
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Layer
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Bears confinement well,Quiet,Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Any and All Colors
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and Araucanas, then bred with many different breeds so they no longer fit either breed's standards. They usually have muffs and pea combs, but come in nearly every variety and color, some even have ear tufts or are rumpless. Each EE is different, but overall they are usually a smaller bird that lays pink, green, or blue eggs. They are normally friendly and calm, and their colorful eggs make them a popular choice in backyard flocks.

Easter Egger chicks

Easter Egger egg

Easter Egger rooster

Easter Egger hen

For more info on Easter Eggers and their owners' experiences, see our breed discussion here:


Latest reviews

Super friendly!
Pros: They love people, mine run up to me every time I walk in there
They're very cuddly, and mine really enjoy hugs
Cons: Rather loud if you don't give them attention right away
Mine tend to peck me if I don't pet them soon enough
Easter Eggers are one of the best "breeds" there are. I've had seven so far, and all of them have been super sweet. They're the first ones to greet me in the morning, and whenever I squat down, they run up to me for hugs. One of mine is blind, and she makes a LOT of noise if I go out there and don't say hi to her right away. Once I pick her up and snuggle her she quiets down instantly.

Amazing birds, five stars, would recommend!
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I feel bad that I have to give this chicken a 3-star.....
Pros: Cute fluffy cheeks, pretty eggs, small comb
Cons: Super skittish, not afraid to stand their ground
On all websites I've visited says that easter eggers are one of the sweetest chicken breeds you can get. Yes, that can be true....But all chicken's personalities vary! I can barely get close to my easter egger, she startles when I make the slightest movement. She is not afraid to stand up for herself. She will fight. She fights with a hen that is twice the size as her. On the other hand, she lays pretty eggs and her face is cute. She only has 2 friends in my entire flock, they were in the same batch. She only really hangs out with the chickens her age. She has a very weird laying time, will lay all throughout summer, and after Winter she starts back up again very early, about February.
Purchase Price
$4.00 at a local breeder
Purchase Date
March 2019
One of my very favorites!
Pros: Good layers, lay large pretty eggs, generally very healthy, cold hardy, heat tolerant, small for a standard chicken, so many colors!
Cons: They can fly high and tend to wander, can be skittish, often mislabeled
Easter Eggers are one of my very favorite chickens. I've found them to be the healthiest chickens I've raised and they live a long time. They lay lots of large and jumbo eggs and continue to lay a decent amount when they're older. Because they are mixes you never know what color you are going to get or if they'll have beards or not or what color eggs they are going to lay which is exciting to me. You can usually easily tell individuals apart too. They are on the small side for a standard chicken so they probably don't eat as much as, say, a dual purpose breed, but their size and weight allow them to fly quite well which can be a problem if you're trying to keep them within a fenced area or catch them.


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thank you and I have thourghly enjoyed this site for all the amazing people willing to share their expertise and advice! Wonderful group of people and I'm proud to be a part of it all. :)
I agree, this site is so great, such a precious resource, I've been helped on numerous occasions that were critical. btw, I too have EEs, 8 total. Two of them, the rooster and one hen, are white and look like Ameracaunas and I'm wondering if the one really blue egg I get is from LucyBird, the white hen. The rest of them are various shades of brown/red/golden with black decoration, they all have that pattern, which I find to be exquisitely beautiful. If Ameracaunas can't be any but the solid colors, then I'm very thankful I got EEs.
You make a great point! They're usually sold as either Araucanas or Ameraucana (or "Americana"). And many owners believe they have one of those breeds.
Just read your review on EE's. Did you end up keeping them, and are they still dumb? I have a couple and they do act like they aint to smart but they are at the top of the pecking order and outlay all my top pure breeds. Mine run between my feet as i walk and have been kicked hundreds of times on accident. But if your looking for layers they are one of the best. 5 eggs a week.
Yep, mine don't seem to be the friendliest, actually a little spookish and shy - but they are smarties. From what I've seen they do tend to be on the lower end of the pecking order with other breeds. The poofy cheeks, beards, plummage and those PRETTY eggs do have much to reccomend them. I plan on keeping more.
We got six Easter Eggers two weeks ago today :) They were labeled as Araucana's too but after doing more research I'm about positive their actually Easter Eggers. Such cute little chicks aren't they?
Easter Eggers are awesome. My roo is such gentlemen, and the ladies mind him so sweetly. There is just nothing a pretty as their eggs.
They are adorable!The one chick is chipmunk striped with what I like to call cleopatra eye makeup around its eyes.It looks like a little owl when you look at her from the front,lol!! The other is a dark chocolate color and just as cute.
K. what's the difference between easter eggers and Araucana's? How can you tell?
Eater Eggers are a hybrid of Araucanas or Ameraucanas and other stock. Araucanas are pretty hard to find, usually only dedicated breeders will have them. Large hatcheries usually only have EEs, which are often mislabled as Aurancas or Ameraucanas. Auracanas have ear tufts instead of the EEs beard, and lay small blue eggs. EEs have the beard, and lay blue, green, or brown eggs. I happen to be a huge fan of EEs, they are colorful, friendly, healthy birds, and who doesn't like getting blue or green eggs?
We have been raising chickens since 2009, but this is the 1st year that we ordered a couple of EEs. Can't wait to see how cute they are and then what color eggs they lay.
I have a very calm bird who was sold to us as an Ameuracauna, but lays light brown eggs and looks like an EE. She flies very well, but has only ever left the yard once when she was tiny and squeezed through the fence. Her personality may have something to do with the fact that she's had West Nile and is brain damaged...
Im starting my 2nd flock and would like to have 4 ee but Im in K.C. having a hard time trying to find somewhere I can just get 4....because Im get 20 more, and Im getting black barred rock, Rhode Island, Black pullets Astrolop and americanas (Which I believe do lay colored eggs right) and brown leghorn, but the one hatchery I keep calling near me will not return my call, and I dont wanna wait much longer for the Easter Eggers, I know I can order but dont want 25...any suggestions.
Agree with you about their personalities. It seems our two week-old EE chicks are the calmest, easiest to catch, and friendliest chicks in our flock of 13. They will actually go to sleep in your hands!
I agree also, ours started a bit skittish but now are the ones who want to be sitting on your hand and carried into the house by the kids. Very curious gals.
I hope to have as good natured birds as you seem t have. I'm just starting my flock. I picked up to Amereraucana's yesterday and had a 3rd coming with 8 other breeds Mother's day week. Just in time to rotate the brooder. My two little ones already seemed to bond (one more than the other) by the end of yesterday. My hubby is touching them to so they will get used to being handled. They kept peeping later in the day, maybe they missed all of the others. When ever I went in and started talking to them they quieted down and came over to rub against my hand.

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Chicken Breeds
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4.36 star(s) 403 ratings

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