Search results for query: trimming+polish

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  1. FattySmough

    Attention all polish chicken owners...when and how should I trim crests?

    Hello! I have a 11 week old buff laced polish and a 12 week old white crested black polish. They are very friendly and very pretty, but there's one problem...they can't see! I want to at least trim the buff laced polish, as her crest is the fullest and she has a beard further obstructing her...
  2. 2

    Polish crest trimming

    So maybe I’m not good at navigating the forums. 😐 but I had a question. I have 2 buff laced polish. And it seems I had a problem with a bored pullet. And she pulled some of my polish’s crest out. I’m treating her now. 2 questions. 1. Should I trim the crest just around the eyes, and if someone...
  3. littleprairiefarm

    polish chickens eye feathers trim?

    im new to polish chickens. i had no idea what the chicks i got were...they were marked as mixed bantum pullets Their headfeathers are getting out of control. Kramer (Seinfeld) cant see much. any advice about trimmimg around eyes? Kramer is now the flower like chick and the rest are needing a...
  4. S

    Polish Chickens with mixed flock

    Good morning all! Three questions about POLISH HENS. With a mixed flock how long did it take to inter-grate your polish with other chickens? And do you trim their little mop tops? And lastly how do they fair in the weather? I have been reading they don’t do well outdoors in cold climates...
  5. K

    Age for trimming Polish chick’s crest?

    I have 3 Polish chicks that are just over a month old. Their crests are already affecting their vision and I would like to start trimming them now to hopefully avoid any issues beginning with the other chicks as well as getting them used to it now while they are easy to handle. Is it a problem...
  6. DoeAndGander

    Polish cockerel - trim feathers?

    This is Sprite, my Polish Sizzle cockerel. He has yet to show any aggression but as you can see, I have yet to trim the feathers around his eyes. Sounds a bit mean, but should I intentionally keep the feathers a little longer to hinder his vision during potential attacks?! Or am I thinking about...
  7. ProfCraig

    Do you Trim Head feathers on Polish chickens?

    We have four young Polish chickens that were given to us. They will soon be integrated with the larger flock of older chickens and we are worried that since they can’t see very well—and are skittish because of that— they will suffer in the pecking order process. We have large layers—no pets or...
  8. sharrann

    Question about Polish

    Has anyone out there had experience with trimming feathers around Polish chickens eyes so they can see better? If so, are there tips to doing it correctly? Does it make a difference? We have some that run into everything.
  9. ChickenGirl555

    Calling All Polish Owners For Trimming Advice!

    I am getting some polish chicks this spring, and I want to be prepared for trimming their head so they don't injure themselves. Any advice on how/where to trim so I don't hurt them would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  10. lewlew

    Trimming polish poof question

    Hi.. So my Polish hen's poof is keeping her from being able to see much and I wanted to trim it around her eyes to help her. Does it matter how short I trim? I don't want to cut too short and it bleed or anything.
  11. ffemtjacque

    Polish Feather Trimming

    Hopefully I put this in the correct thread, please redirect if not. We have our first Polish hen. Doe the feathers around the eyes need trimmed so she can see? If so, any tips?
  12. Serenity06

    Polish Crest Trimming

    This is my first time with a polish chicken, and I've heard they have seeing problems because of their crest. I was wondering how to tell if one can't see. What do you use to trim it, and how short? Hattie is only 7 weeks old, and I can already tell she's going to need a trim soon.
  13. KelsT

    How close the the base of feathers can I trim a Polishes Crest?

    I don't want to hurt her i tried trimming a little but i just don't know how much I can take off with out hurting her.... She is getting badly picked on and cant find the other polish so ends up by herself all the time or surrounded by the chickens that pick on her. I am about to try to...
  14. Jacobt

    Polish chicken gender/ feather trimming. Please help!

    Hi, we have a silver laced polish, who is about 10 weeks old. Her head feathers are out of control and she clearly has trouble seeing. We tried to clip the head feathers but she just won't keep her head from moving. Is there anything else we can do to her? Thanks. Also we think she is hen. Is...
  15. Chickenclucker

    Trimming Polish Crest...

    My polish hen babushka always ends up dipping her head feathers in the water and then the food and dirt, it ruins her beautiful crest and it always looks ... I have read a couple threads about people trimming the head feathers and it is probably what I will do but I want to see pictures of...
  16. OHhappychicks

    trim your polish???

    Does anyone ever give their polish a trim? We were wanting to do this, as they can't seem to see things unless it is right in front of them. We lost one to the dog, who is tied up. I'm sure she couldn't see him as she roamed into his territory. She was not used to being out as the other...
  17. kara_leigh

    Trimming a Polish's crest?

    Is there a way, or is it even possible, to trim the feathers in a Polish's crest? If not, maybe I could put it up in a ponytail? LOL Seriously. My SLPC Cricket is having a hard time seeing. I know that is a hazard of the breed, but I'm worried about her getting snatched up by a hawk or...
  18. gwenakinyi

    trim Polish Hen crown feathers?

    We have two buff-laced Polish hens--one is named The Swedish Chef, because her head feathers are SO huge and full she just bounces around blindly. But the issue is the blindness. She can find the feeder, and she can find grass, but she can't find anything else. If I throw scratch on the ground...
  19. sally4500

    Does anyone have a pic of their trimmed Polish hen's head feathers??

    I trimmed mine back a bit because she could obviosly not see well. I am too nervous to get too close to her eyes. I am just curious to see how others trim their hens so I can do the same with mine. She still has a hard time finding her way and wonder if I am not trimming enough. Thanks.
  20. smom1976

    polish trim..

    well I trimmed my polish yesterday.. and one.. well lets just say I am not a hair stylist by trade.. not even close. I thought I had finished looked at her and saw that she was a little lopsided so I cut a little more of the other side. well that is a down hill spiral needless to say I even...
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