@Mary Poopins Love (Inactive)

First Character
Name: Bloodmoon
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, youngish though
Tribe: NightWing
Physical appearance: Black and dark red in color. Many scars and torn wings (just the edges so he can still fly) Muscular
Personality: Dark, Mysterious, Aggresive, Doesn't like/understand jokes and humor. Very observent and doesn't talk to strangers unless he has something very important to say.
Backstory: He is a fighter and a hunter dragon, he was caught on the night of his hatch, an eclipse, when his adoptive parents (Lunarwings) were both killed by human hunters for their hides. Since then he has been known for hunting the last large group of Lunarwings left. He has been called Blood by other dragons because he has killed hundreds of dragons in the fighting ring. Nobody messes with Blood.

(Art credit @-Kiwi- )

Second Character
Name: Jabez
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Tribe: Rain/LeafWing hybrid
Physical appearance: Read backstory first, good? Okay. Pale green, the rainwing color for in pain. The right side of his body is scarred black from his twin being in close proximity. He is also deaf. His acid is like vinager. He can fly
Personality: Sweet, shy, friendly, helping, and loving when you get to know him. Can't talk.
Backstory: Was a twin, but was overpowered by the other one. He would have died but something happened. A metorite chunk fell into their nest. He was saved! He hides out near where eclipse and the others are and sometimes will try to help dragons escape.

Third Character
Gender: Female
Age: 6
Tribe: Sky/Icewing
Physical description: Light blue topside with an orange underside. Wing membrane is orange and wing bone is pale blue. Spikes on back/neck and tail are also orange. She wears She has a scar on her left eye, which is cloudy and blind. She is very nimble. Can't handle 80+ degree (F) heat well. She breathes frostbreath and fire, although she prefers to use frost. Smaller than a normal icewing and skywing. Can fly VERY well, mostly because flying is her life. loves being in the lab. She also is very good at using her Animus powers to hack into human tech
Attitude: Can be very testy. She will test your patience and make fun of you if you're a stranger. She'll protect her friends at any cost and will do anything for her best friends. She can be aggressive and will fight to the death if any dragon hurts her friends. Basiclly, feircly loyal, sassy, mean.
Backstory: Her parents were the protectors of the last group of Nightwings. On her 5th birthday, Nightwing hunters attacked their camp. She hide in an ice crevice. A red Nightwing found her and she jumped out of the crevice. They slowly fought their way over to a cliff. Her Animus powers would have won if he hadn't clawed her eye and knocked her uncouncious. She fell down the cliff and would have died if the Nightwing hadn't flown down and caught her. She woke up and found a strange green dragon staring at her. He was deaf. All her memories were gone except her parents, the battle, and the red Nightwing. The dragon gave her a name when he pointed to the rising sun. Dawn. He took care of her until one night when he never came back. Before he left, he gave her this: A Sonora Sunrise diamond shaped rock with a gold band.