Recent content by Backyard Farmin

  1. Backyard Farmin

    Backyard Farmins Member Page

    2009-09-14 12:02:38 Hi all, we've had one heck of a time getting started here. If it wasn't for the great staff at BYC we'd have never made it. We're in upstate NY about an hour north of Albany. We have 5 New Hampshire red girls and 1 Rhode Island Red Rooster. All from Tractor Supply...
  2. Backyard Farmin

    Anyone else have this happen?

    Hi there, we have been getting eggs from our little flock of now 6 for about two months. we've recieved some eggs that were xx large elongated and had two yolks, we've also had darn near goose egg size eggs with one yolk. our hens are semi-new to laying so we just figured they'll straighten out...
  3. Backyard Farmin

    have you ever had some hens lay.....

    Why yes we do almost every afternoon/night. Right now we have 5 hens laying 3 one day and 2 the next. Almost every afternoon there is another egg in the nest. I don't know who is laying an extra egg every day or taking turns every other afternoon, but that is their schedule so far. We spend a...
  4. Backyard Farmin

    Brown egg troubles.

    Hi everyone, we have a lil delima. We have 5 New Hampshire reds laying now, 3 one day and 2 the next. Everything looks good other than the occaisonal shell-less (soft) egg. When we hard boil them we can't for anything get them peeled without tearing almost all the whites off, they stick to the...
  5. Backyard Farmin

    Rooster attack

    We took te advice of friends and people here on BYC. We "hand raised" our little flock (1 roo & 5 hens) and have had no problems even collecting eggs every morning and evening. We walk right in their run and pet them, or pick them up with no resistance or problems at all. As soon as the chickens...
  6. Backyard Farmin

    Crumbles or Pelletts, that is the question.........

    Thanks guys. I wasn't sure if they were having a problem eating the pelletts either. The flock is barely a year old now. We always get our supplies from Tractor supply here. I haven't seen any non laying pelletts either. Have you tried a feed store if such a pellett even exists?
  7. Backyard Farmin

    Crumbles or Pelletts, that is the question.........

    Hi everybody, we just started using pelletts opposed to the crumbles they have had from the start. the feeder kinda holds back on the pelletts a little not to mention the flock doesn't really seem to care for the pelletts as much. they always look for bits of them to peck at. I did notice when...
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