Recent content by Bawkbawk137

  1. Bawkbawk137

    Map of potential chicken sitters

    Hi everyone! I can't believe I am the only chicken sitter in the whole state of Pa!
  2. Bawkbawk137

    Chicken adventures.

    I went to the Pa swap meet today to pick up a Banty Cochin roo friend for my lonely little Banty girl...I came home with the little roo AND I found a French cuckoo Marans rooster with feathers on his legs! I couldn't pass him up being that I just found out that I have 2 cuckoo marans hens that I...
  3. Bawkbawk137

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    20 out of 31 hens! I'm getting up there!
  4. Bawkbawk137

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    That pic is way too cute!!! I think mine need to stretch their legs too today. We were getting another 4 inches last night so I didn't shovel out yesterday, looks like I will have to today before they all kill each other!
  5. Bawkbawk137

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hi Sharron! Glad to see someone here that is so close to me! I am about 10 minutes from you! Woo hooo, have any extra little chickies you wanna get rid of? Lol!!
  6. Bawkbawk137

    Winter Chickens

    Same here! Just love my chicks!
  7. Bawkbawk137

    Winter Chickens

    Ha ha ha! No, I didn't! My rooster Mikey leads the way..He is the biggest begger of them all!
  8. Bawkbawk137

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I am located in Fayette County Pa...I haven't any clue who might be close enough to swap the or to purchase off of! I even have lots of fertile buff Orpington eggs, all 5 of the girls lay daily!
  9. Bawkbawk137

    Winter Chickens

    Thank you! Can you image 34 of them waiting everyday at around 2:00? They are always on time too! How do they know? Lol!!
  10. Bawkbawk137

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Awww, I wish I could hatch some of these cute lil things! I am not confident enough to complete the task.
  11. Bawkbawk137

    Winter Chickens

    Here is a pic of them letting me know it's snack time Mom! They are waiting for bread treats...Little did they know, I wasn't home!
  12. Bawkbawk137

    Winter Chickens

    Sure thing! There's 34 of them and if they don't get out of their pen at least an hour or so a day..they scream and bawk so loud I can hear them in the house!
  13. Bawkbawk137

    Winter Chickens

    Mine don't pay any attention to the snow..that is as long as I make a path, line it with straw and remove the tarp off of the patch of grass they like to browse in!
  14. Bawkbawk137

    Thanks Moderators!

    They are so awesome! Problem quickly solved!
  15. Bawkbawk137

    Thanks Moderators!

    Where and how do I reach a moderator?
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