

Dominique Chickens have endured a long and rich history. First developed by the Colonists, they...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly, Easily handled, Calm, Bears confinement well, Quiet, Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Correct Dominique barring is not quite black on not quite white, and the bars are staggered, rather than the parallel and sharply contrasting black and white barring of the Barred Rock.
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Dominique also known as Dominicker or Pilgrim Fowl, originated in the USA during the colonial period. It is considered America's oldest breed of chicken, likely descending from chickens brought to New England from southern England during colonial times. By the 19th century, they were very popular and were raised in many parts of the country. Dominiques are a dual purpose breed, being valued for their table bird qualities as well as for their brown eggs. In earlier times, their feathers were much sought after as stuffing for pillows and mattresses.

After the Plymouth Rock breed was developed from the Dominiques in the 1870s, the Dominiques' popularity declined, and by the 1950 they were so rare, they were considered nearly extinct. During the 1970s, Dominiques were listed in "Critical" status with fewer than 500 breeding birds in North America. However, due to a revival of interest in them and other rare breeds, the Dominiques have made a comeback and are now listed on the "Watch" list, indicating lesser danger of extinction.

Dominique eggs

Dominique chics

Dominique juvenile

Dominique hen

Dominique rooster

To learn more about this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chicken-breed-focus-dominique.1103078/

Latest reviews

Long lasting layers
Pros: Calm, good egg production
Cons: Medium eggs
I really don't have a bad thing to say about this breed because 1) they exceeded expectation as backyard layers (2) I don't have much experience with chickens.

My spouse and I got 6 chicks which all survived and thrived in the heat of Birmingham, AL. The chickens did well in a SMALL backyard with the exception of a few escapes before having their wings clipped. We enjoyed watching the chickens scratch in the yard. On days when we were home, we'd let them into the unfenced front yard and they always stayed close. They always produced plenty of eggs for us, and we frequently gave eggs away by the dozen. The girls lived and produced eggs well into their fifth year before we had to give them away.

I'd happily take them again.


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Pros: Calm, friendly, will roost on your arm, smaller comb than barred rock
Cons: Slightly smaller than barred rock
Pros: Tame, loving, kind, sweet, and pretty feather patterns
Cons: None that I can think of off the top of my head
Dominiques. They're gorgeous. Their feather pattern is white and black, making a beautiful chicken. Don't forget the chicks, though! They have little white caps on their heads until they grow in their adult feathers, and it is adorable! Everyone should get a Dominique, for eggs and beauty.
Theres not a better breed of chickens to have around if you raise chickens for meat and eggs. Their feed to egg ratio is excellent and they adore children- even the roosters!


OK...what's more...I don't think you have a chicken problem but rather a neighbor problem. If they could mind their own business, you wouldn't feel so stressed and prepared to take it out on the lovely chicky.!!!! Tell the neighbors to Bugger off!!! Or give them some eggs and give the bird time to mature.
None of mine are "cuddly." But I have 3 since March and they let me pet them and they suffer my closeness. The Easter egger kinda follows me around -- my FIRST egg layer; not sure I want cuddly chickens; like having them comfortable w/my presence tho' and not run the other way. Then I got a pr of leghorns in May and they keep getting out even after I cut wings--and they tolerate me as well; then an Olive Egger & barred rock and they're skittish -- had for a month plus--now I have the two marans and they're bigger than last two and they're two peas in a pod but I've only had them a few days. I am such a rookie--and they are a TON of work but very entertaining and tho' I'm 75 I'm enjoying the enrichment of animal husbandry in my dotage and hope I can continue raising these colorful girls.
Good luck!!
I'm sorry to hear about your hen. We have 5 Dominiques. Most of them are very friendly, although if they think that they are due a snack and you don't produce one, they will peck at your legs until it hurts. LOL They are usually great layers, but after this fall's molt, they haven't produced one egg. They are not yet 2 yrs old. It was a big molt, so maybe they are still building their bodies back up.
Be careful where you get your stock. So many contemporary flocks are bastardized with Bard Rock genetics and it shows in several areas of their phenotype.
I inherited a Dominique roo when I moved into my place, and he was a most handsome fellow. His previous owner said he had been a very sweet and docile rooster until he survived a fox attack, and "then he turned vicious." When I moved in he stayed very very far away from me, but once he became comfortable having me around, he started stalking and attacking me. I had never owned a chicken and I was terrified of him. I bought more pullet chicks, and one of them matured into a Roo. The Dominique fell ill over the summer, his comb darkened, and after a month or two of hot weather, he died. I didn't think it at the time, but now I'm wondering if his rose comb did not help him with heat dissipation in the hotter months. I like rose combs for our cold winters, but nowadays I might take extra care to cool them off in the summer.
I've got three Dominque chicks right now. One of them is my favorite chick out of all that I have. Only six weeks old and she'll jump right out of the brooder onto my lap for petting. All three of them have been the most curious and outgoing of the bunch (of 21 chicks) so it's great hearing all these wonderful things about the breed when they're mature as well!
May I put it another way? The Barred Rock is similar to the Dominique breed since the doms were here first. I actually like the B. Rocks but they wouldn't make a pin feather on a Dominique's "Pope's Nose". LOLOLOL

