OK ... lets have an EGG COUNT

6 from 11 girls

There slowing down but it is soooo cold.
Well this past week my 5 girls laid 26 eggs and yesterday I got 5 - the most so far. Normally only 4 a day - 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.
They started laying Nov 24 and egg totals for the week were:
5 Nov 30
7 Dec 7
19 Dec 14
26 Dec 21
57 eggs since they started!
12 eggs per day from 16 pullets. No clue as to who is laying but I think nearly all have begun. The EE's started yesterday and I am not certain if one of my Buffs has started. I'm very happy considering it was 5 below last night
5 so far today from 27 pullets. Some of the girls are 9 months old, some are 5 months old. Our record so far is 8 per day, average is 6. Can't wait til they really pick it up!

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