Recent content by kyliescoop

  1. kyliescoop

    Tell me one nice thing about your spouse!

    My Husband has never once said anything negative to me or about me. To ANYONE. Even his buddies and his boss comment on how content he has become since we got married. He never raises his voice, and when the Danes get dirty, he is always quick to offer to give them bathes. Even though he has to...
  2. kyliescoop

    Well wishes for my mom :(

    All of our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family this evening.
  3. kyliescoop

    Goats Are VERY Lethargic....One Can't Get Up.....Need Advice

    Have either of the goats gotten ahold of or ingested anything within the past 72 hours that you did not give them?. I don't mean only obvious bad things, but things like tree bark, plants, seeds or anything similar?
  4. kyliescoop


    I raise Quarter horses, so I understand your concern. Don't worry, She will be fine. Horses have been dropping foals longer than humans have been having babies. I know you will worry about her anyway, but everything will work out, she will make a great momma, and you will have a beautiful...
  5. kyliescoop

    Seriously, has anyone seen an UFO? Please Share Stories...

    Don't feel weird about stuff like this. I used to think people you believed in UFO's were a few crayons short of a box, until just a few weeks ago. I live in the middle of nowhere in Arizona. All desert around me. I was outside on our front porch, smoking a cigarette, yes I know, nasty habit...
  6. kyliescoop

    My family has been so blessed... Our new Tennessee home *PIC HEAVY*

    You have truly been blessed. I hope it is everything you want, and more than you ever imagined it could be. Congratulations to you and yours!
  7. kyliescoop


    Talk about a set up!. That layout is awesome. If I pretend to be a chick, will you adopt me?.
  8. kyliescoop

    ~Another round of What Am I?~

    I honestly couldn't tell, but they sure are cute!.
  9. kyliescoop


    I'm so sorry about your chickie. May she always find scrumptious bugs in heaven.
  10. kyliescoop

    Anyone else excited about their garden?

    Well, I would be excited, but I think I am a plant killer. I have tried to start several different veggies in th ehouse, but none of them grew. I just have peat pots of dirt. . On the other hand, my hubby was being a smart alec, and stuck a potato in a jar of water, and wouldn't you know it...
  11. kyliescoop

    This is never going to work!

    :)YAY! I am so happy for you. I know how hard it is to wait, but miracles happen a minute at a time. Hopefully your Roo has done his job, and you will have lil ones before too long. Good luck to you!.
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