@Yukiko (Active)

First Character
Name: Alyssia Evaw
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Tribe: Human
Physical Appearance: Tall and slim. Fairly agile and athletic. She has a fair white skin with a tan altering it. Long black hair lays down her back in waves. Usually, she has it pulled back in a braid that reaches her waist. Longer face with bright blue eyes like the sea. Usually wears a short sleeve t-shirt with jeans. However, she also wears her swimsuit often because they often swim in the ocean nearby.
Personality: Very outgoing and fun. Living in the paradise of her island, she has been very sheltered for her whole life, so she can be a little…blonde… at times. A very extreme personality that can serve her well or cause problems. When she has an emotion, she feels it strongly. Happy: all bubbly and everyone knows. Sad: tends to cry. Angry: ready to kill someone. Protective: willing to die for them. etc. Tries to be optimistic and doesn’t like to be sad. Another downfall. She tries everything in her power to keep herself and others happy and upbeat. Sometimes to her downfall. She’s very adventurous and loves to explore. Also loves dragons, but doesn’t know about the dragons and humans hating each other throughout the rest of the world.
Backstory: Alyssia lives on the islands of the Sea Kingdom. She lives as an only child because her brother disappeared when she was little. Too young to even remember. Her parents never told her much about what happened, just that he disappeared while out at sea. Because she never heard any details, she would always push the hole in her heart out of her mind. She tried to ignore the pain she always feels when thinking about what her life would’ve been like if her brother was alive. But, determined to stay optimistic, she led a normal girl’s life. School, friends, fun. But, also swimming and hanging out at the ocean. Also, she knows about the SeaWings but hasn’t seen any other dragons. Also oblivious to the fact that dragons and humans hate each other. So, basic normal life in paradise. Though, she does know of a couple of skirmishes on the borders of the Sea Kingdom that have caused a little turmoil at times, and she’s heard rumors about the NightWings but she has never encountered them. Has never had a bad encounter with a SeaWing except for one instant where she was almost killed by one as she was swimming farther out in the sea. She was yanked off of her surf board and was met by a SeaWing in the water. He charged her about to kill her for some reason, but instead he stopped and they looked at each other for a second. Pain filled this dragon's eyes. She began to lose consciousness from lack of oxygen and raced for the surface. She blacked out and the last thing she remembers is the feeling of scaly claws grabbing her. She remembers the face of this dark blue SeaWing as well. His aqua blue eyes glowing and burned into her mind. She woke up in the hospital on her island and hasn’t seen the dragon since. Since then, she has wanted to adventure farther out into the world and explore. And, hopefully, find this dragon again and find out why he looked at her the way he did.

Second Character
Name: Crest
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Tribe: Seawing
Physical appearance: Dark blue scales cover his back and aqua blue lines run down his back. The aqua seems to glow. The lighter blue underbelly matches the looser skin for the wings. Aqua designs swirl their way throughout his wings giving them a glow of their own. Black claws. Long face with aqua colors tracing their way up his neck and ending at his eyes. His eyes are the same glowing aqua green/blue color and it looks as if the aqua swirls feed the glow of his eyes. Large pearly white teeth.
Personality: Very reserved. An experienced soldier kind of personality. Quiet but authoritative. Speaks when necessary. Serious and doesn’t joke around much. Will fight for those he cares about. However, he tries not to get close to people because of reasons going to be explained in his backstory. When you do get to know him and he trusts you, he is very older brother-like. Taking care of you. He has little patience with disobedience. A very skilled fighter and leader.
Backstory: When he was a young dragon, he and his sister would always play. His younger sister, Minami, was his closest friend and he loved to watch her eager eyes discover something new. However, one day as they were swimming and playing, Minami was curious to explore a part of land further out of the kingdom. Crest told her that it wasn’t a good idea, but her sense of eagerness drove her to go anyway. He tried to follow her and protect her. As they left the kingdom, they were attacked. Crest tried to fight them off, but he wasn’t an experienced fighter. He was knocked unconscious and ended up falling into a sea cave. His last image being the terror in Minami's eyes as she realized what was happening. He didn’t even get a look at his attackers. All he remembers is that he woke up in the cave and Minami was gone. He raced out of the cave and yelled for her. He searched for hours for her, but eventually had to give up and go back to the kingdom. He told his parents and they sent out a search party for her, but there was no dragon to be found. Crest blamed himself for not being able to protect his sister and vowed from that moment on to learn to fight. He was going to be the best warrior and protector the SeaWings had ever seen. He trained tirelessly and became more and more reserved as he continued to blame himself for what happened to Minami. This is why he doesn’t get close to people. He doesn’t want to get close and then not be able to protect them.
Now he is a kind of high ranking soldier in the sea kingdom. He would have the title Captain.

