Recent content by UP_Chicken_Lover

  1. UP_Chicken_Lover

    Wanted - Welsummer Chicks

    I am seriously looking for Welsummer Chicks - my problem is I only want 3 to 5 is anyone interested in selling me some chicks? Contact me at [email protected] Thanks!
  2. UP_Chicken_Lover

    Chickens killed a mouse and are eating it....

    No way?!! This is NORMAL??? IT was a huge mouse!!
  3. UP_Chicken_Lover

    Chickens killed a mouse and are eating it....

    Is THIS normal??? 4 Black-sex link hens - 1 year old....
  4. UP_Chicken_Lover

    Frontline for humans?

    Listerine!! Just wipe it on your legs... put some in a spay bottle and spay where you walk... works on mosquitoes too!
  5. UP_Chicken_Lover

    OK ... lets have an EGG COUNT

    Well this past week my 5 girls laid 26 eggs and yesterday I got 5 - the most so far. Normally only 4 a day - 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. They started laying Nov 24 and egg totals for the week were: 5 Nov 30 7 Dec 7 19 Dec 14 26 Dec 21 57 eggs since they started!
  6. UP_Chicken_Lover

    In the summer time will my girls lay in the nesting box or outside?

    Our Black Sex Link hens have always laid in their nesting box - and we are wondering if this summer when they have the bigger yard to range in, if they will still come back to the coup to lay? Or do I have to rent a Bloodhound to find their eggs? lol
  7. UP_Chicken_Lover

    My girls must think I'm a rooster...

    Ours are doing this too - we actually have one little hen that we call thumper because she drums her feet like a Partridge! We pet them and ruffle their feathers - they want this twice a Thumper actually comes back around to have her feathers ruffled twice... lol
  8. UP_Chicken_Lover

    laying and freezing

    I'm in the UP of MI and haven't had any frozen eggs. Our nest box is filled with hay and pine shavings - is close to the heat lamp - and the girls are laying around 9 to 5 every day. We go out at noon and then again at 5 PM... We have been minus 25 degrees here for a couple of days because of...
  9. UP_Chicken_Lover

    Nesting boxes built...will they come?

    I have this question in reverse sort of... my girls - the little darlings, have always laid their eggs in the nesting box. We have two but their preference so far has been the top one. We have a mixture of hay/pine shavings in the nest/s. We have 5 chickens and so far this week we have 18...
  10. UP_Chicken_Lover

    Question for free rangers in Michigan

    Hi - Western Upper Michigan here - we have 1 to 2 feet of snow and we are currently at minus 3 degrees. My girls have done the same thing - open the door they look out and that is about as far as it goes. Mine are playing with a suet thing for birds with seed stuck to it. I feed them spinach...
  11. UP_Chicken_Lover

    Stomping hen?

    3 eggs so far this week - 3 more today - makes 6 so far this week 7 eggs last week 5 eggs the week before (first week they were laying I think we have another girl laying the one I got tonight was a light brown, not dark brown. We're thrilled at the eggs we're getting!!
  12. UP_Chicken_Lover

    Stomping hen?

    Well I'm getting 3 eggs a day now (2 in the morning and 1 at night) and I think she's laying the little dark brown one. All of the hens line up to be "petted" (great I've been molesting my chickens and didn't know it... lmao) I pat their heads and pat them on the back and stroke their...
  13. UP_Chicken_Lover

    Stomping hen?

    One of the girls will run over to the door - stand with her wings out - sort of folded and drum her feet like a partridge. Now, we had Partridge hanging out with the girls this fall - but what is up with the dancing? Has anyone ever seen this from Black Sex Links before? AND are they REALLY...
  14. UP_Chicken_Lover

    Merry Christmas to me...My first egg....

    Isn't it fantastic?! My girls started laying November 24 - we have now gotten a even dozen. One day two eggs and yesterday there were three!
  15. UP_Chicken_Lover

    Lights, Winter and egg laying

    Hi roosmom - first time with chickens - ever. Whether this year or before. I know the chickens can see red tomatoe - etc. Although that seems to have been an acquired thing. Just recently going after the red tomatoes - prior to this they just ran over to see what I put in and then walked...
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