Reviews by nova022

Pros: Well made
Easy to clean
Holds temperature
Easy to turn eggs manually
Good value for the price
Cons: This model is no longer available from Brinsea and they haven't made a reasonably priced substitute. I would love to have another one.
I have wanted a Brinsea Incubator for a long time. I have had the styrofoam type and found them bulky and hard to clean and did not have great success with them. The reviews I read on the Brinseas mostly gave them high ratings and most people who owned them recommended them. Unfortunately, by the time I was ready to buy one the model I wanted was no longer available from Brinsea and I could not afford the next model up and did not want one that hatched fewer eggs. I was fortunate to find one from another site and I have been using it none stop since I got it in March. I really love this incubator.
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Pros: Beauiful, hardy birds that are pleasure to have around
Cons: They are a bit timid around people
Our first Pekin ducks came to us in the way of five eggs from a friend. We placed them in our incubator and three hatched. We wanted five ducks so we purchased two from Tractor Supply. We had planned to put them on our pond when they were big enough, but our plans had to change when we couldn't move to the farm as soon as we hoped, so we built them a pen with a small pond and a house in our yard. They are no trouble at all and everyone loves them. Our closest neighbor has never complained that they are too noisy. I do supplement their feed, but they mostly eat plants and things they find on their own.
They get along very well with one another and I have never seen them fight. We had eggs everyday until it turned cold in early December, but they have started laying again. I would recommend Pekin ducks to anyone who wants a beautiful sweet tempered duck.
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Pros: Pretty, friendly, fit right in with the older flock, lays large light brown eggs
Cons: My husband doesn't like her because she is aggressive to his little cockerel
Cinnamon is one of my favorite girls. She is the first to investigate anything new and is fearless. She is my biggest girl and I love her rich red feathers and white speckles. She is very friendly and behaves well with the flock with the exception of the new cockerel we are trying to introduce. She does not like him at all and chases him around. She started laying large double yolk eggs when she was five months old and now lays large single yolk eggs 5/6 times a week. I would definitely add more Speckled Sussex to my flock. She enjoys free ranging with the other girls every afternoon, but is one of the first to return to the coop at night or anytime I come out with treats.
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Pros: Beautiful, Good Layer, Friendly
Cons: None so far
My Blue Andalusian, Silver, is one of my favorite chickens. She is seven months old and is a delightful member of the flock. Her coloring and lacing is just beautiful even though she is a hatchery chick. She lays a medium to large white egg 6 days a week with an occasional jumbo. She fits in well with my flock and does not pick on the other girls, but does stand up for herself. I do have to keep her in a covered run when I do not want her to free range because she is a good flyer, but she is very good about coming in when called. I would love her appearance and spirit and would definetly recommend Andalusians to anyone.
She was about four months here.
Pros: Beautiful, pretty eggs, friendly
Cons: Very timid with other birds
I have two Easter Eggers that are beautiful six month old pullets. They lay very pretty blue/green eggs almost everyday. Even though they are different looking, they lay almost identical colored eggs.

They are very gentle and never cause trouble or pick on the other birds which unfortunately puts them at the bottom of the pecking order. They are very people friendly and are a lot of fun to watch. When they free range they stay close to us and are always ready for a handout. From the experience I have had with my EEs I would recommend them to anyone.

I want to add two things. Peanut Butter, the one in the bottom picture went broody, which I have heard is unusual for EEs. If I had hatching eggs I would have let her hatch them because she was very determined to stay on the nest. The other thing is after going broody she moved up in the pecking order and does not let the other girls pick on her. She is not mean to the other girls, but does not like the little cockerel we recently added to the flock. When she stands up to him and flares the feathers on her neck she looks like she means business.
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Pros: Beautiful, quiet, gets along with the other chicks
Cons: A bit stand-offish

I have only had my Australorp for seven weeks and while she was in the brooder she seemed unfriendly and not really interested in the attention of my husband or myself, but since she has been the coop she is coming around. She is becoming very friendly and likes to watch what I am doing when I am working around the coop. She comes for her treat and really seems to listen when I talk to her. She never seems to cause any problems with the other girls and really likes to pal around with one or two of the others.

All in all I am very happy with Matilda and would certainly add more Australorps to my flock.

I wanted to add an update on Matilda.
She really is becoming a beautiful girl. The pictures do not show the beautiful irridescent green in her feathers, but she is stunning in the sunlight. She lays nearly everyday and gets along so well with the other girls. She loves free ranging and hanging out with her best friend HenRetta the White Rock.
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