I have 50 Doms coming again, to arrive on 9/23/16 and I'm worse than an excited kid.

I had better check..they might be being shipped on that date.....jajajajajajajaja
Love your comments. We have only 4 chickens and one is a Dom. She is my husbands favorite and is certainly a charmer. She also pecks shoes if you aren't turning the garden dirt over fast enough so she can swipe worms....but the B O's do that too. The Dom, however, is the first to get into trouble and show the others how to follow her into it. If they decide to leave the yard to visit neighbors---it is she who is the instigator. This is so fun to read others' comments.
Can anyone tell me if they've ordered from Cackle Hatchery, especially any Dominiques, Rhode Island Reds or Golden Comets, Buff Orpingtons, White Rocks, Barred Rocks, Wyandottes, or Easter Eggers? I got a batch of Black Australorps from Chickens from Backyards (which has great service) that are extremely skidish and unfriendly. Also, if I get any new breeds again, I want to try to make sure that are somewhat friendly, fairly docile and/or at least will fit well in a mixed flock without much aggression (allowing for a normal pecking order of course) and be easy to handle.
We love our Trixie and Bernadette. Trixie somehow is smaller than all of our other chickens, even Bernadette. They are the last to learn or do something in our flock. Very sweet!
Love your comments. We have only 4 chickens and one is a Dom. She is my husbands favorite and is certainly a charmer. She also pecks shoes if you aren't turning the garden dirt over fast enough so she can swipe worms....but the B O's do that too. The Dom, however, is the first to get into trouble and show the others how to follow her into it. If they decide to leave the yard to visit neighbors---it is she who is the instigator. This is so fun to read others' comments.
I love your post!! You've described my Dom hen perfectly! She is also the most vocal of my 4 hens, first to the treats, the best flier (and escapist), was the first to lay and gives me an egg almost every day. Big personality in this one.
Your question is from June 2017 but you asked if anyone ordered from Cackle Hatchery. I have just got in 19 chicks from that hatchery on April 2, 2019. All arrived safely and in good health. I got some Dominiques, Easter Eggers, NH Red, Welsummer, and a Barnevelder rooster. I actually ordered only 15 and they sent 4 extra birds. From what I can make out from the invoice, the extras were an extra Easter Egger female, and extra NH Red female, an extra Welsummer male and an extra Barnevelder male. They have not been good at communication by phone, and only mildly better by email, but the birds are splendid.
I have 2 pullets in a mixed flock, they are calm and friendly easy to hold and tame and get along well with my other breeds.
We got our day-old chicks from a local farm store here in Oregon. Their famous “Chicken Lady” who is in her 80s and been working with poultry for 50+ years suggested that we get a Dominique instead of a Barred Rock. “Much nicer!!” she told us. New to keeping chickens, we followed her advice and this little gal is one of the sweetest and most tolerant birds in the flock. She’s kind of petite, but despite reading otherwise she was the first to lay at 19 weeks!! Mellow, gentle, easy to handle. I would definitely get more in the future. Love this little one!!

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