

Black Star and Red Star are trade names used for hybrids of two other recognized breeds, not...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Bears confinement well,Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Black and
Breed Size
Large Fowl
Black Star and Red Star are trade names used for hybrids of two other recognized breeds, not itself an APA recognized breed. They are one of many hybrids more commonly called Red Sex-Linked or Black Sex-links.

Typically a red male chicken breed is crossed with a white or barred female to breed them.

Crossing a Rhode Island Red male and a Delaware female makes a Red Star. By crossing a Rhode Island Red male and a Barred Plymouth Rock female, a Black Star is created.

Latest reviews

Terrible Breed!!!
Pros: NOTHING!!!
Cons: Die at 1 year old
Start laying soon but die
Prone to health problems
Practically factory made!
I am really NOT impressed with the ISA Brown chickens or any related forum of them.
Wouldn't Buy Again
Pros: Solid layers the first year
Cons: Aggressive to flock mates, have issues laying after year 2, health problems
The Red Stars are my least favorite breed that I currently have. Sure, they laid great their first two years. However, I have one that continuously lays a soft egg and no amount of calcium or calcium pills have helped. I'm seriously considering culling her, due to her bullying nature. They are incredibly aggressive to other members of the flock. The high rate of egg production is just not worth the amount of issues that they have.
Purchase Date
Feb 2020
The star of the show
Pros: Sweet
good layers
good 4 kids
Cons: Not always nice 2 hens
molts a lot
Ruby, our hen is adorbs! we love her a lot. She clucks and squacks a lot. Pretty loud.


I love the red stars. I have five of them now and even with the shorter days I am still getting four eggs a day from them. My other breeds have all but stopped laying.
Agree 99.9% with you. The only "con" with my one Red star is that she is not totally good at foraging, but since she started laying (August or September), she has only missed 2 or 3 days! With out a doubt I am getting another this spring. :)
by far the best egg layers i have ever owned better than my leghorns . started early lay extra large or jumbo eggs and mine have just turned 2 and still 5 to 6 eggs per week. mine are the best foragers they will get out early and scratch for a lot of thier food.calm dispostiions . if you just want lots of brown eggs these are the chickens for you.
I'm thinking of getting some Red Star or Cinnamon Queen next yr. They are suppose to be good layers of large eggs
They are, my dozen started laying all in the same week about 2 months ago and havent missed a day after that week!! NICE BIG EGGS
WE have red star roos (sent as "extras" from the hatchery). WHhen they've been aggressive, we have the person involved hold them upside-down for 4-5 seconds. Does the trick, shows them their place, and ends the aggression.
I have had this thing too i really don't know how to fix it. my mom said that you should just let the rooster out and keep the girls in because the rooster stays around the hens. :)
Were your pullets actually 19 "weeks" old when you got them? If they were 19 mths they would have been laying when you took them home and it would only take a day or two for them to acclimate to new surroundings. If they were 19 weeks, they would have started laying in a couple or three more weeks at the most.

I agree with you that the gold star hybrids are excellent layers and very easy birds to care for. I plan on trying to breed some next spring, I have Rhode Island White hens and Rhode Island Red Roosters that should produce an excellent Gold hybrid. The Gold Hybrids have several names, Gold Stars, Cinnamon Queens, Golden Comets, and several others. I'm going to name mine LoneOak Golds!
Do you think these would be easy to introduce to my one chicken? She needs some friends and since she is a little crippled I would like some that are very laid back..thanks, NeeCee
My Red Stars are the friendliest chickens I have and they lay almost every day. The eggs are normally in the 2-3 oz range. i have gotten 2 eggs that were almost 4 oz. Jumbo eggs are common for them.
How does this score system work. I tried to give 5 stars not 3.
I was going to say, although short, sounds very positive. The corresponding score does not matchup? But whatever, it sounds like you had success!
Neither of my two red stars are as pushy as some of my other breeds, although one likes to peck at my finger if she does not want to picked up. I think that they are beautiful birds. The other one has the prettiest brown-red color and is probably the most friendly chicken I have. They lay almost everyday and their eggs are huge. My sweet husband said he wishes I had a coop full of them. :)
Wait just a minute....how in hell do you get burned if you are buying a sex-linked chick?Perhaps someone should do a bit of homework before they go shopping! lololol
All the Red Stars I've had are pretty hard on each other. Even free-ranging and having plenty of food and water and space, they pick each other up pretty bad. They were too hard on my young Rhode Island Red pullets. That is, until the Rhodies got big enough to back them Stars down :)

I'm not a huge fan of the Star. They are good layers but not exceptionally so. They dry up much faster than the Rhodies do and they are a lot more fragile in my experiences.
Mine were called "Red Sex-Links", but from my research they are half RIR and are what people call "Red Stars", soooooo.

I have been trying to introduce a 2 month old flock into the Red/Black Sex-Link flock, which is 3 months old, and man 'o man those reds are a mean bunch! I'm slowly allowing the bigger ones into the run when the younger ones are in there. Lots of hateful noises happening and one main hen (I suppose my lead hen) goes after one, then another, until I intervene and chase her out of the run. I'm doing this every day and each day she's getting less and less violent with them. She does NOT like me running her out of HER run :) Too bad, so sad!

I love their personalities with me and while they are not 'touchy feely' birds, they will come to me when I "chick, chick, chick" and are starting to follow me around in the yard. I hope they lay well and if so, I wouldn't be opposed to owning more.

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Chicken Breeds
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4.36 star(s) 160 ratings

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