Third Character
Name: Austin Arlington
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Tribe: Human
Physical Appearance: About 6'2". He his muscular, but toned. Blonde short hair coming down slightly down the neck. Tanned/golden skin and beautiful hazel eyes. Wears a black tunic with gold-colored shoulder pad designs and gold-colored fingerless gloves. Two katana-like swords on his back and usually has some guns strapped to him. Deep purple straps hold the swords onto him and a purple belt completes the outfit. The same deep purple is used for his pants underneath his black tunic as well. The tunic as a hood on it also. Hard eyes and eyebrows and a strong jawline give him an intimidating look about him.
Personality: Comes off as cocky and snobbish to other people. Hard-headed. He is a good fighter and knows he's good. Confident, but that can get him into trouble. Pretty mean usually. Makes jokes and sly comments, usually mean ones when around people, especially other riders or dragons he doesn't like. No one has ever really seen his softer side. He is tough around people, but when you have him open up, he's very awkward and can actually be funny and make jokes. He does have a sweet side, but it's been buried for so long, it's hard to bring it out.
Backstory: Austin was born in a city near the Cloudwing kingdom. It was a pretty small settlement and close to the border. He lived in a large family with 5 kids where he was the oldest. He grew up like a normal boy until he was about 12. Then, the attack came. On there smaller town, dragons descended - pure white ones. They raided and took many people, flying back with them. Austin had been at his friends house and was riding home on his bike when they attacked. He hid in his favorite hiding place - a small grove of trees beside his house. He couldn't make it inside before the dragons had gone in, so he just hid. Cried and hid. He heard gunshots and roaring and screaming. Finally, the dragons left and he got out of his hiding place. The silent town was foreboding and tears continued down his cheeks. Entering his house, he found some of his family members lying there....gone. He couldn't find others and assumed that they were taken along with other humans in the town. He went back outside and watched the dragons flying away. He could make out little figures in cages or being held by the dragons. He screamed into the sky after them and made a vow then and there: dragons were evil and he would never treat any dragon well...ever. If he found one, he would have to hold back from trying to kill it right there. With the rescue teams from the larger cities coming to look for survivors, he was rescued and taken to a larger city where was put into an orphanage. He began learning how to use weapons and becoming a master fighter. The tutor that the orphanage had gotten for him to help him learn how to fight worked part time in the Scorpion Den and told him all about it. He told his teacher that he would like to go to the Scorpion Den with him and they both went. Austin quickly made a home and a reputation there with his talent with weapons and his ruthlessness to the dragons. Now he is one of the higher ranking riders and is usually one of the guards hired for the rich people coming to buy dragons or watch fights. He is a professional nightwing rider, but he does not have his nightwing currently.

Fourth Character
Name: Sage
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Tribe: Dragon/Human Mutation
Physical Appearance: Human-like form. Stands like a humanoid and walks similarly, but also hunches over slightly when walking, however he can stand upright if he wants. It’s more natural for him to walk slightly hunched though. Black scales cover his whole body. Legs are shaped like a dragon’s back legs. Feet are talons of a dragon and large black claws extend from them. He usually wears brown trousers with a black belt at the top. A black-colored metal chest plate kind of top covers his broad build. Large shoulders make there way to muscular arms. However, he’s not huge kind of muscular. Very lean and muscular. An ideal soldier. His hands resemble claws, but still work with the same versatility as hands, and they are much bigger than normal human hands. Smaller claws at the end of his fingers glint in the light. A muscular neck makes way to a human-shaped head. He has jagged teeth like that of a dragon and a snake-like tongue. His blue eyes are human, but the pupils are snake-like. Straight, black hair falls down to his shoulders and is slightly unkempt when he’s casual. His large, black wings connect to him at about the shoulder blades on the back. Dragon horns sprout from his head and aren’t overly huge but still very noticeable.
Personality: Dark and keeps to himself. Follows orders from Vulture and doesn’t think he has any other purpose in life than to serve the cloudwing rebellion cause. He’s been broken by the cloudwings and so is very quiet and reserved. Secretive and will only talk to you if necessary. Sometimes goes on a crazy animal instinct mode if prompted to do so. Also very smart and calculating.
Backstory: Taken as a young boy, Sage was brought to the Scorpion Den when he was only 8. He was taken from the Scorpion Den along with other humans and dragons alike and brought to the cloudwing rebellion camp. He was raised and trained around the others who were taken with him. They were taught everything that the cloudwings knew. Eventually, humans came in to teach them as well and they were constantly learning. They were also trained ruthlessly to be fit and perfectly healthy. He made some friends, but they were encouraged and taught to never have friends. That everyone could betray you. They were also taught that Queen Cirrus was evil and that she should be overthrown. Teachers taught them that Vulture had the abilities and even the right to be on the throne and they began believing it. If the students went against what the teachers said or they weren’t doing well, they were punished…severely. Broken, Sage eventually went with what they were telling him to do. Memories of his previous life slowly fading to the back of his mind. When he was 18, he was taken down into the scientist’s lab that he had been into many times before to be checked and analyzed with his progress. During this trip, however, he was restrained and sedated. Several horridly painful experiments were done and he almost died several times. However, eventually, they hit the answer and Sage woke up one morning in pain, but he was covered in scales and had wings and claws. Unable to deal with the monster he’d become, he turned inward and never looked outward again. He was hideous, but soon he saw others like him. He had been the key. They’d stumbled upon the answer with his experiment. Before long, he was surrounded by creatures just like himself and they were being trained everyday how to deal with their new abilities. Now a renowned member of the army, he is sent out to do Vulture’s bidding.

(Art credit: @Yukiko )