Reviews by ChickenGirl300

Pros: Friendly
Cool egg color
Interesting color varieties
Cons: Small eggs
Stop laying in cold weather
I originally bought my Easter Egger under the breed "Americauna" I have one 5 year old EE, and (probably) two 8 week old EEs, one of which is a frizzle. My older EE has always been friendly and doesn't mind being held. Although the breed is cold hardy, she hides in the coop in cold weather unlike my other chickens and stops laying early in the winter. Although I love the blue/green color, the eggs are on the small side. I they all have unique colors and muffs, and I would strongly recommend this breed.


Super Admin
Great Birds
Pros: Super sweet, cool to look at
Cons: None
I love my Frizzle Easter Egger! Our broody hen hatched 3 frizzles in her brood earlier this Summer, and they're all beautiful to look at. Frizzles have such unique feathers. Two of them were boys, but they were the sweetest chicks and don't mind being held. The girl, Marigold hasn't started laying yet but she is very friendly. I highly recommend this breed.
Purchase Price
$7 per Egg
Purchase Date
July 21st, 2021 (as egg)
Pros: So sweet, and cute very funny
Cons: Can get bullied by older chickens
I have two and they are so sweet, cute and funny!
They let me just scoop them up and hold them I love them!
Once when they were about two weeks old one of them caught a worm by herself. Smart Girl! She ate it in one gulp! :) If you have them or are planning to get them, know that if you live in a place with trees or rocks around, they have good camouflage. Though one of them is second to leader, the other gets picked on terribly by our Rhode Island Red. But they are very sweet and I love Plymouth Rocks!
Pros: Blue/green eggs
Pretty chickens
Cons: Not great winter layer
Loud (I mean LOUD)
Really, I love my Americana hen. Even though the eggs are tiny, they make a lovely accent to an all brown egg basket like mine. :) Every morning though, if she isn't let out early enough (in her opinion) she starts a horrible sound. And once she got so mad about nesting boxes that she lost her voice! Here she is. I have tried but can't tell which pattern she is. If you know, could you please let me know? Thanks
Really? Unless I'm thinking of another breed, don't Easter Eggers have beards?
Not necessarily, because they are technically mixed. Pure Ameraucanas always have beards and muffs. If she’s laying blue green eggs she’s an EE. She’s very pretty!
Thank you! I just did some research and your right, she is an EE. No beard, no muffs, Flag the Americana is now known as Flag the Easter Egger!
Pros: Great Layer, Friendly, Smart
Cons: Mean to Plymouth Rock at the bottom of the pecking order
I love our Rhode Island Red hen! She is a great lap chicken and layer. Pretty too. It only took her once to learn that the bird feeder held sunflower seeds. Our Red is also a great jumper for any string bean that dares grow outside the garden fence.
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