but is usually too shy to. She tends to want to hide in heated situations and is clingy to dragons that act as parental figures or good friends. She is very quiet when she first meets dragons but has a tendency to talk a little too much when she starts getting comfortable around them and forgets her nervousness.
Backstory: Shard was hatched in the Ice Kingdom, but when she was nearly two years old, the Queen's laws and security began to grow to a concern due to a supposed "mutiny" and her parents decided to leave, remaining around the borders or in territory where SnowWing packs usually lived. About 2 weeks before the breakout, the three of them were attacked by humans. Her father was killed and her mother tried to flee with Shard, but was shot and later grounded. Hours later the humans returned and Shard's mother fought them, but with little strength, and she was killed as well.
Shard was brought to the Scorpion Den after some handling in a small coastal city and she was moved back and forth from the truck yard and some lots in the Den a few times. She was in the truck yard during the rebellion breakout.

(Art credit: @-Kiwi- )
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